Ricky Stenhouse Jr.

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A/N I'm still behind on requests, however, y'all already know imma have something cute for Chase. Congrats to that #9 team. Hell of a win.

With that being said, here is your imagine, iloveNiallLouisnLiam. Hope you enjoy <3 also, sorry for mistakes but THANK YOU for requesting <3 <3


Renea folded the onesie up into a small little bag and taped the top shut before grabbing her camera. Ricky had texted her minutes previously telling her that he was nearly home. That was her cue to finally get everything prepared. Besides her home-cooked meal (his favorite, of course), she nervously set the gift bag aside and bit her lip as she looked down at the screen on her phone. When the door opened, she pressed record and lifted it up, placing it strategically on the counter to face in front of her buy the door.

"Awww! Baby, did you make me dinner?" Ricky called after dropping his stuff off in their shared bedroom. She nervously rung her hands as he entered the kitchen, a grin on his face-- as always 

"Yeah, I figured why not, ya know" She nodded, brushing her hair behind her ear. He beamed excitedly and walked over, pressing a kiss to her cheek. 

"I love you, you know that, Renea?" He laughed and she chuckled. "What's that?" He motioned to the bag beside her. She handed it to him and took a half step back. 

"Open it and see." She shrugged with a smile. He hesitated before grabbing the bag and giving her an odd look.

"Does it bite?" She burst out laughing, chuckling as she covered her mouth with one hand, the other subconsciously falling on her stomach. 

"No, it doesn't bite." He laughed at himself along with her before setting his sweatshirt that was over one of his shoulders in one of the kitchen chairs and turning back to the bag. Ever so slowly, tantalizingly slow, he peeled the tape off the plain gift bag. Anxiety rose in her stomach, and nausea she felt from the pregnancy seemed to be at an all-time high. He pulled it open and took a peak, and after he saw it wasn't going to bite, he reached in. He pulled out the onesie and chuckled.

"Whatever it is is barely the size of a napkin." He teased and she laughed, chewing on her lip nervously. He unfolded the onesie, his eyes taking in the length, shape, then the writing on the front. I love my daddy is what it read. His eyes bugged out of his head, he dropped the onesie, and he turned to Renea. His eyes dropped from her excited and nervous eyes to her stomach. 

"We're pregnant?" He screamed. Literally screamed. 

"We're... pregnant." She reiterated before laughing at the word usage. Before she knew it, he engulfed her in a tight hug, then loosening. He dropped to his knees in front of her and pulled up her shirt, pressing kisses to her small tummy. She laughed and shook her head, pulling her phone out ad pointing it at him. "We're pregnant." She said again. He took the camera, stood to his full height, then shook the camera in his face.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" He screamed, laughing. His face was a little red, his eyes teary. "We're gonna be such good parents." He screeched. She turned the camera off before hugging him and laughing. "Oh my gosh, I can't wait. Wait-- we need to go shopping!" His face fell. "We're not ready! We need a crib, and more onesies, and bottles.... and toys. God we need toys, Renea! Toys!" She burst out laughing and reached out, hands on both his shoulders.

"We have months, Ricky. Relax." She chuckled and all the sudden he burst out laughing and hugged her again.

"I love you, Renea." He placed his had on her stomach and smiled. "You too." He said softly. Renea beamed and bit her lip before picturing her family in a few years. Her heart nearly exploded in happiness.

"And we love you."

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