Ricky Stenhouse Jr.

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Hey, iloveNiallLouisnLiam, it's been like.. years lmao no, but it seems like it. Thanks for your patience, love.. Hope I did ya justice <3 <3


Renea bit her thumb nail as she stared at the assortment of colors on her laptop. She was sitting in bed, hair a mess with the sheets pulled up over her as her eyes grazed the screen of party decorations. With a limited amount of time, she knew she had to put her plans into action. So, finally deciding on the color of table cloths, wrapping paper, and silly decorations, she clicked order.

Just as she was about to finish typing i all her information, her phone buzzed. She glanced down at it as the screen lit up. 

Good night, Renea... I'm boarding the plane to come home rn so I'll be back soon

Renea smiled softly as she typed her response

Okay, can't wait!! Good nightttt

She finished up the information, set her phone aside, and fell asleep after shutting down her laptop.


The sleep didn't last long, as her alarm blazed early in the morning. She clambered out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. With a toothbrush in her mouth, she dialed up everyone she could think of to invite. She left a few messages and exchanged friendly small talk as she invited everyone. Around eleven, Ricky showed up at her apartment door holding a box and two bags of food along with a carrying tray of drinks. "I brought you breakfast."

"Aw, thank you so much, Ricky." She gushed, setting her phone aside. She reached up, taking the drinks and two bags while kissing him in the process. "You spoil me."

"I know." He smirked, setting the box on her table. She set everything down as well before distributing the food. "So, what'd you do without me for the whole weekend?" He asked and she smiled as she handed him his plate of food.

"Absolutely nothing besides watch the race. Wonderful job, by the way." He rolled his eyes with a small smile as he took a seat beside her. 

"Renea, is there a specific reason why I don't believe you?" He asked and because she knew she was an exceptionally bad liar, she grabbed a pancake and stuffed it in her mouth all while shaking her head no.

"I didn't!" She urged, withholding a smile as her voice was muffled. She covered her mouth as Ricky laughed softly, nodding as he reached over and playfully bumped her before pulling her closer. He pecked her cheek, laughing as she blushed.

The following day went by with lots of laughs and jokes and cheesy smiles and lovey-dovey moments between the two. When Ricky left, however, she got her delivery and went into full-blown crazy as she began to decorate.


"He'll be here in an hour," Ricky's dad smiled as he shoved a chip in his mouth. Renea plopped down in a chair, staring out over the blue and white decor, all matching his racing scheme. There was a checkered patterned banner that simply read "Happy Birthday!" Along with this, she made all sorts of things, such as race car cookies, silly oking signs, like by the punch it said it was "Transmission Fluid". The full focus wasn't all on racing, however, it also had lots of blues and whites.

Ricky's dad, Ricky Sr., helped Renea a lot, and after they were finished, everyone was basically here. Ricky's family, close friends, co-workers that he was on good terms with, his team, and a few of their mutual friends Renea was close with. The party was jam pact, the gift table overflowing with boxes and bags. 

She was anxious to see his reaction, as it was a little less than 2 weeks away from his birthday, which would mark them being together for five months. She wanted to make an impact, to make a difference and to make him happy. A surprise party, looking sort of like a childs party, was yes.... childish. But hey, they were young and in love so why the hell not?

When an hour rolled around, Renea ran to the front of the huge backyard where the party was set up as everyone simply bent down behind her. She stood before the back door, hands clasped together anxiously. She was smiling widely, nervous as the door slowly opened. His voice was heard, but drained away as he walked in, his eyes widening as he slowly set his phone down by his side. Ricky's dad hung up the phone with a dorky grin as Renea waved out her arms.

"Surprise!" She and all the guests shouted, a few of Ricky's friends throwing confetti at him. He burst out laughing, his eyes searching the area. He rushed forward, enveloping Renea in a tight hug. They both laughed, him lifting her off the ground slightly. 

"You're.... Oh my gosh, you're amazing, Renea. I love you." He gushed in her ear, pulling back with the widest smile. She was too busy laughing and smiling to reply, him gently kissing her.

"Happy early birthday. I love you too." She laughed after they pulled away. He took her hand in his, gently kissing her temple before looking out over the crowd. His dad walked voer to Ricky, laughing softly.

"She's a keeper, bud." He laughed and Renea laughed, looking down with a warm smile. Ricky snickered, pulling her closer.

"Oh, I know, Dad." He bit his lip, looking at the girl in his arms before he looked out at the party she planned for him. "Let's party, shall we?"

"We shall." She replied with a wide smile. The two did as they said, partied hard and danced like idiots with the people closest to them.

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