Chase Elliott

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For betourneautumn! Thanks for the request! I hope I did it justice <3

Autumn stared at the race track, a smile plastered on her face. Being there, at the race, it was exhilarating.  She loved it, despite her standoffish personality, she was in awe of the place buzzing with life. She had been dragged by her family, more specifically her father, but she was beginning to grow to love that sport that is NASCAR. Of course, this meant she was slightly unfamiliar with the drivers--however, when they're wearing a fire suit it's a dead giveaway.

That's when a tall, brown haired man dressed in a white and blue fire suit began walking toward her. She pretended to take no notice, but she silently stated he was easy on the eyes. He had blue reflective sunglasses on, a wide smile on his face revealing perfectly straight, white teeth, curly brown hair being tamed by a white and blue hat and an overall broad stature. "Hey," He spoked up softly, stuffing his hand into his pockets beside her.

Autumn tucked a stray blonde piece of hair behind her ear and smiled warmly, trying her hardest not to reveal she was the shyest person to walk the Earth. "Hi there." She smiled and he leaned against the fence she was standing before, gazing up at her as he moved his sunglasses to the top of his hat. He had chocolate brown, kind eyes. She bit her lip and looked down, a blush forming on her cheeks as she let her thoughts carry her away with how attractive the man before her is.

"Is this your first race?" He asked and she nodded. "Great, I can show you around-- and my pit box has a free seat. You can sit there during the race." He smiled and her brows rose, her eyes darting over to the pitboxes. 

"Really? T-that's..." She trailed off before lightly laughing. "Wow, thank you... thank you so much..." He grinned wider and she felt her blush deepen.

"No problem. You can be my good luck charm." He winked before pushing himself away from the fence. "Hey, what's your name?" He asked and Autumn began to follow him down the narrow pathway toward the pits.

"Autumn, what's yours?" He was slightly taken aback by this, but felt his smile widen. 

"Chase. I drive the 9 car." She nodded and smiled over at the ca, matching his suit. 

"I'll know who to cheer for then." She teased softly and he went to say something but a short women scurried out holding a bunch of things in her hands.

"Chase, meet and greet, now, we're late!" She called before scurrying by. Chase groaned and looked to the fragile girl before him. 

"I'll be back, Autumn. Wait for me," He smirked before glancing voer his shoulder. "Blaney, wanna show Autumn around for me? I gotta go.." He asked and a man dressed in a red and white fire suit scurried up, a smile plastered on his face as light eyes met her light blue eyes. He had light brown curly hair pushed back, curling around his ears. Autumn swallowed thickly as she waved to Chase.

"Thank you, again.. it was nice meeting you, Chase." She smiled softly and Chase grinned as he backed away.

"You'll see me again." He winked before scurrying away. Autumn's smile widened as she turned to the other man that stood before her. He was a couple inches shorter than Chase, but nonetheless was handsome.

"Hey, I'm Ryan." He held out his hand with a kind smile. She raised a brow but shook his hand, surprised by the firm grip. It was a different way on greeting someone, proper, and she appreciated it. "Autumn? A friend of Chase's?" 

"Um, yeah sorta. I just met him, he was just showing me around. We didn't get far." She tucked another stray hair behind her ear as she gazed around. Ryan's kind smile grew wider.

"Well good news-- I know my way around and I just so happen to be a better tour guide than Chase, even on his good days." He teased and she giggled softly as they began walking. Ryan led her along the track, talking softly and sometimes stopped and introduced her to drivers and parts of the crews. Autumn learned quickly that Ryan was polite and comedic and was extremely easy to talk to. He even lead her back to her camp site toward the end of the tour. "This your stop?" He asked and motioned to the RV before him.

"Yeah, this is me." She giggled softly and looked down. "Thanks for the tour... you're right. You're a very good tour guide." She smiled and he grinned.

"I try... hey, we should hang out sometime." He offered and her brows rose. "You seem like a really nice girl. We should get to know each other more." Her words were jumbled as she spoke and she was unsure of how to respond.

"Oh, I-we--um," She paused and smiled softly. Did he just ask me out? She met his eyes again, a geeky smile plastered on her face. "If you want, sure. Sounds like fun." She smiled warmly and Ryan grinned.

"Great, I'll see you tomorrow, right?" He asked and she nodded. They said their goodbyes and Autumn sighed softly, nervously. 

The following day, Autumn was back out by the track venturing almost everywhere Ryan had shown her the day before. She wasn't surprised to see Chase, and when his dark eyes locked with hers, the smiles on their faces grew wide.  Chase excused himself from the conversation going on around him and sauntered over. "Blaney bore you?" He teased as he greeted her. She smiled and shook her head.

"No, not at all. You're both very nice." He snorted and shook his head.

"Ryan use his charm on you?" He asked and didn't wait for an answer. "That's okay-- clearly I'm the better pick." He smiled and she raised her brows with a smile. 

"Pick, huh? I'm supposed to pick?" She asked and Chase shrugged.

"Ryan told me he asked you out. I dunno, technically I guess you do." He smiled and shrugged. "Don't worry about it too much. You're a pretty girl, you can have what you want. Just remember me." He smiled before he stepped back, leaving her with her thoughts to consume her.

After the race, which was rather uneventful,Autumn hurried out of Chase's pitbox and away from the track that buzzed with life. She was feeling overwhelmed-- two men, both interested in her, asked her out or told her to pick. It was confusing, and now, she didn't know who to pick. She sighed and plopped down in the parking lot of the race on a curb. She let her headrest in her upright palm, her elbow resting on her knees. She was there for at least twenty minutes before she heard footsteps behind her.

"You good?" That sweet southern voice asked. She smiled warmly, not bothering to look to him as he sat down beside her.

"I'm fine. How'd you find me?" She asked, diverting her gaze over toward him. He smiled and shrugged.

"Alan said you took off in this direction soi just figured. You seem stressed... why?" He asked and she snickered.

"You said I had to pick-- I'm never been in any situation near picking. I didn't even acknowledge what was happening, I barely know the both of you." She laughed softly, and suddenly she felt his arm wrap around her shoulders. She tensed but soon relaxed into him. 

"It's not like we're gonna kick each other's ass.. Blaney and I are best friends, and we both know a pretty girl when we see one. Don't freak out over it..." He trialed off. "I have that effect on girls." She burst out laughing, covering her mouth as she gently nudged him with her shoulder.

"You're a dork." She stated simply as she looked over at him. He grinned softly, his eyes involuntarily darting to her lips. Her stomach flipped and her heart rattled in her ribcage as she gazed into his eyes. All her life she'd played life safe, never took chances and never batted an eye at a man like Chase. So she decided to step out of her comfort zone, jump into the fast lane of life at the racetrack with a racecar driver. She leaned in, and she kissed him.

Their lips moved together, Chase smiling gently into the kiss as he cupped her cheek. He kissed her gently, letting the infatuation with the girl subside and the adoration peak through into the heart warming kiss. it lasted mere seconds before Chase pulled back slowly, his forehead resting on hers. "Does this mean you pick me?" She couldn't help but laugh softly, her cheeks blazing hot.

Instead of answering, she kissed him.

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