Love Triangle: Chase Purdy | Harrison Burton TWO

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Short epilogue for y'all. I'm prepared for your riots. Sorry for the sparse and out of order updates! DM ME YOUR REQUESTS IF YOU DID AND ARE STILL WAITING! FIRST COME FIRSE SERVE! YOU WILL MORE THAN LIKELY NOT GET YOUR REQUESTS UNTIL YOU DM ME!


She bit her lip before typing up a text.

Hi... tomorrow I want to talk. I care about you. Text me tomorrow

Then another,

Hey, we've gotta talk. Please call me tomorrow, I made a decision.

Pressed send, and was happy with who she picked

~~~ 2 months later ~~~

Keely purses her lips as she stood in the team garage around her boyfriends coworkers. She was awaiting his return to her after his drivers meeting, curious as to when he'd show up. Her small smile grew as her eyes danced over the garage. Her heart skipped when she saw a photo of them together, her brushing her finger against it.

It was a great memory, and one of the only pictures of herself that she enjoyed— all because of the toxically handsome smile on his face. She adored him, she really truly did.

She stepped back partially from the counter when the door swung open. Her smile widened as Chase walked in, smile wide and hair a mess. "Hey," she spoke up and Chase grinned at her, rushing toward her.

"Hey hot stuff." He teAsed, clicking his tongue and winking. Keely ignored him with a playful roll of her eyes and leaned back against the counter, tipping her head to the side.

"Excuse you, sir? That's no way to greet a lady." She winked and Chase snickered, shaking his head as he eyed her up and down.

"Yes ma'am." He ran his tongue over his top row of teeth in attempt to look attractive— when in reality he looked like a fool— but he didn't care. Neither did she as she burst out laughing and brushed her hair back, wrapping the boy in a tight hug.

"How are you doing?" She asked and he shrugged.

"Great." He muttered sarcastically as the door opened and shut again.

"Not this," Harrison muttered, eyes turning sad and bottom lip jutting out slightly in a pout. Keely rolled her eyes and stepped back from Chase who still wore a cocky smirk.

"Something wrong Burton?" Keely marched over to her boyfriend, laughing softly as she leaned up and pecked his lips gently. Harrison kissed back, the false pout falling as he kissed her. He laced their hands together and pulled her into his side.

"Ready for date night?" He teased excitedly, ignoring Chase's heavy gaze on them.

"Absolutely." She beamed and stepped back, dragging her boyfriend with her. "See ya, Chase."

"Bye, Keely." He sighed, watching the —in love— couple strut away in each other's arms. Chase bit his lip as his smile fell, solemnly glancing at the photo of them together.

Harrison got the girl.

Chase was broken.

With a heavy sigh, he stepped back away from the photo and ran a hand through his already messy hair and walked out of the garage. He was sure not to look toward her, in fear he'd be caught in one of his longing gazes.

Because at this point, she was over  him completely.


Don't forget !!

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