William Byron

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I was working when my phone buzzed softly in my pocket. I ignored it, continuing my work when it buzzed again, then again. In fear something may be wrong at home, I pulled it out and saw two messages from William and one from Dana, his mom. I furrowed my brows and opened the one from Dana

Hear the good news yet????

I exited her messages and clicked on Williams, my eyes popping out of my head as I jolted forward, holding my phone tightly in my hands.

Hey, Katie, I know you're at work and you're really busy, but before it blows up on the internet, wanted to let you know myself. Next year I'll be driving the number 5 Chevy for Mr. H full time in the Monster Energy Cup Series....

Also, thank you so much for the support and reassurance there during the rough races. I miss you so much! I hope I can come visit sometime soon before the next season

I had to suppress a loud yell as I texted him back quickly, my heart speeding with happiness for him.

I am so, so, so, so proud of you, Will!! I knew you could make it. This is the start tof so many great things. I miss you so much!

I set down my phone as I noticed my boss walking out and dropped my smile, leaning forward like I wasn't internally flipping out. When he walked by me, my grin spread and I bit my lip. 

~~~1 week before 2018 season~~~

William and I never got our visit but we've talked plenty. Over text, call, FaceTime, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook-- nearly all the time. I always told him how proud I was and he always thanked me for supporting him. As the season neared, I cleared my work schedule and called up Dana. "Hello, sweetheart! Plan still a go?" She asked hopefully.

"Sure is. Got the entire week off from my boss, luckily, and I'll be able to surprise Will just in time." I grinned as I shut the front door to my house and locked it.

"I'm so happy you're doing this, Katie. Back when you traveled around with him, he was so much less hard on himself. I'm so, so glad you're going to surprise him. He'll love this." She gushed and I could practically hear the wide smile playing on her lips. 

"I'm happy you and Bill are helping. Thanks for that, by the way."

"Absolutely. I can't wait to see the smile on his face when he sees you." 


I swiped my suitcase off of the conveyer belt and breathed in deeply. My hair was thrown up in a loose ponytail and my clothing consisted of a baggy grey shirt and black leggings. I spotted Dana and grinned as she waved me down. "You landed late! I hope we don't miss him." She breathed as she ushered me out of the airport while I laughed. I lifted my suitcase into the back of the car and slid in beside it, smiling at Bill.

"Long time no see, Mr. B." I grinned and he laughed softly, glancing back at me as Dana and I shut the doors.

"You look as pretty as can be, Katie." He teased making me laugh. Ever since I was a kid, Bill and I have made small little jokes like that. The Byron's and I were rather close, considering I was with them all the time growing up. The day I met William it seemed we became best friends. Looking back now, that day was the best day of my life. 

"William just texted me. He qualified 2nd, in case you didn't know. Race starts in 15 minutes. " Dana grinned widely, setting her cell phone aside as Bill pulled out onto the road. The car ride was basically full of Dana's knee bouncing anxiously, Bill's soft humming along to the radio, and my heart skipping every so often. I haven't seen Will for a really long time. Not in person anyway. To say this visit is long overdue would be an understatement. 

When we came to halt, Bill got out and opened my door, gracefully grabbing my suitcase and carrying it for me. I quickly thanked him as Dana led me to the track while Bill dropped my bag off at Will's motor home. When we reached, the cup guys were scattering around interviewers, their teams running around and making the final touches to their cars.

I spotted many familiar drivers, drivers I'd always wanted to meet, but the thought of shaking their hand died into the back of my head as I spotted my blonde haired blue eyed best friend. Dana stopped beside the pit box, watching William as he finished up an interview. I, however, snuck up behind him, resisting the urge to throw myself into a tight hug. When the interviewer thanked him and ran off, I reached out, gently setting one hand on his shoulder.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for someone. Do you think you could help?" I asked, my eyes laced with fake concern as he turned to face me. The sound of my voice had him facing me in a millisecond, his blue eyes widening in surprise as he glanced at me as if to assure himself I was really there. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my lips as I held my hand up beside his head. "Bout yay tall, blonde boy--blue eyes. Kinda dorky."

"Katie!" He yelled, his parted lips filling with the widest smile I've ever seen as he lunged himself at me, wrapping both arms around my torso and squeezing me close. He lifted me off the ground slightly. I laughed and squeezed him back, feeling his heart thud against mine because of the close distance.

"Miss me?" I teased and he laughed and set me down, holding me at arms length, giving me one more once over.

"B-but how are you here? You have work and school..." He paused, his eyes growing concerned making me giggle.

"I took my vacation. Online classes. As for how I got here-- thank your very generous parents." I looked at Dana as she walked up, her grin wide. "When you texted me and told me you got into the 5 car, I immediately put in a request for a vacation for whenever the Daytona 500 may be. I got that, warned my teachers about my departure.... Dana generously bought my plane ticket when I told her my plans, and Bill did a wonderful job of sending subtle hints about the surprise for your first start." I shrugged, smiling.

"Disappointed?" Bill asked, joining us. William scoffed and pulled me into another bone crushing hug.

"Do I seem disappointed?" He scoffed, the smile wide. I laughed and pulled away. 

"I sure hope not, Will. Do your best, buddy. Have fun, stay safe, and we'll celebrate no matter what." I smiled as his new crew chief handed him his helmet. His smile faltered as he took off his hat and set it on my head.

"I'm even more nervous now." He sighed and I chuckled, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Don't be. You'll do great." I assured. He smiled again and slid into his number 5 car. I gave it a once over and bit my lip excitedly before stepping back beside Dana. After watching William progress, go through petrifying crashes, get victories-- this was a bittersweet moment. One that all of us have hoped and prayed he'd get. Now that he's here, it all seems so surreal.

Will's parents and I climbed up into his pit box and gazed out over the track as the cars pulled off. I slid on my headset, turned on my scanner and bit my lip. Starting side by side, Brad Keselowski and William. My William. "Raise hell, Will," I told him with a grin. 

"Let's raise hell, guys," William reiterated my words and I could practically hear the smile in his voice. I took a deep breath, my eyes trained on his car as they approached the line. My heart thudded in my chest, my eyes focused on his car.

Green, green, green!

A/N I totally could have thrown the race in there and made the chapter longer but I felt like leaving his finish unknown for all y'all's imaginations would be much more fun ^.^. This was for love4losers28. Sorry if it was a bit all over the place, I tried <3

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