John Hunter Nemechek -TWO-

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From a previous request, previously requested by Writing_My_Only_Hope, but a part two was requested by (kinda) willbyrons and cvrazon. Thanks for the request, all three of you :p Thanks so my for reading!!!!!


"I'm on my way!" Anna muttered into the phone, jogging down the stairs at an alarming speed. She ignored how her backpack bumped against her back with every step down the obnoxiously long staircase. Offering a small smile to the people surrounding the stairs, rudely loitering on them. "Geez, relax. Don't be so rude!" She groaned. Her brother, Christopher, who insisted on picking her up directly from her school to drive her to their dinner. He was skeptical about her intentions this particular weekend.

John Hunter was in town-- supposedly for a commercial shoot. Christopher didn't question his presence in their hometown, however, his eyes were on his sister and fellow competitor. To his knowledge, the two hadn't spoken much and hadn't met up since that night he took her away from him. 

Little did he know.

"Shut up, Anna." Christopher spat, rolling his eyes as he ended the call, his sister finally coming into view. She jogged to his car and threw her bag in before jumping in and turning the radio all the way up. The whole way to the restaurant, she jammed, singing and whipping her hair around.

Christopher allowed it, ignored her really. They arrived at their stop and got out, got their seats and ordered. Twenty minutes later, in the middle of their meal and conversation, her phone vibrated against her leg. She took a spoonful of noodles into her mouth and sat back, grabbing her tall glass of ice water. 

"And then Mom told Oskar to--"

"Hold that thought. I've gotta pee." Anna told him after swallowing her food and taking a long gulp of water. He rolled his eyes and took a huge bite of his cheeseburger. She arose from her spot and didn't even bother checking her phone. She followed the hall and passed tables toward the bathroom before double-crossing to the front doors. She walked around to the parking lot when she saw him.

She whistled before rushing toward him, hands in her jacket pockets and a smirk on her face. "Miss me?"

"You know it." He breathed and met her halfway. His hand swept her hair away and in the same moment, his lips met hers and his other hand rested on her hip. She looped her hands into his hair and pushed him back until he hit the car behind them. The kiss grew more heated until she pulled away, smiling up at him. "Sneaking around is so not right."

"Wanna tell Chris then? He's right inside." SHe smirked, dragging her nails down his neck. John Hunter's eyes locked with hers, then drifted down to her lips, then her neck. 

"Nope." He popped the "p" before ducking his head and pecking her lips gently. His arms wrapped around her and he enveloped her in a tight hug. "You should just drop out."


"Because I can never see you." He whined and she rolled her eyes and pulled back. She grabbed his hands and stepped backward, sighing heavily.

"I miss you too." She clicked her tongue before pulling him into her and kissing him deeply. "Sadly, using the bathroom doesn't take ten minutes. We still on for tonight?" She asked he laughed softly and squeezed her hands.

"Hell yeah." They broke apart, sadly after one last kiss. SHe rushed inside, quickly applied lip gloss as she walked and plopped back down in her chair. 

"You were saying?" She smirked and Chris continued, completely oblivious to the blushing girl across from him and the anxious man outside thinking about her.


"Dumbass!" She screeched as his arms squeezed her. He laughed in her ear as she whipped around, the darkness enveloping them only allowing her to see the shadows on his face. "Don't scare me!" She laughed softly, lowering her voice. 

"Just come on, Anna." He laughed and shoved her backward. "I'm only in town for... 12 more hours." He smirked and Anna sighed heavily.

"Don't remind me. Let's go, then." She grabbed his hand and the couple snuck out of her yard onto the main road and followed the street lights to the park. They took a seat on the swings and caught up. Late night Facetime calls, sneaky texts under fake names, subtle phone calls, and very low social media interaction was clearly not enough for either party to share their affection with each other. 

"How much longer are we gonna hide this?" John Hunter asked, a slight pout falling across his lips. Anna looked down and hid her face from his view. She thought for a moment, her thumb gingerly rubbing the back of his as they both gently swung in sync.

"Chris won't talk to me if he knows, I already know that...."

"He'll come around."

"He's my brother, I can't just--" SHe stopped herself and looked up at the sky. She thoughtlessly groaned and let go of his hand. She rubbed her eyes and looked over at him. "We both knew when we met each other this probably wouldn't work." He sighed and shrugged, eyes still locked on hers. 

"You only live once?" He said in a questioning tone.  She chuckled softly and stood up, standing and facing him as he remained sitting on the swings.

"You only live once." She reiterated and set her hands on his shoulder, standing between his legs. "We'll do what you want. Do we wanna come clean to the world? Be together publically? Or keep doing this until we know what we want?"

His thoughts seemed to drag on for an eon. Ifs, maybes, buts. You name them, they crossed his mind. He truly didn't want to destroy her relationship with her brother, but why live in misery when you could literally be with who you loved right then? 

Yes... you read that right.


"We need to tell them." He told her softly, and with a slight hesitation, she nodded her head and agreed. "We deserve that much."

"You're right." She breathed before resting her forehead on his. "Where do we start?"

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