Erik Jones

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I bit my lip as I knocked on Erik's door. He didn't respond immediately but I caught the soft 'come in'. I pushed the door open and looked at his hunched over figure. He sat on the side of the bed, a picture of he and his dad celebrating together after one of Erik's wins.

My eyes drifted back to Erik and I swallowed. His brown hair was slightly messy and his face was red. His cheeks had dried tears on them and his eyes were red from crying. He had been putting on a brave face for everyone-- the fans, his competitors, the media. Me. He had since he found out but it was catching up to him. If I were him, I'd have fallen apart on the spot.

I felt my tears well up at the sight of him and walked over, my hands shaking ever so slightly. "Is there anything I can do?" I asked softly as I sat beside him. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and he inhaled a shaky breath and looked away from the picture. It was clearly old, bent in the corners with parts of it withering away. He had the widest grin plastered on his face as he held one side of the trophy and his father held the other. Confetti flew all around them, coloring the evening pink, red, and orange sky further. Erik's team was celebrating, some had alcohol, some hugging each other or their families.

They were all so happy. So proud. I know why Erik was reflecting back on this particular win. This was the win he had promised his dad he'd get, and he did after a tough fight. He and his crew worked tooth and nail for that win. His father, at the time, had been struggling hard with the cancer. That was when his dad really expressed the extents of his proudness and happiness to have Erik as his son. That was when Erik realized how truly lucky he was.

"No one can help, Abby." He sniffled and bit the inside of his lip. His eyes grew darker and he shook as he looked back down to his dads face. A single tear escaped and trailed down his flushed cheeks. "No one could help him." he choked out before I threw my arms around his shoulders. He hugged me back, muffling a struggled sob into my hair as he pulled me against him.

"He's in a better place now. He doesn't have to hurt anymore." I choked out, tears of my own falling as I rubbed his back gently. It was a lame thing to say, but seeing him so broken hurt me. I wish I could take away his pain but I couldn't. All I could do is be there. "He's not in any pain. But he can still watch you. He will. He will be there for every victory, every loss. Every win. He'll remain cheering you on. He'll always be here for you, Erik. He is so proud." I whispered and he sniffed and squeezed me closer. 

"I don't know how to do this, Abby. I can't do this. He left...." He pulled away and wiped his cheeks, trying to pull away. I grabbed his hand and reached up, cupping his cheek so he'd look at me.

"I'm here, okay? I'm not going anywhere. I'll go through this with you, I'll be there for you. You're not alone." I whispered and he nodded slowly against my hand. He gently laced our fingers together with the other and closed his eyes for a brief second. "How about we sleep on it? Yeah?" He nodded again. I gently reached forward, taking the photo from him and placing it on the bed side counter with care. Erik crawled into the bed and wiped his cheeks. I turned off the light and crawled in beside him, holding my arms out. He chuckled softly though it didn't meet the broken look in his eyes.

"I'm so lucky to have you." He laid down in my arms, setting his head on my chest and wrapping an arm around my torso. "I don't deserve you."

"You deserve more than the world has to offer," I whispered and squeezed him closer. He didn't respond as his breathing evened out signaling he was asleep. I closed my eyes tightly as my heart shattered for Erik.


A bit short, a bit depressing. I hope it was up to par with what you were looking for abbyandarian If not I apologize..........

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