Ryan Blaney

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For ravenkicks. Thanks for being so patient and caring <3 I appreciate it. Thanks for the request and I apologize for any mistakes. xoxo


For the past 3 or 4 years, Jarrett, my boyfriend, has been hurting me. It's a fact I like to ignore, and nobody knows. It's left me to deal with a whole lot, all by myself. Today Jarrett had gone off, probably to drink and return with a sudden anger toward me. Force me into things again. I was sitting in an old ripped up recliner I had picked up at a yard sale when we first moved into this drastically depressing apartment.

I curled my legs under me, biting my lip nervously as I thought about the terror I'd have to deal with tonight. Tears sprung to my eyes and I hung my head in shame and fear. Tears slipped from my eyes as sobs slipped from my lips, my shoulders bouncing as the soft, helpless sobs racked my body. My phone rang in my lap and I quickly pulled my hand from my face and looked to the caller ID. I huffed and wiped my tears before clearing my throat and answering the call. I pulled my phone to my ear and breathed in slowly, steadying my breath to the best of my ability.

"Ryan? Hey, what's going on?" My voice broke, but I was fairly certain I did a good job at hiding my previous meltdown.

"H-- What's wrong?" Apparently not.


"Mhmm-hmm. Tell me, Lane." So I broke down, tears flooding down my face as I told him everything. In a way, a weight was lifted off of my shoulders but in another way, I felt so terrible for putting that burden on him. "Just wait for me, okay?" He said softly, his voice a mere octave above a whisper. And so I did, and somehow, just like every other time I was upset and I told Ryan, he showed up at Jarrett and I's rundown apartment. 

He burst through the door, and I jumped to my feet. He engulfed me in a tight hug and I started to cry again, softly. He rubbed my back and whispered reassuring things into my ear. After a few minutes, he pulled back, brushing my hair aside and dipping his head to peer into my eyes. "How long until he's back?"

"I don't know," I told him honestly. "He never tells me."

"Then let's hurry. You're not staying here, not another minute." Ryan helped me pack up before ushering me out of the apartment and into his car. He held my hand during the ride to his apartment, a few stray tears falling from my already swollen eyes. He smiled warmly as we walked up to his place. I finally felt content.

6 months later

I watched as Ryan walked around the kitchen, his shirt discarded to one of the kitchen chairs and grey joggers resting low on his hips. He walked back and forth from the counter to the stove then rounded around to the fridge all while singing horrible and fake playing drums with the silverware in his hands. I sat at the kitchen table, waiting for the food he promised to cook for me. 

My thoughts have cleared a lot lately. I've been able to think and breathe without fear and learned to laugh again. He made me laugh when I never thought I could even smile. He comforted me when I needed it and he was just always there-- even when he was racing. He checked in on me over the radios. I was quickly growing dependant on him, slowly learning to fall for him. But that scared me. I carry so much baggage from my last relationship I would never, ever want to put that burden on such a sweet man like Ryan.

But I couldn't help what my heart wanted. I couldn't help who I fell for--or was falling for. "And... nuh-nuh-na-nuh, blah, blah... How does that go?" He laughed at himself, shaking his head before throwing the fork down onto the counter and running his hand through his hair. "What.... blah-blah.... blah..." He hummed and nodded his head. "Damn it, that's gonna piss me off. Okay. SO-- Ner..na-ner-ner. Ba-dun-dun-dun-da! Fu--"

"Relax, Ryan." I laughed softly, my hands wrapped around my glass of water. He turned to me and groaned. "Your weird noises aren't translating to anything."

"Huh. That hurt my feelings." He muttered and held his hand over his heart like I really struck a nerve.

"I mean, it was beautiful. Very.... humbling."

"That's what I'm talking about!" He smirked. I smiled back and sighed softly before looking back down to my glass of ice-water. His smirk faltering. "What's up? You look... like you're thinking."

"Yeah, people do that sometimes. Try it, maybe."

"No thank you."

"Okay." He set down the spoon he held and turned off the stove burner. 

"Seriously, what's up?" He asked, his arms crossing over his bare chest. My eyes traced his muscles, then over the tattoo on his chest. I sighed and shrugged.

"Nothing really. I've just... been thinking a lot. I'm sorry, Ryan. Six months ago...I wouldn't have ever thought about being happy. Now I am."

"You're welcome." He replied smartly before walking over and dragging the other kitchen chair over in front of me. He plopped down and motioned for me to continue. "What else?"

"I don't even know." I leaned back and shook my head, going to place my hands in my lap. He caught them and pulled my sleeves back to properly hold my hands.

"If you lie to me, I'll cry." I snorted and shook my head.

"It's not appropriate for me to say. It's ridiculous, I'm.... I.. I don't--"

"Stop saying you don't know, Lane." He laughed and scooted closer, leaned down a little as his thumbs gently caressed my hands. "You know, I know you."

"I know." I huffed and pulled my hands free. "Ryan... the truth is, I like you. Y-you know, like..." I stopped. "I care about you. A lot, you saved me from a terrible thing and I appreciate it... So much. But I-"

"That's weird." He cut me off, smiling. "I like you too." He offered me a toothy grin. "I'm glad I could help you. But-- ironically enough, don't make up 'buts'. Just let it be." He grinned, clasping his hands around mine. "Let's try this. Huh? What do you say?" He smiled.

"Really?" I asked hesitantly.

"100% serious." I beamed widely, my smile vibrant as he squeezed my hands.


3 Years later

"Baby, come here," Ryan huffed. I rolled my eyes as I shut the fridge and set down a juice box. I rounded the corner of our home and set my hands on my hips as I watched sweet Eliza Elizabeth pull at his curly hair with a frustrated look as he held Ryan Chase in his lap. I laughed softly and shook my head. A while after Ryan and I started dating, he had proposed. We got married in Wallace, NC, a beautiful ceremony, when the night before the wedding I took a pregnancy test. I had gotten pregnant with Eliza, and 9 months into the marriage, Ryan and I had our first child.

Not too much later after, I had gotten pregnant again with our handsome some Ryan (Jr.) Wasn't my first choice, but the friendship Chase (Elliott) and Ryan held was so beautiful and blossomed throughout these past few years truly grew to great lengths. And here we are, in our large, beautiful home in North Carolina with out two beautiful children.

"Eliza, are you hurting daddy?" I huffed and scooped the child in my arms. She babbled, hands grasping my hair as I sat back down beside Ryan, setting Eliza in my lap and sighing softly as Ryan slipped one arm around my shoulders as Ryan Chase leaned back on his chest sleepily. 

Ryan sighed heavily, kissing my head. "You remember, way back when before you moved in with me?" He asked softly, his voice soft as the kids settled in tiredly. I hummed as I shut my eyes, leaning my head on his shoulder. "seeing you with him, it sucked. I loved you even way before I knew I loved you. I bugged you nonstop, felt like I was in the spotlight when I'd see you post pictures of you two together." He paused a minute, hand caressing my arm. "When you called me that night, I'd never been so passionate about helping someone." He kissed my head and squeezed me close. "I love you, you know that?"

"I love you too," I whispered softly and looked up at him with a slight smile. He kissed me softly and rested his forehead on mine. 

The world had stopped the chaos, and finally, I felt safe, content, happy. I had a beautiful family, a loving husband, and a perfect state of mind. What more could I ask for?

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