Alex Bowman

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Hey, Lolitsmiranda. Hope you enjoy love! (Get's a lil mature at the end,)

Today's a cool day, go check out my book Late Night Thoughts for a little introduction of my new ORIGINAL story! (It's in the title of the chapter, easy to find!)  It's a romance... I'm excited about it. Go check out the intro and see if it catches your eye <3


Jack Daniels and red wine. That's what the Hendrick teammates chose as their celebratory drinks on this, particularly cloudy night. The race was long and drawn out, but the outcome was reasonable. They'd come in second and third, and considering their luck was rough lately, it was a win. Instead of focusing on the drink in his hand or whatever story Chase was telling, Alex' eyes were locked on a thin blonde just a few seats down from them.

Her hair cascaded down her back in luscious waves of gold, her eyes matching that of a deep blue-- but her smile. Oh, wow-- her smile.

"You okay man?" Chase asked, brows furrowed together as he peered over at his friend. Alex paused, eyes lingering on the blonde for a slight moment before he looked to his teammate, realizing his cheeks were blazing red. 

"Uh, dude, I'm fine." He brushed it off, literally waving the boy's concern away as he brought the glass of alcohol to his lips and sipped the drink. He didn't expect a small hand to land on his shoulder, and he sure as hell didn't expect to turn to face that beautiful blonde. His eyes blazed wide, cheeks flushing deeply. 

"Hey! I'm Krista. You're the driver of the 88 car, right?" She asked slowly, revealing two rows of pristine white teeth. He swallowed thickly, missing a beat as he sat up more.

"Yeah... uh, I'm Alex-- Alex Bowman. Uh-- wanna join us?" He asked after clearing his throat. The blonde glanced at Chase, whose dark eyes held a devious glint as he pretended to listen to the brunette that suddenly stood beside him. 

"Hell yeah." She smirked, plopping down beside him, sliding her beer over in front of her. The two got to talking, conversation flowing easily. The longer the chat lasted, the more confidence Alex gained-- and the more he began to flirt. When she flirted back, this only increased his cockiness.

Hours passed, and somehow they ended up at his house-- which was not his intention at all. The blonde burst into his house, beaming widely as she stumbled around and gazed at the uniquely decorated home. "You're house is beautiful." She collapsed onto the couch as if she had a million times previously.

"Thanks." He beamed cheekily, slurring his words slightly as he continued to advance toward her. He plopped down beside her, closer than necessary but not too close to make her uncomfortable-- only she turned into him and beamed. 

The drunken talk continued, only the conversation slowly began to drift away. The seemingly innocent flirting became suddenly desperate-- and Alex soon found himself leaning into her. Her blue eyes flickered with an unidentifiable emotion, lips parting in evident anticipation as she too leaned closer. 

Their lips met and the light, airy conversations and flirting took a turn. Their lips met and suddenly they were attacking each other in feverish kisses. Hands roamed unfamiliar bodies, teeth clashed, tongues battled, and the oxygen suddenly seemed to dissipate from lungs. He lifted her up onto his lap, tilting her head to deepen the kiss as his hands slid up underneath her shirt as hers tore at the buttons on his shirt. 

The buttons clanged to the floor, her fingers sliding back into his hair and pulled roughly causing a throaty moan to muffle into her mouth. 

Her painted nails were vibrant against his hot skin as they shoved his now ruined button-up shirt down his shoulders. She purposely grinded against him as she did this, causing him to tear at her clothing hungrily.

When he pushed her down onto the couch and pulled the thin tank top off her body, his nervousness from earlier on in the night seemed absolutely ridiculous-- because that night?

Hell, it was unforgettable. For both parties.

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