Dale Earnhardt Jr.

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For CommentsByStarjumper, thanks for the request! I hope it's okay, the request was very creative! Sorry for any mistakes <3 It was odd, the way I set this up and wrote it but I dunno


I rolled my eyes for the millionth time as my mother continued her tangent about absolutely everything wrong with her teaching me to drive. She's a professional driver! She would be the best person to teach me, yet I keep hearing, "Time, Nicole! I have no time, there's no gas, I'm busy, you have work, this, that, everything else, blah, blah, blah." It's been an hour, and she's still going at it.

"Then can someone else teach me?" I grumbled under my breath and she turned away from the counter where she was fixing herself up a smoothie. We were in the free lunch Pocono Speedway had set up for the drivers, teams, and family. I, of course, was following my mother hopelessly around the pact place. 

"Teach who what?" A man asked, deep voice laced with a Southern twang. I spun in my chair and faced him, clasping my hands together.

"To drive," I stated bluntly and his brows shot up.

"To drive? Like... a car?" He asked slowly, eyes darting to my mother. "How old are you?"

"No! I'm old enough, I know how to drive, I wanna drive an actual racecar! I've raced all my life, but I wanna race an actual race car." I shrugged and he smiled, looking to my mom. I recognized him as Dale Earnhardt Jr., my mother's competitor. "Any chance you're free?" I asked with a wide smile and slight tilt of my head. He shrugged, leaning against the counter and nodded.

"I'd love to." He looked to my mother. "Dancia?" He asked and she rolled her eyes and waved the two off.

"Whatever, I'm busy." She then walked away. I grinned at Dale and jumped to my feet. 

"You're my savior, Dale!" I cheered, throwing my hands into the air. "I'll get your number from Mom, okay?" I asked and he chuckled and nodded. We exchanged quick goodbyes and that was that. 


"Okay, so--" I flipped a switch and Dale looked over, nodding enthusiastically. We both had helmets and firesuits on, as a precaution, but our visors were flipped up so we could see each other. "Like that?" I asked, gently bumping the gas.

"Exactly. You're a fast learner." He noted with a grin, causing my smile to widen as I turned the wheel and pulled onto pit road. It's been a few weeks since we made plans and we had asked permission from Daytona Speedway to practice. They agreed enthusiastically due to Dale's kind request. "Here," He reached over, just as I was about to set my hand on another switch to accelerate. Our gloved hands brushed and as my checks blushed to a pale pink he chuckled. "The fans." He told me softly, his voice a few notches lower as he dropped his hand. Only his fingers grazed my thigh. I could have sworn it was on purpose.

We were in a special car that had the same controls as a stock car, but a different shape. There was a second seat, hence how he was with her. It was created to help young, wishful future drivers learn. 

I pulled onto the actual track as Dale talked me through it, and I actually was doing good. I could feel the pull from the draft on the wall, the jerks of the tiny bumps, the wind flowing over the hood. It was accelerating, absolutely mind-blowingly insane. Only, halfway through the first lap, Dale's hand was suddenly on the back of my chair as he watched the fences flash by with a content smile. He was being friendly, but suddenly I got nervous. I bit my lip, turning the wheel to turn fearing I would embarrass myself.

My heart never calmed down, even after I left the car.


Outside, Dale and I were walking to his car that we took from the hotel we got together. Only somewhere along the way, we stopped and turned to talk to one another. The words we exchanged were light and amiable, or they were at first. Then I decided to screw with him. I smiled, batted my eyelashes, and bit my lip as I spoke in a subtle flirtatious way.

And he flirted back. That's why I got the extra boost of confidence to ask. "So, you taught me to drive a stock car. How about dinner?" I asked, thin brow arched high. He grinned widely, shrugging one shoulder as he looked down at me.

"Dinner sounds good. Let's go now." He smirked and I laughed as he held out a hand. I was surprised by the action, yet I still took his in mine. He took me to his car, me grinning like an idiot.

"Does this make it a date?" I asked with a somewhat surprised tone, freehand landing on my heart. Dale chuckled, opened my door, and got a little too close to be just friends. 

"I guess it sort of does." I rolled my eyes with a teasing smile and shoved him away, climbing into the passenger seat. He laughed and got in too, glancing in my direction.

"You know, flirty Dale is odd." I told him and he raised a brow. "Cute--and odd." I fake gasped and looked to him. "What would my mother think?"

"I don't wanna know." He muttered and we both laughed. 


Going on a date with Dale was never something I would have thought would happen.... and yet, that night was one of the best. We had dinner, talked like old friends, and flirted like teenagers. We teased each other like family and ranted like idiots. I was completely comfortable with him, and that was insane to me. Almost as insane as him kissing me, which, by the way.... in case you were wondering...





At least, if you ask my mother it didn't. 

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