Ryan Blaney

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For the amazing _marisatamayo, who is greaaatttttt. Thanks for the patience! Enjoy! You'll all probably hate my spam here pretty soon ^.^


Bella Hayward as not the "chill" type. In Kindergarten, the anxiety of a full bus upset her. In middle school, the worry of losing her friends taunted her every year. In high school, the classes overwhelmed her. When she got her license she worried about crashing. When she got her own apartment she worried about bills--which led to her first job. 

So let's just say, when she peed on the stick and it came back positive, she was less than impressed. She freaked out, googled everything she could about what would go wrong. She googled names that night and wondered what the perfect one would be. Then she plotted to get a tattoo with the babies perfect name, and where it should go-- then she worried about her significant other. 


Ryan, the famous NASCAR driver. Bella adored him with everything she had in her. She loved him so deeply, and she knew even before she got pregnant he was the one. That he was the man she wanted to father her children, he was the one. Right from the get-go. With that being said, it was a little early. 

Bella was sitting in the car, Ryan in the little general store they were visiting. She was thinking, her palm rested on her flat tummy. Her mind was racing, but this time not with negative thoughts. With her feet pulled up onto the seat, she smiled softly as Ryan walked across the parking lot with two bads. He slid into the seat after pulling the door open roughly. He plopped down beside her and fished through the bags.

"Here, babe. I got ya there." He passed her a bag of chips, her favorite drink, and a few things of candy. "But you have to share." He teased with a small side smile. Bella giggled and pulled the bag of chips open. She ate a bunch, Ryan chuckling softly as he pulled out of the driveway.



"You just ate, babe." He laughed, setting his hand on her knee.

"Pardon me, I'm eating for two." She spat, then ate another chip. Then she realized what she said and nodded, deciding to keep going. "That's right. That's it. Two days ago, I pissed on a stick and it told me something that'll make or break my life in one small--and I mean small figure. I stared at the damn plus for four hours before I accepted it, then I did an extra hour of research to make sure I read it right. A singular symbol!" She ranted, shaking her head and eating another chip. "Then I decided if it's a baby girl, I want to name her Amara May Blanley, except you don't want to marry me so I have to name her Hayward because she's my baby girl. If it's a baby boy, I want him to be something angry, badass, but also a sweetheart that loves everything. Oooh, what about a Kylie Jenner name?" SHe asked, beaming brightly as she turned to Ryan, whose pale face was still on the road.


"Not like Shampoo or Socks or anything. River? That's cute. Blade--heh, like blade of grass." She snickered. "Actually, I changed my mind. I want a name like Dylan or Dustin. Those are cute, Christian too. Christian Dean, after my mom's brother." She paused and looked to Ryan. "But really, I'm pregnant. Really, really, really pregnant."

"Bella," Ryan swallowed thickly. "are you being serious?"

"Yes." She sighed and Ryan huffed softly, fingers tightening around the wheel. "Are you mad?" She asked nervously, eyes full of weary. "I'm sorry."

"No, Bell, hey," He grabbed her hand and caressed it. "I'm not! I'm not mad at all, don't worry about it. Really, um... I'm just shocked. I didn't expect to hear that right now. I'm sorry to scare you... Um..." He paused, sighing softly. "Christian Dean?" He asked softly and Bella nodded nervously. "That's cute... and it's not that I don't want to marry you, babe, I do." He laughed softly. "We've been so busy, the time will be right... And Christian Dean, or Amara May or whatever else pops through that brain of yours will be Blaney, on my life. Bella soon but not soon enough to be Blaney."

"That's a terrible proposal, Ryan." She muttered, a small blush matching her smile. Ryan laughed softly and gently touched her belly.

"It'll be better, I promise." He chuckled and brought her hand to his lips, gently kissing her hand. "I can't believe it. I'm gonna be a dad...."

"Yep." She popped the 'p' on yep then sighed. "What do we do now, then?"

"I don't know."

"I'll call my mom." Bella sighed and Ryan nodded.

"Me too."

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