Erik Jones

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For ghale1999 and sort of forest114 (who vaguely requested something like this. For his first win <3 <3 <3 Short and sweet.


Watching Erik struggle with confidence in racing has been a struggle recently. He wants a win so badly, so desperately it kills me. I wish I could give it to him--Lord knows he's worked so hard for one and deserves one... but I know he'll get one. 

Day in and day out he works, he makes strides to get one. He'll get one, and when he does, I know it'll be the most bittersweet moment in history. I can already feel the excitement brewing in the pit of my stomach, and it's simply another race-- or at least, that's what I keep telling myself. This race is no different than any other one. Erik may have a decent car, he may be in a good place... but it's no different than any other race.

10 laps to go

My heart skipped as my mind raced with thoughts. It was like I could feel his determination. I swallowed thickly and stood to my feet, hands curled into fists as my anxiety taunted me.

9 laps to go

Just a little longer. "You can do it." I whispered, just like I had in his ear so many times when he began to beat himself up about another loss.

8 laps to go

I was about ready to go into a screaming head fit as anxiety meshed with excitement. I bit down so hard on my bottom lip I could draw blood. My stomach flopped with each movement.

7 laps to go

I had to turn around and gather myself. It's just another race, no different. He may not even win! 

6 laps to go

But he might....

5 laps to go

He has a good chance of winning.

4 laps to go

I inhaled deeply and mustered up the courage to turn around, facing the track again. My eyes raced to find his car.

3 laps to go

Deep breaths....

2 laps to go

So close....

1 lap to go

I screamed. I didn't mean to--it was impulse. I jumped up and down as Erik's voice echoed through the headset I wore, my arms wrapped around his crew chief. We were all screaming-- hell, some of the pit crew was crying. "Oh my God!" I screeched, hands on my red face as I hopped down the ladder. The pit crew enveloped me in a rough hug, it quickly turning into a group hug as Erik celebrated on the backstretch. Tears slipped from my eyes as I looked at the track, seeing Erik standing up, fists in the air as he yelled in celebration. 

I was swept away from the moment as Erik's voice echoed over the track through large speakers, his face plastered on large screens placed strategically for the fans. We all darted to victory lane as Erik showed up--just as we got there. He climbed out, confetti flew, and his cheers were the only thing that mattered at that moment. He scanned the crowd before spotting me and jumping down. He maneuvered through the crowd toward me, as I did him.

We met in the middle, my hysterical crying getting muffled into his firesuit as he swept me up into his arms and laughed, holding and squeezing me close. He lifted me off the ground and shook me, pulling back to kiss me deeply. I wanted to rant to him about how proud I was, but the words died away in my throat as we laughed and cried in each other's arms.

He knew.

"We did it." He whispered against my neck and I laughed softly, sniffling as I choked down a sob.

"You did it, Erik." I kissed him again and he pulled me even closer, deepening the fervent kiss. 

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