Kasey Kahne

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Can I just say... THANK YOU! I freaking love Kasey haha he and Tanner are the actual cutest. Thanks for the request, AdrianaCenzano! You're the MVP. I hope this was okay and I hope you enjoy haha

Also, there are probably a lot of mistakes and I truly apologize.


Adriana smiled at the happy toddler before her, bouncing around, gently pounding his cars against the table. Her legs were folded beneath her, a race car in her hand as she smiled and giggled at the baby. Tanner bounced, bending his his knees and squealing as he mimicked the noise of a car and raced it off the tabe and high in the air.

"You won, good job bud." She sighed, raising her hand with a discouraged bow of her head. Tanner squealed and clapped, chanting "winner" as he high-fived the girl. "Victory circle!" She shouted and jumped up. Tanner knew what that meant and he jumped up, allowing the taller brown haired girl to lift him in the air. She rested the toddler on her hip, the two racing around the small coffee table they were racing on. 

"Winner, Dad, look, I'm a winner!" He chanted, raising his car in the air. Kasey smiled over at his son, his smile clearly forced as the shorter women before him in the kitchen part of the trailer . Samantha, Tanner's mother and Kasey's ex, looked furious with her former boyfriend. Hands on her hips, eyes piercing through the glasses she wore. Adriana smiled at Tanner, gently setting him down on the floor again and setting her car at their makeshift start/finish line. 

"Set us back up, bud." She nudged the kid. Tanner eagerly rest the cars and stuck his tongue out as he leaned at one end of the coffee table, leaning way down to see which was the shortest way around the small oval they created. 

"No, Kasey, she's not responsible enough to watch a 2-year old while you're out there racing for hours. No, I say no." Adriana's eyes darted over to the arguing people and her frown deepened. 

"You-- You're kidding me, right, look at her!" She quickly looked away and back to Tanner, cheeks blazing red. Her hand fell on one of the grey bands on her left wrist that read"James Canaryy Sr." and "Hope." She always fumbed with either that or the hair ties she kept on her right wrist simple because she gets nervous.  "She's been taking care of our son while you're too busy arguing about how terrible she is to. And It doesn't really matter what you think Sam. That stopped mattering when you left, remember?" He spat, turning away from the brunette as he shook his head. His bright blue eyes looked sad-- Kasey hates conflict. He hates arguing, he hates yelling, and he hates having bitter feelings. But he also hates how Sam get's controlling. 

Adriana looked up to Kasey, giving him a light smile. He smiled back softly and bent down beside Tanner, one hand landing on Adriana's shoulder. "Hey bud, I'm gonna head out. Race starts in half an hour, so be good for Adriana, okay?" He asked, giving his son a gentle kiss on the side of the head.

"Okay, dad, watch!" He urged, grabbing his car. "Come on," He urged Adriana. Adriana grabbed her car, laughing as she crawled up by the toddler. She placed her car by his and ignored how he inched forward before they started. They raced around and when Tanner won, he cheered and looked to Adriana, hands on his hips. "Victory." He muttered, the letters dulled to a childish murmur. She giggled softly and looked to Kasey, giving him a wide smile.

"Good luck, Kase. We'll be watching." She winked and he bent down, giving her a gentle kiss. 

"Thanks, behave Tan." He urged, pointing at his son with squinted eyes. Tanner looked to his father and narrowed his own eyes.

"We'll see." Adriana laughed, threw her arms out and smiled. 

"Victory circle." She smiled and lifted Tanner up. Samantha muttered something under her breath before storming out. She sighed heavily after giving Tanner his victory lap and the two set back up.


They played hard. Toys and food were littered around, her medium length brown hair pulled back in a funky ponytail (curisoy of Tanner) with a hat wrapped around it. She was pretty sure her square glasses were bent and they managed to only break one thing. It was just a toy, so that was great.

Tanner had sat down to watch the end fo the race as dusk broke and the lights were flipped on, and Adriana hurried up and cleaned the trailer. She made sure to make it spotless, better than when kasey and Sam left just so she could prove she was responsible enough. She and Tanner had a lot of fun, lots of trips around victory lane so her shoulders ached a bit, but hey, fun is fun. And-- things went great. 

After cleaning everything, she sat down beside a sleepy Tanner, who curled up in her side and the two finished the race.

Shortly after, a tired Kasey quietly walked into the trailer, brows furrowed. There was no loud giggles or clashing of a toddler-- there was no singing of a toddler's TV shows, and there was only soft snoring. He looked to the couch, smiling broadly at the sight of Adriana hugging Tanner close to her, a blanket splayed over the two as they sat facing the TV. They were both sound asleep, cuddling together. 

He set his hat down, unzipped his fire suit and sighed softly before jumping into the shower. After changing into sweatpants, he carefully carried Tanner to his room before returning to Adriana. He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead before scooping her up and carrying her to his room. 

"Good job tonight." She murmured sleepily, her eyes still shut as he gently set her on the bed. He snickered softly as he crawled under the sheets beside her, sliding an arm under her shoulders.

"You didn't even see the end." She turned on her side, curling up into him with her head on his chest. 

"I didn't need to." She stayed quiet for a minute before smiling widely. "Tanner is freaking adorable."

"I know."

"Also, we did just fine. So... Sam can...Samantha can get over herself." He laughed, gently kissing her head.

"Oh, I know." He laughed and she smiled and the two settled into the bed, falling asleep in a matter of minutes. 

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