Austin Dillion

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Austin smiled down at me as he slid his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. "Ready to see me win?" He wiggled his brows. I smiled softly and shrugged. Austin had invited me to come down to the basketball game that Denny sometimes organizes to watch him play.  So, I, of course, excitedly accepted the invitation.

This would be the first time I've ever been able to go because the timing literally never worked out for me. Austin would always so, 'Oh, well there's always the next game.' Though he and I both knew that probably wouldn't happen. So, just for Austin, I did extra work to get the day off. 

"Sure, that is if you do. win" I teased. He scoffed and planted a gentle kiss on my temple. I squirmed in his grip as we entered the building and he chuckled. "Come on, Rebecca-- public affection is a thing." He teased.

"Pass, you're supposed to look all intimidating or whatever for your friends right?" I teased back and ducked out of his grip causing him to shrug.

"Intimidating to them, not you." I pushed open the large doors and shrugged. "Time to warm up, buddy." I winked. He laughed and hooked an arm around my waist, pulling me into him.

"Good luck kiss?" He raised a brow while pouting slightly. I sighed and slouched my shoulders.

"I guess." I groaned softly before sliding my arms around his neck and gently pecking his lips.

"Go ahead and pretend you don't love it." He whispered huskily before pulling me into another kiss. I blushed as I kissed him back, hearing whistling coming from behind me.

"Go, Dillion!" Denny clapped and hollered. I chuckled and pulled away, hiding my face in the crook of Austin's neck while he laughed and gently set his hands on my waist. 

"All right, Dillion!"

"Good luck." I laughed against his neck and gently placed a kiss just below his ear before slipping from his grasp. I spun on my heel and rushed to the bleachers. I didn't look back until I had sat down beside Jordon, Denny's girlfriend. I grinned at Taylor, their oldest daughter, and she waved.

"Hi, Becca!" She cheered softly, her words mumbled a bit as she squealed. Jordon laughed and bounced Taylor on her knee, holding her with one arm while she held onto the baby's car seat. Hope smiled up at me, babbling incoherent baby words as she waved her arms, copying Taylor's movements.

"Hey, Taylor. Hey, Jordon... Hi, there, Molly." I waved down at the baby, who smiled up at me.

"Daddy's gonna win." Taylor giggled. I laughed and Jordon sighed as she shook her head with a soft smile. I looked back out to the court and saw Denny dribbling his ball over to the basket. He shot, but completely missed the actual shot because Austin had turned around from where he was dribbling, smirked as he locked eyes with me, and shot me a quick wink before throwing the ball backward. I grinned, my eyes locking on the basketball as it bounced Denny's out of the way and circled the hoop before falling in.

"Or Austin." Jordon snickered, nudging me. Taylor giggled and cheered loudly. 

"He's just a showoff." I shrugged, my eyes falling Austin as he dribbled down court.

"It's kind of adorable." She laughed and Taylor nodded, raising her eyebrows as she looked over to me.

"Austy's my second favorite."

"Mine too." I nodded softly with a grin and she grinned. 

"Is your first my Dad too?" She laughed.

"No, silly, it's me." Ryan Blaney yelled from across the court. I snickered, and if I hadn't been in front of Taylor, I would have sent him my middle finger. But, children were present so I just sent him a sarcastic smile.

"Ain't true, Blaney," Austin shouted back and stole his ball. Ryan scoffed and threw his hands out before running up under him and stealing it back. He shot, and missed completely, resulting in Denny stealing it from him.

"Let's get the actual game started, shall we? Maybe then Ryan can actually shoot a hoop." He bounced the ball back to Ryan who rolled his eyes. I smiled and found myself hollering, clapping, and cheering on Austin with Taylor and Jordon. I hadn't known much about basketball, and honestly hadn't found it too entertaining before, but it was an exciting game. Austin did awesome-- of course.

He never failed to send me quick glances, smirks, winks, or grins. He also loved to try to show off by stealing the ball and doing fancy little trick shots that almost never made it. But I wouldn't lie-- he looked amazing doing it. After saying my goodbyes to Taylor, Molly, and Jordon, I jogged down the bleachers and smiled at Austin as he tossed his towel around his neck.

"And you doubted me." He teased, smirking as he walked over to me.

"Oh, how dare I? How did I know you weren't all talk?" I laughed as he grabbed my hand and helped me down the last seat of the bleachers. 

"Don't doubt me, baby." He laughed before quickly wrapping his arms around me. I squealed and squirmed in his arms as he purposely snuggled his head into the crook of my neck, his sweat wiping on me. 

"Ew! Austin-- S-stop!" I laughed and pushed him back. He smirked and pulled back only to lean back in, gently kissing me.

"Let's go celebrate."

"After we shower," I mumbled and wiped my chin. He grinned and hooked his fingers in my belt loops before dragging me closer.

"You got it, hot stuff." He whispered softly, his smile wide.

A/N So-- a lot happened over the past couple of days, including the well-known excuse I've seen in literally every book I've read-- I started school. But that wasn't the only thing.... all summer a girl and I have had our differences and lately, her comments really got to me. I didn't want to write while I was upset so I opted to set off writing for a couple days. I'm back, so I hope this was okay, mendesriches

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