Chase Elliott

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I grabbed my clipboard and smiled as I noticed the person that my boss told em walked through the doors with a few other people. "Chase is here." The nurse told me and I nodded, thanking her before walking over. "Chase? Chase Elliott?" I asked extending my hand with a wide smile.

"Hey... yeah that's me you must be Charlotte?" He asked and I grinned.

"That's me. Let's not waste time... the kids are extremely eager." I laughed softly and led him and the two people behind him deeper inside. I lead him inside the room of a patient of mine. The little girl sat up, a grin spreading across her face as well as a light blush. 

"IS this the dude?" She asked her sweet voice soft.

"This is the dude. Marren, meet Chase. Chase Marren. She's been looking forward to meeting you all month. She loves the races." I informed him and he grinned as his PR handed him a box. Chase sat on the edge of her bed and handed her a plain white shoe before leaning down and saying something to her softly causing her to giggle.

This continued until the kids had decorated all the shoes for Chase and took a group picture. I had a page so I had to excuse myself and check on another patient but returned just in time to see Chase getting ready to leave. "Hey, Chase!" I called jogging down toward him. He stopped and turned to me with a wide smile.

"Hey there. Disappeared on me."

"Yeah sorry about that. Had a page." I laughed brushing a piece of hair that had fallen out of my bun.

"Saving lives, I got it." He laughed, stuffing his hands in his front pockets. "It's understandable-- drop your hot guest and all." He smiled and I chuckled as he tried awkwardly to flirt.

"Yeah. You busy?" I asked and he raised a brow. 

"Right now? No, I was just gonna hang out at home... why?" He asked, glancing to my pager that beeped.

"I have a surgery. But I have ways to sneak you into the gallery. If you don't get queasy... of course." I laughed walking backward.

"Nah, I'm uh... I'm all good." he nodded and I grinned.

"Great, follow me. Quickly."  I turned on my heel and began a fast pace toward the OR. Chase followed me as I climbed the stairs tot he gallery where I pushed open the door and smiled. "Pick a seat. I'll be down there. Don't get nauseous. This surgery will only take half an hour, forty-five minutes. See you after." I smiled and he grinned.

"Good luck.... save a life."


Let's just say operating with a cute guy watching me, smiling, and waving at me everytime I glanced up at the gallery was hard. Especially with my attending watching me. However, despite the pressure, I was able to pull off the best surgery I've ever performed. Then, after, I ran up to the gallery and casually entered the hall just as Chase walked out. He grinned at me and nodded slowly.

"So. That was... confusing. Kinda gross... you seem crazy to want to do that." He joked and I shrugged.

"You wouldn't know until you did it." I smiled and he laughed, nodding his head slowly as I lead him down the stairs. "Anyway, I'm almost a resident so then i'll be like... able to do more stuff by myself and do more kinda gross surgeries." I teased him and he grinned.

"Really? Maybe I can come watch those? Or y'know? Lunch later?" He asked and I raised a brow.

"Did you just ask me on a date?" I asked, ignoring the light blush on his lips. "Cause if you did, yes. And if you didn't, free for lunch?" I asked and he grinned as we approached the exit. He stopped and rocked on his heels.

"Uh..." He laughed and nodded. "Yeah. I did ask, and yes to your question. I'm free anytime."

"Sweet. I can't go today, however, tomorrow I'll have taken my intern test so I'll have a day off. I'd love to have lunch." I smiled at him and he grinned wider before pulling out his phone and unlocking it.

"I'll pick you up." I took his phone, punched in my number, and returned it to him.

"I'll text you my address."

A/N As requested by the lovely xchgmaze13. This was an interesting request because it was like Grey's Anatomy based which was funny cause I love that show. I hope you liked it and I hope there weren't too many mistakes! *unedited* It was also sorta short sooo... yeah

Thanks for reading loves!

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