Chase Elliott

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Charlotte was so distraught that Chase and her were fighting. It was their first ever fight, and it was really hurting both parties... Just because Charlotte was going to win at Mario Kart does not mean he had the right to take her out! She's his girlfriend! So there she sat on the couch with her arms crossed, staring at Chase who was trying not to laugh.

"Charlotte, you're acting childish." He laughed. 

"Okay, Mr. I Hate My Girlfriend Because She's a Better Racer Than Me." She mocked in a deeper voice. He scoffed and shook his head as he set up another game.

"Not true, Mrs. I Hate My Boyfriend Because He Is Too Amazing and Too Savage." He muttered causing her to narrow her eyes at him. He chuckled softly as he tried to scoot beside her on the couch.

"Excuse you." She narrowed her eyes and scooted away. "Anybody who calls themself a 'savage' isn't savage." She rolled her eyes and he pursed his lips and shrugged.

"Blaney does all the time."

"Exactly." After a slight pause he tried scooting closer as he set her remote on her lap. "C'mon, baby girl, redo. I'll even let you win." He teased and Charlotte rolled her eyes. 

"No. But when I kick your ass, don't be surprised." She snatched the remote out of her lap and shoved Chase away. He laughed and shook his head as they game started. Long story short, lots of yelling and attempted crashes happened resulting in them finishing in the last two places. "Okay, I win by default. I placed in front of you." She shrugged, setting her remote down. He rolled his eyes ad set his down.

"Okay, but you wrecked me on the last lap. Keep it up and imma start calling you Kyle Busch." He muttered and she dropped her jaw.

"William Clyde Elliott II! That is disrespectful." She growled and he rolled his eyes and grabbed her hands. 

"Good thing my beloved adorable girlfriend can keep her pretty little mouth shut." He teased and she raised a brow.

"Bet?" She shoved him off and went to the trailer door. He jumped up and hooked his arm around her waist causing her to burst out into a laughing fit. 

"Yeah, I bet." He growled in her ear, placing a gently kiss on her neck. He pushed her down onto the couch and straddled her waist. He held down her arms and raised a brow. "I'm a better Mario Kart player and you, my gorgeous lovely baby, are easily butthurt." She struggled against his grip and he laughed before resorted to tickling her. She burst out laughing, her sides hurting and lungs asking for air. Tears sprung to her eyes as she  squirmed beneath him, trying her best to push him off.

"C-chase!" She laughed and he stopped and pinned her arms down. "You're gonna make me pass out." She giggled, trying to catch her breath.

"Can't have that, can we?" He teased and got off of her. "For real, baby, I'm sorry." He picked up her legs and plopped back down onto the couch, setting her legs on his. Charlotte propped herself up on her elbows and raised a brow with a wide grin.

"And why is that?"

"Because I love you." He teased. She pushed herself up onto his lap and straddled him. 

"That's good, because I love you too. Most of the time." He shook his head with a smile that made the corners of his eyes crinkle the slightest bit.

"Thanks." He muttered and kissed her softly. She slipped her arms around his shoulders and sighed contently as she fumbled with his dark, curly hair. 

"You gonna win today for your oh so talented l girlfriend?" She teased and he pursed his lips and shrugged.

"Depends on how she feels about me right now. You know, since she only loves me most of the time and all." He teased and she grinned widely.

"I think she's head over heels for you right now but looks can be deceiving." She shrugged innocently and he nodded slowly.

"Tell me about it. She goes off on me all the time... during the race, at home, Mario Kart, dinner... She's bipolar I swear." She gasped and slammed her hand over her heart, watching as that same grin appeared over his lips again.

"You're so ignorant, Chase!"  She pouted and he shrugged with a lopsided grin.

"I love you still..." He shrugged innocently and she shrugged and nodded slowly.

"That's good, because I do have a lot of mood swings. Oh, maybe I'm prego." She teased and his eyes widened momentarily. "Couldn't handle two of me, huh?"

"Y'all would be the death of me, yeah, pretty much." He shrugged and she smiled.

"Good thing I'm not pregnant. But when I have kids, I'm going to have a bunch of 'em." She teased and he nodded slowly.

"In a couple years." He nodded and she sighed overdramatically. 

"And maybe then you'll be a man and will own up to me being a remarkably better Mario Kart."

"Do over, now." He muttered and she climbed off of him ad grabbed the remote. 

"You're going down." She hissed and he narrowed his eyes.

"Sure." He muttered sarcastically. He pressed play and as soon as the match started, he knocked the remote from her hands. She looked over at him with angry eyes before shoving his out of his hands and swiping hers off the floor.

A/N this was bad, I know, but I needed to update for ya, xchgmaze13. I hope it was semi decent and I apologize for the long wait... thanks for being patient, love!

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