Dale Earnhardt Jr.

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For CommentsByStarjumper... hope you enjoy, love <3<3 It's not my best but I wasn't sure what you were looking for, however it was a great request


I rolled my eyes as my dad made yet another dorky joke. He thought he was being funny but in reality he simply looked... for lack of a better word stupid. I sat on a chair that was backwards, straddling the back of it while I rested my chin on the back of the chair. I watched dad and Dale Jr. talk, occasionally laughing. Dad and Jr. are sort of friends, and Dad had told me to come to the little meeting because 1, it could be good for me to meet a new potential friend, and 2, he wanted me to meet Dale Sr.'s son.

Dad used to race with Dale Sr. He was Rick Talarico, and just so happened to get along with everybody. Literally, and probably because he was so generous. Normally, I hated it, but Dale Jr. didn't seem like he was one to take advantage of someone.

"Oh--pizza is done. I'll be back kids." Dad clicked his tongue and darted out of the room. I scoffed as I watched him go, throwing out my arms.

"He ordered pizza?" I asked exasperated. Dale laughed softly at me and shrugged as he watched him go.

"I didn't know he did, but apparently so." He hummed, leaning back against the wall. We were in the garage beside my dad's old car he was fixing up. Dale had drove over to our family garage to catch up, and my dad really loves making guests welcome apparently. "So, how is life after racing?" He teased and I raised a brow as he looked around. He meant after my dad retired... he never experienced it. Sorrow filled me and I slowly shrugged, deciding not to turn the moment somber.

"It sucks. All he talks about is racing Like he's... addicted or something. He speeds all the time, he buys car parts... Drives my mom and I nuts with present day racing lingo. I do watch the races with him sometimes, but it's a lot." I admitted, nodding with pursed lips. "I miss the free beer from sponsorship." Dale laughed, nodding as he looked back to her with a broad smile.

"Yes, those are what I'll miss." Both of us burst out laughing, me standing from my spot. 

"Speaking of, if you're staying for dinner, a beer won't hurt, yeah?" I asked and he hesitated before shrugging.

"Yeah, you're right." I walked over to the small fridge and took out two beers. I handed Dale one, him thanking me sweetly before we both returned back to our spots. 

"So how do you balance your personal life and work life?" I spoke up, popping the top of my beer before taking a sip. "Like.. I get the whole, 'work life is my personal life,' or 'racing is my whole life,' but where's the balance?"

"That's an interesting question." He sipped his beer as he thought. "I guess just that when I'm with family, racing become unimportant." He shrugged as he looked down, furrowing his brow. "Why do you ask?"

"Just because there was no line with my dad. I never thought that was the average case for a racer, he was just in deep." I shrugged, deciding to push personal limits. "What about relationships?"

"Like...my girlfriend?" He laughed. "Well, ex-girlfriend. We broke up a while ago. She didn't like balance I had I guess. She wanted more screen-time I think."" He laughed softly and I laughed.

"I hated going on the TV whenever Dad won. I loathed it, actually. People would point things out, and... I dunno, it just wasn't my thing."

"That's how I felt for a long time." He nodded, shrugging. "But the fans are what make the sport. I learned to love it." He nodded slowly, scrunching his nose as his accent-laced husky voice pressed more. "You seem awful interested in my personal life." He smiled broadly, raising a brow.

"Oh, ya know. Keeping conversation going, trying to be a decent person." I laughed with a smile. Dale chuckled softly, nodding.

"Fine. I'll return the favor....where is your balance with your boyfriend?"

"Oh, please. Boys love cars. I don't need a balance. It's a bonus for them that I like cars too. But no boyfriend. Jeez, Dale, if you wanted to know my relationship status, you could've just asked." I teased as I sipped my beer. I was kidding, joking around playfully, but his response killed me.

"I didn't need to when I can insinuate it and not look like a creepy stalker guy. Cats out of the bag, I think you're cute." I snorted, nearly choking on my beer causing him to burst out laughing. I rolled my eyes as I wiped my lips free of the alcohol that slipped out. 

"Thank you, I guess. Should I return the favor?" She teased, using his words against him. "You're not so bad yourself." The conversation needed short as my energetic father ran inside with a box of pizza in his hands.

"How you kids getting along?" He asked and Dale and I locked eyes.

"Oh...not so bad." Dale nodded, smirking slightly. I perked up, nodding.

"Yeah. Been a learning experience." I teased rising to my feet. "I'm gonna go, Dad." I shook my head and he gave her a look.

"You don't want pizza?"

"I have to go process somethings." I laughed, shaking my head before pointing at Dale.

"You owe me a proper drink, Dale. See ya," Dad didn't think anything of it and bid me goodbye all while Dale laughed and watched me go. I shook my head and ran a hand through my hair as  grinned widely and brushed my hair back off my shoulders. 

I guess you could say I was ecstatic to go get drinks, now.

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