Noah Gragson

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A/N Also for xangoddess and I still luh you, you my fave

"Wait, wait! Paris!" Noah shouted as I slipped, letting out a girly squeal as I plummeted down on the ice. I groaned, scrunching up my nose as Noah stood above me, trying to muffle his laughs. "I told you not to try to do a trick when you can't even stand up on skates.

"I told you I can't ice skate." I snapped back as he bent down, trying to help me up but each time it seemed my sates would just chaf the ice like a frickin cheese grater. "I am done. I give up. Bring me home, I'm a failure."

"Baby, you're not a failure. It's hard." He laughed as he secured his hands under my armpits and struggled to help me up. Somehow I got up and grasped onto his arms.

"No, Let me go, I'll crawl off the ice. This was a waste of time, sweat, and money. Let's go." I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"Don't be so negative." He laughed. "I'll help, c'mon." He ushered me to the side where there was a rail for horrible skaters such as me. This was possible for a person of my... species. We're clumsy, and we trip over oxygen 25/8. And we're overdramatic.

"I'm telling you, you'll just fall down with me." I warned.

"Then I fall down." He laughed, his smile wide. I looked up and grinned as he watched my feet, one hand on my lower back and the other holding my hand. "Look, you're pretty much doing it!" He cheered overenthusiastically.

"Babe, you're pushing me, all I'm doing is clinging onto you and the wall." I told him and he laughed.

"You're not on the ice, so you're improving." He smiled widely. I rolled my eyes. "Okay, I'm gonna let you go, and--" As he let me go I made it a point to be as overdramatic as I could and fall to the ground, my feet clanking against the wall and my shoulder hitting the ice. He tumbled down with me as my leg accidentally knocked his out from under him. "Dammit!" He laughed, looking over to me. "Are you okay, Paris?"

"Are you okay?" I asked him, rolling my eyes as I propped myself up on my arm. "I am so much better at Netflixing."

"Netflix and chill isn't an excersze." Noah rolled his eyes as he pushed himself to his feet and held out his hand. I smirked up at him, narrowing my eyes and shrugged.

"It could be." He parted his lips and scoffed as he pulled me to my feet.

"You are so dirty."

"You kinda love it." I teased and he rolled his eyes with a grin.

"I kinda do." He slowly let me go again and I glared.

"You're gonna make me fall again?" I whined and he shook his head.

"No, see? You're doing it." He smiled and I rolled my eyes as I clung to the wall. 

"Whatever, showoff." I muttered ashe skated backwards, pretending to do the moonwalk.

"Hey, you kinda love it." He mimicked me. I grinned and shrugged.

"Kinda do, yeah." I watched as he circled back around.

"Hey, babe, watch this." He smiled as he spun, his feet stumbling a bit as he spun in a tight circle.

"Badass. Blown away. Shocked, impressed, really." I nodded sarcastically as he stopped at the wall, going as fast as he could one way and he tried skidding to a stop only he panicked and crashed into the wall and fell to the ice. I muffled a laugh as he groaned. "Damn, that was impressive." I teased, waiting for his sarcastic remark-- except for it never came. "Hey, Noah?" I called, but he didn't answer. "Babe?" Panic overwhelmed me as I hurried over, pushing off the wall and stumbling a bit. "Noah?" I asked again, more frantically as I dropped to my knees beside him. All the sudden he turned over and grinned widely. 

"You did it!" He yelled causing me to jump. I dropped my jaw at him as he pushed himself up. "Babe! You did it, Paris, you skated!"

"You idiot!" I slapped him and he laughed. "I thought you were hurt! That wasn't funny!" I pouted and slapped him again.

"Oh, come on. It was a little funny." He shrugged and I shook my head.

"No it wasn't! Why would you getting hurt be funny?" I pouted and he laughed as he grabbed my hands, lacing out fingers together.

"Aww, I love you too."

"Shut up." I muttered and shook my head.

"At least you didn't fall, that'd be kinda hilarious." He snorted and I scoffed and shoved him down, leaning over him with my hands placed on either side of his head.

"You're a jerk." I muttered and leaned down, kissing him gently.

"You're gorgeous."

"Shut up." I chuckled, feeling a blush creep across my cheeks as I kissed him again. 

A/N All these are short and horrid, so ya welcome

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