Chase Elliott (2) - Babies

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For @betourneautumn, sorry for the wait but thanks for being understanding ❤️ short and sweet

Bailey laughed at the baby beside her that babbled on and on. Date night was cut short which meant that she and Chase could not go out to their very fancy and much needed date. Because of this, the very dolled up Bailey decided to make a nice home cooked meal for her boyfriend. No babysitter meant a nice family dinner.

Chase thought it was a wonderful idea, as he always liked to spend time with Ava who had since grown up a lot since his and Baileys very first date.

This home cooked meal consisted of a lot of Chase's favorite foods as well as Ava's. Bailey was always very considerate and that was one of the many reasons Chase fell in love with her. This love grew so strong that he began to think about the future and where his role would fit in for his girlfriend and her baby. He wanted to be a part of her life as well as the child's, and he was determined to do that on this particular night in her apartment by candlelight eating her home cooked meal. The meal that he wished to always come home to after a hard races and tough days.

Chase chuckled as Ava giggled in his direction. He couldn't wipe the sickeningly adorable smile off his face, which in turn, caused Bailey to giggle. She too adored this life. She wanted him in the future. She was just unaware of how to pursue her dreams, which of course, would always hopefully include him. Chase picked up Ava and set her on his lap, softly cooing sweet nothings in her ear.

He was already basically her father, as he treated her like a daughter and Bailey like his wife— but that was all on instinct.

Bailey joined them at the table and laughed as she shook her hair at the pair before her. "Glad you guys get along." She teased and Chase snickered at her, shaking his head.

"Me too," he smiled as he thought up how to progress the conversation. Not long after dinner and Ava got tired out from playing with her toys, the lovely couple gently lasted her down and put her to sleep before advancing to the living room.

Chase say first and pulled Bailey down beside him, pulling her up into his lap. "I've been thinking," he breathed, leaving a gentle kiss on her temple. "About Ava." Dread and worry filled the pit of Baileys stomach as she turned to Chase more, hands threatening to shake.

"What about her?" Worst case scenarios crossed her mind in every direction and she has no idea what to think. However, his gentle eyes and kind smile settled her stomach in the slightest way.

"I want her to have a father." Baileys brows drew together as he spoke. "I want to be her father." He clarified nervously. "I-I could adopt her, then legally she'd always have someone. I love her and I love you... and I want us to be a bit happy family and I don't want to rush into anything... but I want Ava to have someone." The smile that continuously grew on Bailey's face assured Chase, but his nerves didn't calm.


"Really." He nodded, eyes meeting hers. She beamed brightly, trying to conceal her happinees.

"I think... that, both Ava and I... would greatly appreciate that." This time his turn to say Really was echoed by her. They both laughed and encompassed each other in a hug, meeting in a kiss after.

"You're amazing, Bailey."

"You're Amazing, Chase." She laughed, kissing him again. All the sudden crying sounded. The two broke apart at the sound of a child shouting dada and look at each other a complete and utter shock. After this Chase jumped up with a beaming smile and rushed to his official daughters room with his girlfriend laughing almost to the point of tears and happiness.

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