Ryan Blaney

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For the lovely _marisatamayo <3 Also, be prepared for a bunch of updates in the enxt coming weeks. I am getting all requests I have saved DONE before Daytona (crossing my fingers) Wish me luck, kids.


Bella Hayward was not ready to start a family. Her boyfriend of three years was loving, kind, and she considered them to have an epic romance. He was her Romeo-- as cliche and corny as it was. Against all odds, they managed to find their ways back to each other. It was extraordinary, something that not everyone got to say, and for that, she was and forever will be eternally grateful.

However, it didn't change the fact they both had royally screwed up.

She loved Ryan with all her heart, but as she gazed down at the stick with the line she was hoping not to see-- well, love sure felt a hell of a lot like hate. He sat in the living room of the apartment they shared on his Xbox playing Fortnite with a cluster of his friends, enjoying his typical off season. Well, she was glad he was enjoying it, because she saw what Emma, Ryan's sister, went through after having her (gorgeous) baby boy.

And she was too young for that.

And yet, she still imagined a tiny baby girl in a princess dress or a little baby boy in cowboy costume-- or vice versa-- no discrimination.

Her smile slowly widened as she set her palm over her flat stomach, biting the inside of her lip before she slowly began to frown again. Yeah-- she was too young. "Babe!" She called, putting the stick back into the box before exiting the bathroom and leaning against the wall entering the living room. "Can you get off for a sec? I wanna talk."

"Baby, I got off last night to give you a back massage." He groaned, brows furrowing dramatically as he suddenly shouted when he died. "Okay, you got a few minutes before the next game. I'll be back, Carson, the Ol' Woman wants me." He teased before sliding his headset off and rising to his feet with a tight-lipped smile. "What's up?"

"What are your thoughts on Emma and the baby?" 

"They're cool." He nodded before tilting his head for a moment. "Uh-- why?"

"Oh, just because. It'd be cool if we had kids, right?" She asked hesitantly as he slowly nodded, brows furrowed even more.

"Uh----- yeah? After I like... propose and stuff, I guess."

"You guess?" She reiterated and he groaned.

"Wrong answer?" She snickered and rolled her eyes as his confused facade fell and a grin coveted his features. "But yeah. I wanna be engaged first." She rocked on her heels nervously, a sudden cold sweat glazing her tanned skin s she thought with her lips pursed into a thin line. "Are you done? Games gonna start--"

"Oh, yeah... I just-- uh-- have a thing... One last thing." She swallowed thickly as she fumbled with the box behind her back, slipping the pregnancy test out.

"Babe--" He groaned, throwing his head back. Despite the gravity of the situation, she couldn't help but stifle a giggle. 

"It's real quick."


"So, like, I wanna be happy. You and me and the puppy--" She pointed to the puppy that Ryan (without consulting her first) adopted that slept soundly beside him on the couch. "To be happy and... and--"

"Quickly..." He muttered jokingly under his breath. She groaned and suddenly pushed him back, dropping to her knees as she held the pregnancy test up. His jokes came to a halt as his eyes flew open wide, the sound of the Battle Bus taking off on the game. Only this time, he didn't run back to the couch as his eyes glistened. 

"Will you marry me? And also-- uh.... I'm pregnant." She couldn't help the nervous giggle that escaped her lips nor coud she help the fluttering nausea in the pit of hr stomach. His jaw dropped, shock evident on his face, and for a moment, she thought he was going to flee--snatch his Xbox and the dog and run on away. But he slowly dropped down to his own knees before her, hands moving to cup her face as his bright eyes began to gloss in tears-- and when he began to laugh incredulously, she finally let out a nervous breath.

"Oh my-- you're.... we... I'm gonna be a father?" He asked, shaking his head as a tear fell down his cheek. She smiled back, seeing the happy tears flowing from his eyes making tears gloss her own. "Oh my god--" He shook his head and pulled her in, plating a firm kiss on her lips.

"You're gonna be a father." She chuckled, biting down on her bottom lip. "Oh-- well, and a husband, but--"

"Wait." He sniffled and jumped to his feet, shocking her for a moment. He rushed to his suitcase and unzipped it, rushing back to drop before her as he eagerly took out a small velvet box. "I'm way ahead of you." She laughed softly, her tears finally falling as his chuckle matched hers. 

"Who says yes?" She teased as she sniffled. He flipped the lid open, removing the beautiful diamond engagement ring and holding it out to her.

"Yes--" he whispered, hand curling around the back of her head to pull her in. They shared a long, meaningful kiss, and when she pulled away, breathlessly against his lips, she whispered.


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