Harrison Burton

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The truck's engine died down as Harrison stuffed his keys in his pocket. I unbuckled and reached for the door but he grabbed my hand and gave me a pointed look. "Allow me, my lady." He winked, running around the truck and pulling open the door. I raised a quizzical brow at him as he offered his hand with a smile. 

"Look at you being all sweet. Thanks..." I took his hand and hopped out of the truck. He shut and locked the door with a subtle shrug.

"Eh, what can I say? Chivalry isn't dead. But don't thank me. I'm only making up for beating you in advance." He teased and I nodded.

"There's the catch. We'll see."

"Yeah, see you in my rear view mirror." He shrugged and threw a careless arm around my shoulders. I laughed and shook my head.

"Yeah, saw that coming." I laughed softly. We walked up to the guy half asleep by the go karts. Sure, it was late, but he did have a job. Way to be professional. Harrison paid for an hour and when we got in, we saw the place empty. I guess another perk of the night. 

"So, you can pick any car but I dibs the lucky 12." He pointed to the red go kart with a black stripe down the side. I scoffed and looked around.

"Sure, sure. Right. I'll go with the 21." I shrugged and swiped the matching helmet off of the rack. he snorted and grabbed his. 

"Why? Because it's reverse my number?" He raised a brow and I smiled.

"Because it's already lined up. No extra work." I winked and he glanced at the track and saw the 21 go kart already pulled up to the line.

"Fair enough. " He grumbled and walked to wherever the others were being held but not before turning back. "Loser buys dinner." I giggled softly as I slid my helmet on and climbed into my     go-kart, flicking on a switch and the engine roared to life as Harrison pulled up beside me. Through his visor, I could see him smiling. "Head start?"

"Sure, I'll count to five for ya." I winked and he scoffed and shook his head, tightening his grip on the wheel as he grinned.

"Real cute, Emma." He laughed softly as the guy standing to the side held a green flag. He had a headset on, dirty glasses, the work company light blue shirt and dirt-stained khaki pants. He fit in well. He held a whistle in his mouth as he looked at his watch. 

"10 laps, folks." He winked after pulling out his whistle. He replaced the whistle and raised the green flag. I inhaled deeply as Harrison revved his engine. I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes at his cockiness as the man held up three fingers. I let out the breath. Two fingers. I set my foot on the gas as he dropped the last, the ear piercing whistle echoed in my head. I eased into the gas, aware the engines sometimes stall when you give them all it's got too soon. 

As my go-kart launched forward I heard Harrison curse under his breath as his stalled for a split second. I laughed, keeping my eyes ahead of me, studying the dusty ground. As I heard his engine grow louder, I glanced in the rear view mirror and bit my lip. He had already caught up, a good four feet or so behind me as we rounded the corner. I cut it a little close while he went wide to try and get a run. 

I blocked it, fairly proud of myself for doing so. Then he bumped my bumper and I regretted it. At the sudden movement, my car swerved to the left, going closer to the wall. I let off the gas, glaring as Harrison sped by me laughing as I corrected myself. I gave it my all on the next three corners and had successfully booted myself back to his bumper.

The track wasn't too big or hard to maneuver around. It was, however, especially hard to pass. But maybe that was just because I didn't have the training he had-- whether he was young or not. He was clearly better than me, with much more knowledge.

After about seven laps, I decided I was going to give him a taste of his own medicine--whether I did it wrong or not. I bumped him in the corner, toward the middle but more on the right. I did it in the same exact corner he did to mean and I heard him mutter something but I couldn't make out the words as he corrected his car, side by side with mine. He didn't need to let off as much as I had previously which was a bit disappointing.

I was inching ahead as we crossed the short straightaway but he got a run and his car seemed to jolt forward. I clenched my jaw, narrowing my eyes as he tried cutting my off. Despite me not fully completing the corner, I pushed the gas, nudged his bumper which got him loose and pressed the brake softly as I turned left with Harrison to avoid the wall.

Although it slowed us both down and caused the loose dirt to fly up to create a small cloud behind us, it accomplished what I had wished. I led Harrison to finish the lap, then he was back on my bumper, at my side, trying to clear me.

This happened for about a lap until the white flag was flying. it was discolored but we got the gist. I side drafted him as much as the small vehicles would allow and pulled ahead the slightest bit into turn three. He fell back but was still on my bumper as the flag flew, the loud whistle seemingly shaking my ear drums as Harrison pulled to a stop.

"21 car takes the trophy." The man called and I laughed out loud, grinning widely as I killed the engine and unhooked my helmet. I pulled it off and set it aside but before I could climb out, Harrison ran over, leaning down on the cart as he rested his hands on the back of my seat by my shoulders. He leaning down directly in front of me, making me smirked as I locked my eyes with his.

"Guess I'm buying dinner." He breathed, his cool breath fanning across my face as I grabbed both his hands, pushing him up as I stood but kept the distance.

"Guess you are." I winked and he laughed, interlocking our fingers for a minute before pulling back, a soft blush on his cheeks as he tucked me under his arm and pulled me close. 

"I let you win."

"No, you didn't." I snickered and he nodded.

"I did too."

"Oh, yeah? And why would you do that after all the 'see ya in my rear view' talk?" I teased and grinned as I slid my arm around his waist.

"Like I said, Em. Chivalry isn't dead. This way, you could win and I still get to pay for our dinner date. It wouldn't be very sweet if I let ya pay." He kissed me softly on my temple as I felt my cheeks flush. I looked up to him, raising a brow.

"A date?" I asked and he smiled, trying to mask his nervousness.

"If that's what you want it to be?" He raised a brow and I grinned, looking away as he led me out of the building into the dark night. The blue-tinted light from the moon shone down on us like we were the only two in the world, easily reflecting how I felt. Just Harrison and me. 

"A date it is."

A/N I got it up before the 10th, though it is late so I apologize. Today was a fairly busy day-- but I got both imagines I wanted to up. 

I hope I wrote what you were looking for, abbyandarian !

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