Kaz Grala

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A/N For my fave xangoddess I luh youuuu NOT EDITED 

I looked in the mirror and sighed. I had changed into a billion different outfits. Ranging from a cute flowy red dress, to jeans and a t-shirt, to a shirt and bralette, to sweats and a hoodie. Kaz and I have been together for three years, and we decided to go out on a date. At the time I figured maybe we'd go to McDonalds or something but no.

He has to go all out, wake me up with breakfast in bed with chocolate covered strawberries for desert. Then he gave me a cute love letter that I swear should be published, then he gave me tickets to go see my favorite singer live with him in two months, then he told me that we were going out for the night.

I got him a card, scratch off tickets, a coffee mug that said 'Number one Grandpa" as a joke, and a small gift bag filled with treats, CD's, clothes, cologne, and a watch. I not only felt like a mediocre girlfriend, but a horribly dressed mediocre girlfriend. 

I groaned as I snatched the red dress and slipped back into it, grabbig cropped denim jacket and stomping into the bathroom. "Baby, you almost ready?" Kaz called as he walked in, obviousy eharing my stomping like a three year old.

"Almost." I told him as I reapplied my lip gloss. He walked into the bathroom and grinned.

"Damn, you look hot, Liliana." He smiled as he stepped forward, gently placing his hands on my hips and kissing the back of my head.

"Thanks. I guess." I sighed and turned in his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and huffing. "Tell me where we're going."


"Please?" I pouted, blinking innocently. He laughed, kissing my nose and weaving his figners with mine.

"Cute, but no. I told you, just dinner."

"But where? McDonalds? Because a dress is too much for McDonalds."

"Why would I bring you to McDonalds for our three year anniversary?" He laughed and I gave him a look and shook my head.

"Because I like McDonalds." He rolled his eyes as he walked me out of the room and downstairs. I slipped into some flats and turned to him.

"I know you do, but I fugured a more formal change of scenary would be nice." He shrugged as he held the door opened for me and followed me outside.

"Okay." I laughed as he followed me. He opened the car door for me like a true gentleman before circling around the car and plopping into the drivers seat. We drove to the restaurant, both of us singing along to the music, dancing around in the car as best as we could. He'd laugh at me anytime I swiveled my head, snapped, shimmied in my seat, or did anything of the such. I laughed along, disregarding and nerves I had. 

"This, this right here?" He motioned to my singing and dancing. "This is why I'm in love with you." He teased and I grinned, clasping my hands together and looking up at him from under ym lashes.

"Aww, baby. Thanks. You so cute." I tapped his nose and he rolled his eyes.

"Don't do that."

"If I do, you'll still love me." I shrugged and he laughed.

"Yes, I will." He stopped the car in front of a large, expensive looking restaurant. 

"Impressive." I gawked as he climbed out and opened my door. He took my hand and nodded. 

"I like to go for extravagant places to impress my girl." He shrugged and i chuckled. He led me inside, and all I could to is gawk with a gaping mouth. There were dimly lit chandeliers, candles, roses, soft music, fancy furniture, classic paintings, spotless carpets, elegant curtains. It looked like an ancient mansion in restaurant form.

"Oh. My. God." I whispered as I looked around, Kaz going up and telling them our reservations. "Oh my God." I repeated as Kaz grabbed my hand and laughed as he lead me after the waitress. We walked deep into the restaurant to a spot with many tables and chairs, many people eating and enjoying their evenings. "Oh my God." I breathed and Kaz laughed.

"Just wait." He winked. The waitress left us at out table with menus, which, may I add were typed in three different languages just in case someone wasn't bilingual. The waitress returned a short time after, handing me a bouquet of roses and taking our orders. I smelled the roses, seeing my name written in elegant calligraphy, Kaz's name beneath it, cheesily written "with love". 

"Baby." I gushed. He grinned widely and I bit my lip, smelling the roses again and smiling widely. When the waitress returned with our food, I couldn't help myself but pigout. I, of course, like a good mediocre girlfriend thanked Kaz repeatedly. We finished our meal, and ust after Kaz put money down for the bill, he grabbed my hand and pulled me backwards. "What are you..." I paused as the soft music grew a tiny bit louder and the dim lights dimmed a bit more. He pulled me in close, his hands locking around my waist as he pulled me in. "Kaz-"

"Dance with me, gorgeous." He laughed. I felt as though I was going to cry as I looped my arms around his neck and smiled up at him.

"Thank you so much. I love you."

"I love you, too, Liliana." He chuckled. "How was your anniversary?" He asked and I laughed, looking around the gorgeous restaurant. 

"Insanely perfect. Yours?"

"Insanely amazingly perfect." He winked.

"But really, you didn't need to go all out. This is... this is a little much. Not that I don't appreciate it, because I do. Today has been... \amazing." I laughed softly and he nodded.

"I wanted to go all out for you. We never get to do things like this, and I wanted to. You're worth it all." He smiled and I grinned and leaned up on my tip-toes, pecking his lips. "And just wait for my proposal." He winked and my brows shot up.

"Wedding proposal?"

"Oh, you're gonna love it." He grinned and kissed me again. "Just wait.

A/N This probably sucked so sorry lmao I love yall xoxo

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