Chase Elliott

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Erin handed me my drink when she got back into the car. I smiled and quickly thanked her as she placed hers in the cup holder before buckling up. "No problem, Khloe." She grinned softly and put the car in reverse. "So, you like NASCAR, right?"

"Sure, I guess. I think it's a really intriguing and exciting sport but I can't watch the races. Except for the night ones. I work weekends." I shrugged and sipped my soda. "Why?"

"Well, you know how my brother races. He asked me and Emma to go down this weekend but she can't, so I was hoping you would go with me? Ryan already said it was fine." She shrugged and I nodded.

"If I can get off work, I'd love to." I chuckled. She bent down and grabbed my phone that was sitting on the top of my purse with a smile. 

"We need to leave either Wednesday night or Thursday morning to get there and hang out." She winked and I laughed and took my phone.


Surprisingly my boss let me off so we left late Wednesday night so we could get there early Thursday morning. Ryan picked us up at the airport and very kindly introduced himself in his best attire; dinosaur pajamas and a red hat. He drove us to the racetrack, telling me everything he could about racing in the short timeframe. I laughed and nodded like I understand it all, though when he got to The Chase rules I was lost. But I didn't stop him.

Erin sat beside me with an annoyed expression. When we got there, Ryan pulled out the sofa bed for us and we passed out until the sun was actually up. When we awoke, I helped Erin pick up our messy bed before hopping in the shower. When I came out, she went in. Ryan walked in in firesuit as soon as the shower started. 

"Ugh, my sister is in there, isn't she?" He groaned and I nodded. "I'll change in the back. Hey, do you care if a friend of mine comes over today? Just to hang out?" 

"Why would I care?" I chuckled and he shrugged as he pulled out his phone.

"I was just making sure. Okay, he'll be here in a half hour, I'm changing." He smiled as he walked by me into the back bedroom. I shrugged as I flopped down onto the couch with my phone.

Ryan came back and sat by me, turning the TV on. "What are your thoughts on video games?" He asked with a small smile.

"They're fun. I suck, but they're fun."

"Good. What about Star Wars?" Erin walked out as she towel dried her hair.

"Don't answer that."

"Yeah, I've heard you're a bit of a fanatic." I rolled my eyes with a playful smile. He shrugged as Erin reached up on her tiptoes to grab a glass from the top cupboard. "Need some help?" I laughed and she glared at me and stood back. I giggled and walked over to her, grabbing the glass with ease. "Relax, shorty." I winked and she laughed and shoved me playfully. 

I walked around her to go sit back beside Ryan but the door flew open and a guy came in, bumping into me. My phone dropped my hands onto the cold, hard floor and I cringed as I looked down to it, face down. "It's not walking away from that one." Erin chuckled as she sipped her newly poured drink. "Hi, Elliott."

"Hi... I'm sorry." He chuckled, his voice deep with a Georgian accent lacing it. I looked back up and was met by dark brown eyes. He had long, brown hair combed to perfection and a short beard. Sunglasses were perched in his hair, the dark tufts curling slightly around them. 

I noticed I was staring and quickly ducked down to grab my phone and turned it, seeing that dreaded crack across it. "It's fine." I shrugged and took a step back to put some distance between us. With any luck, he'd miss my blush. But I've got bad luck, so he probably noticed it. 

"She's a clutz so she has tempered glass. It's not the phone screen." Erin explained and chuckled at my reaction. Ryan didn't notice, only sat there playing his game. "So, anyway. Chase, this is my best friend Khloe, Khloe, this is Ryan's best friend Chase." She introduced. I looked back up to Chase and offered him a soft smile. Only for him to smile back brightly causing my heart to thud against my ribcage.

"It's nice to meet you, Khloe." He grinned brightly. I briefly nodded back with a small smile as I got out of his way so he could go see Ryan. Erin raised a brow at me and I narrowed my eyes. She shrugged as she grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to the boys. I widened my eyes as she literally shoved me down by Chase while she took her spot over by Ryan. I scooted away from Chase, my cheeks blazing hot as our arms brushed. 

He didn't notice.

Erin texted me as she leaned back, noticing me intently staring at my hands with a seemingly forever lasting blush. 

Relllaxxx K. BTW, he's single

I shot her a glare across the couch only for Chase to glance at me, a smile playing on his lips from a conversation he was having with Ryan. My glare faded quickly, it quickly being replaced by a soft smile. "So, how'd Erin guilt you into watching this sad sap race?" He asked, nudging Ryan who rolled his eyes.

"It wasn't so much to watch only him race. NASCAR is one thing that peaks my interest." I managed to get out without a quivering voice or red cheeks. 

"Well, in that case. How about you sit in my pit box? Not only is it a better view of the race, but you can cheer me on from there." Erin grinned and twirled her blonde hair on her finger as I opened my mouth to say something. My voice must've gotten lost.

"You know, it's not a bad idea." Erin piped up, seeing my hesitation. "We can still flip through the scanners and watch Ryan but see everything better." She shrugged and Ryan nodded.

"Whatever you guys wanna do. Hey, did you see Bubba's snap chat?" Ryan asked Chase, who broke eye contact with me and glanced at Ryan. Erin wiggled her brows at me and I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone as she texted me again.

He's into you. I can tell. It's so obvious. When is the wedding??? I BETTER BE A BRIDESMAID

I chuckled softly and shook my head as I set down my phone. "Anyway, after the race we could all go out for drinks." Chase shrugged as he leaned back all the way, his shoulder brushing mine. I bit my lip as Erin chuckled.

"Or you two can go out for drinks and my sister and I can celebrate in victory lane." Ryan winked over at us.

"Yeah, well, maybe we'll be in victory lane and maybe we'll invite you and your sister. Maybe." Chase shrugged, grinning. 

"Sounds like a plan. Either way, it's a win-win. Shake on it?" Erin asked, raising both brows. "One way, you two go out for drinks, the other you two celebrate." I rolled my eyes as Ryan grinned at her.

"I don't know. There's a lot of possibilities. Things happen, plans change. Before they do, maybe you should head out for drinks now." Ryan nudged Chase who glanced at me and chuckled.

"Thought you wanted to hang out?" He raised a brow and Ryan set down his controller and grinned.

"Are you passing up an opportunity to go get a drink with a pretty girl?" he raised a brow and I felt my cheeks burning red. Erin covered her mouth, her blue eyes darting between Chase and I as she tried hiding her smile. Chase sighed and pushed himself up.

"I couldn't resist. Khloe, would you like to go get a drink with me?" He asked, holding out one hand. I grinned widely, my eyes surely beaming excitedly as I grabbed my phone with one hand and reached up, grabbing his with the other.

"I couldn't resist." I smiled and stood up; all without breaking eye contact.

A/N I hope you all enjoyed!! I hope I got whatcha wanted, _khloemarie   <3

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