William Byron

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This was super, super cute, omg. For the lovely cvrazon. Also, for those of you asking about the drama that happened a little bit ago, not sure about anyone else, but Katie and I are good. No hard feelings, things got figured out (And I know I don't owe Y'all an explanation, but I've given one anyway since minds run wild.) I'm in school now so I'm really stressed and busy but I'm trying


William Byron, the baby teammate on Rick Hendrick's (usually) consistent-in-competition team, was obviously no Debby-downer. He liked to have innocent fun... Fun consisting of board games and the occasional sweat-inducing Twister, and every once in a great while, if he was feeling particularly confident, a little dance to The Duck Song with the even younger relatives in his family. However, the racecar driver always made sure no cameras were lurking in the shadows when he broke out his best (awkward) dance moves.

So, when Alex Bowman, the other young Hendrick driver, requested that William celebrate with him, the youngest wasn't about to ruin his image by saying he wanted to go home and watch Scooby Doo on his laptop. So, Alex brought the idea up to Chase Elliott, the other fellow teammate, Chase was ecstatic to get out. He told Alex he could get them a nice, large free meal from Hooters... the boys, however, still wanted to tease William about the mildly attractive women set to wait on tables. They already knew his pale cheeks would flush as soon as they walked in.

And, in fact, when they arrived and were seated, this happened. William played it off and smiled softly when Alex began to explain something that didn't particularly interest him. William's eyes wandered off around the restaurant as his hands clasped together on the table.

He was so enticed in observing the interior decor he didn't notice the waitress had strolled up with a notepad in her hands. Standing at about 5 foot six, the olive toned brunette's eyes landed on the curious blonde boy. "Hey, Y'all. Nice to see you again, Chase." She greeted, nodding briefly to the man that sponsored the same logo that was on her white top. "What can I get you gentleman for drinks?" She asked, a beaming smile on her face. Dark eyeliner and a thick frame of lashes outlined her bright green eyes and her curled hair laying over her chest bounced as she looked around. William's eyes snapped to the waitress, eyes following her tanned legs up to her orange short shorts, gulping as his eyes soaked in her image. 

Alex laughed as he let go of the little red circle on Snapchat and saved the video to his camera roll as they ordered their drinks. Willa, as her nametag read, smiled as she looked at them all. "I'll be straight back with those," She told them before turning away, her arm swinging hand brushing William's shoulder as she stopped at another table.

Alex laughed manically as he shot the video of William's thirsty eyes drinking in the waitresses image to the man that taught each of the boys how to do what they love to do. Jimmie received the video immediately and just following the short seconds the video took, a FaceTime call came from the man himself. Alex answered it and held the camera out so he could see both he and Chase, who hadn't taken notice to the situation.

"Why would you two idiots bring the baby to Hooters?" Jimmie asked, trying to mask the smile peaking through. Chase burst out laughing and looked to William.

"What?" The blonde boy asked but the question was soon forgotten as the waitress stood before them, gently setting each drink down before the boys. "Uh---uh, t-than-- thanks. Thank you." William cleared his throat and brought his soda closer.

"No problem, sweetheart." She smiled and leaned back on one leg, the notepad back in hand. "What can I get you guys?" She asked and they all told her their orders, thanking her in the process. By the end of the ordeal, when she had walked away again, William's face matched the ketchup. As did Jimmie's, as the laughs erupting from his lips constricted his airways. The phone screen was sketchy as the guys around William laughed.

"Dude, she's hot, you can say it, you don't gotta look so sketched out." Chase laughed, shaking his head at his younger teammate.

"Shut up, seriously, guys." William spat, shaking his head. "I don't look sketched out."

"You right, you look like a pretty princess, Will----- Willa will love you." Alex winked and Jimmie continued laughing until he caught his breath.

"Don't hurt the man's ego too bad. Gotta go, more videos when I'm back." He old Alex before the call ended. William's blush deepened as he covered his face and ran his fingers through his hair as the stress and embarrassment hit at once-- that is, until his eyes found wander green ones and locked his gaze with a certain waitress. Her smile made him mirror it, but when she offered him a little wave, he had to look away as he swore his heart skipped..

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