Carl Edwards

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"Come back here! Hey—" Carl hollered after his kids, only to watch his eldest topple into the women ahead of them in line. She whipped around, dropping her basket and gasping.

"Oh, I'm sorry little one!" She gasped and crouched low, steadying the girl.

"It's okay. Daddy, can I get a ring pop?" She asked, already rushing off to the candy isle. Carl groaned as he hurriedly picked up the basket for the girl his daughter crashed into.

"Sure, Anne— hey, I'm sorry." He sighed tiredly, handing her the basket back. She gave him a small smile as Anne ran back with her ring pop.

"Don't worry about it." She grinned and brushed back a stray piece of hair. The long line seemed to be growing as it was only a few days before Christmas and people were beginning to freak out.

"Carl," he introduced himself with a light smile as his two kids stood behind him quietly talking about Santa.

"Vanessa." She grinned back before moving ahead in the line a little. "Busy bunch, huh?" She grinned wide and Carl's apologetic smile morphed into a happy one.

"Oh yes. They're great though." He laughed and Vanessa arched a brow as she looked behind him.

"Just you?" She asked knowing that a single father was popular in this century. He nodded, shrugging as as he did so.

"Yep. It gets a little difficult around work but I really love it." They moves ahead just a pace.

"What do you did for work?" He was impressed she seemed genuinely interested and so he contemplated big her the actual answer or not. He licked his bottom lip as he thought up his answer.

"Well, I um..." for some reason he didn't lie. "I race. NASCAR sound familiar?" He asked and she laughed softly, nodding.

"Yes... wow. Really?" She chuckled, scrunching up her nose a bit as he laughed and nodded. Vanessa nodded approvingly. "I am impressed. That, my friend, is impressive."

"What can I say?" He joked before one of his kids leaned up and started repeatedly asking for his help. He excused himself from the conversation with Vanessa as it was her turn to unload all of her things. She did so, occasionally looking over and watching Carl deal with the persistent kids. They were a cute bunch, a very adorable family. As the cashier rang her out, Carl turned back to her. "Sorry," he laughed bashfully. She only waved him off with a bright smile.

"Oh, come on. Don't worry about it. You're a good dad." His smile grew tenacious.

"I'm trying. What do you say, Vanessa? Maybe after Christmas we can meet up? L-like coffee or something?" He chuckled softly and she arched a brow as the cashier told her the total. She swiped her card and nodded slowly as she looked over to him.

"Actually, that sounds good. Can I see your phone?" And when he handed it to her, she had no idea why, but she actually typed in her information before handing it back to him. "I'll see you, Carl." She grinned and he bit his bottom lip as she collected her bags.

"You as well..." he bit down on his lip and watched her flash him one last grin before exiting the store into the cool weather.

Shortly after her grocery visit, as she stayed up late with her nephews baking cookies for Santa Claus, she received a text that she didn't get to read until at least three hours later.

And within that time span, with flour on her fingertips, she picked her cell phone up and read the text.

With a growing smile, she typed back and pressed send.

And that was how their story began, a simple shopping trip turned into hours of texting like love sick teenagers.

A/N helllooo it's me
So I was unsure of what you wanted but I scribbled down some things. Merry early Christmas if you celebrate it and if not, happy holidays/ have a good day.

Love y'all 💙💜

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