Ryan Reed

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Malex sighed as she looked around the convention. It wasn't her first-- and probably wouldn't be her last. She had other plans originally, to go out with a group of friends, but the plans were dropped last minute so Malex decided to show up at the popular diabetes convention in her home state. Looking around the crowded area, she found a soft smile appear across her face as she noticed so many people and their families grouped in the gathering to spread awareness.

She was handed pamphlets and a folder along with a couple friendly smiles and compliments. Just as she went to take a seat at a table toward the back of the room, she felt a hand gently land on her arm. She turned and locked eyes with a rather cute stranger. "Hey." He smiled softly, in which she returned.

"Hey, there." She set down her handful of papers and turned to him, smoothing out her shirt subtly. "This is a great turn out, don't you think?" She asked and he grinned and looked around.

"Definitely. Seems insane such a... lowly populated community can pull together like this for such a good cause." He paused hesitantly. "Speaking of, you a victim of the evil itself, or a supporter?" He asked as he grabbed a chair beside her and plopped down, cordially inviting himself to her table. She sat down and shrugged.

"Um... both. I go to all these... this year i was gonna skip to hang out with friends... but I wouldn't miss it." She smiled nervously as he leaned against the table. "What about you?"

"This is the first time I've ever gone. I've tried to go, but I have work." He nodded and malex shifted in her seat.

"I'm glad you could come out. But it's a flexible time, did the dates just fall wrong?" She asked, drawing her brows together. He grinned and shrugged.

"Pretty much. I uh..." He paused and leaned closer. "I drive a racecar. I'm in NASCAR." He leaned back, examining the surprised, impressed look on her face. "It's a busy time."

"Wait, how? How do you do it?" She asked, genuinely intrigued because she struggled at her own career. He shrugged.

"Long, complicated story, but trust me, it's all good. I deal. I'm pretty damn good at what I do." He bragged and tilted his head. "My bad, introductions-- I'm Ryan... Ryan Reed." She grinned and nodded.

"My name is Malex."

"Malex?" He asked, the smile somehow growing. "What a unique, extravagant name." He laughed softly and she blushed, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, thank you." She giggled. The night went along-- and after hours of talking... when the night came to a close, they exchanged numbers with a small promise of having dinner the next day.

And when that came... Ryan was hooked. She was cute, and she giggled adorable. She had one of those cute kittens sneezes and was quiet, shy, and sweet. She was calm, but she also loved to sing and dance around like a little lunatic sometimes. She smiled a lot and when she got nervous, she played with her hair. He felt like he knew her... and yet they'd known each other for a little over 24 hours.

They had another date scheduled, but due to an odd feeling, Malex canceled-- much to her dismay. She had her mother come over because of her paranoia and her own ill feelings.

"Malex, honey, did you get your..." Malex's mother trailed off as she realized her daughter wasn't  listening. She had her head in her arms on the table, her figure hunched over the table. "Malex," her mother gently set her hand on her shoulder only to notice something was wrong. "Malex?" She said loudly and more frantically. Her heart rate sped up and she quickly called for an ambulance in a flustered panic.


After Ryan got done sulking about his canceled date, he proceeded to grab his cell phone instead of watching an entire Netflix series like a loser. He noticed he had a missed call from Malex, along with a text. He opened the text and his eyes widened.

I don't know who this is, but considering you're my daughters most recent person she contacted I feel the need to let you know Malex is in the hospital. 

Ryan jolted up off the couch, his thumbs flying across the keyboard.

Wait, what happened? Is she okay? What hospital???


We don't have any word, the doc. is with her. I'll get you the address

Thank you so much

In a messy, frantic movement, Ryan ran outside and to his car. He waited on the next text before driving to the hospital. It was insane to him that a girl he met barely a week ago could make him so worried and anxious about her health... Perhaps it was because she dealt with the same things as him... or maybe it was because she was the only person that night at the diabetes convention to genuinely seem to care about him. Even after knowing her for a weak, he noticed how caring she was.

He ran inside and scanned the waiting room, his arms and legs nearly shaking. "Ryan?" A women asked, her hair a shade darker than Malex's but her eyes a shocking similarity to hers.

"That's me.... is she okay?" He asked quickly and the women gave him a tiny smile and waved him closer. Ryan stepped closer to the women, a frown on his face.

"She's.... still with the doctor. I think that she'll be okay. This has happened before, and...." She paused and smiled lightly. "You're a new face. A pretty face." Ryan laughed softly, his eyes dancing around the hospital room and around the doctors, nurses, and waiting people.

"Yeah... she's um.... she's a new pretty face for me too. Thank you so much for calling me, Ms.--"

"Call me Anne." She smiled, and Ryan thanked God because he was unsure if he remembered Malex's last name. Nearly doing an actual facepalm because of his lack of knowledge in the new, gorgeous girl he was slightly obsessing over. "And no problem. Usually it's only me. It's refreshing to wait with a friend of hers."

So they sat... and they talked. And talked, and talked, and talked.


Malex's eyes fluttered open and she cringed at the sudden bright light. She parted her lips, closed them, and parted them once more as she came around. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around. She recognized the blank walls and bright colors, but one thing was slightly unfamiliar. Her mother was hunched over in a chair, her head lolled back and soft snores escaping her lips-- however that was normal-- expected even.

What was not expected was a hand in hers, and a respecting boy resting his head on her bed. She smiled softly, her hand tightening around Ryan's with a sleepy smile.

This was for crazyforlogano22 so thanks for requesting!!!!

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