Dale Earnhardt Jr.

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A/N For commentsbystarjumper... You didn't give me a name for the girl, so I made one up x.x I hope that is okay, I just really wanted to get this up for you! Hope it's okay! Thanks so much for requesting!

Myah stared at herself in the mirror for a long while. She was questing herself on literally every aspect of her outfit. She had met him and they chatted all night long, beer after beer, laugh after laugh, memory after memory. He was so easy to talk to, and sweet, and hilarious, and talented. Of every girl in the bar to talk to, he talked to her. And while she was somewhat skeptical about their meeting (the cliche, have a drink, get each others number in a bar), She was excited.

For the first time in a long, long time.

She wanted to look hot, but casual. Since he did indeed say he wanted to just show her around his place-- which essentially consisted of farm animals, barns, and really cool cars. She wanted to be appealing to him, but also... laid back. So she settled on blue jeans, a cute top, her hair curled and neat, but hot makeup.

She grabbed her bag, slid on her boots, and walked out of her house just as he drove in. He got out and smiled widely, greeting her with that adorable smile. He led her to the car and she got in. When he was walking around the car, she felt her anxiety let off like a rocket. Her heart sped and she was afraid she might sweat.

But when he got in and calmed her with his amiable voice telling her jokes and giving her compliments-- she was okay. She laid back, smiled, laughed and teased him back. She was fascinated by his acing stories about his career and his father, who died doing what he loved. He and his dad were loved by the sport of NASCAR, and essentially all aspects of any drivers that raced.

When they arrived at his place, he brought her inside, eased her mind with a drink, and showed her around his huge house. He had a nice place, but what caught her eye was the master bedroom. It was all done up in extravagant colors, the bed big and presumably extremely comfortable. The lights illuminated the room, and the double glass doors leading to a balcony overlooking the farm had her in awe.

He knew it too. 

He led her back down the stairs and outside and toward the large fence. He introduced her to his livestock, and quickly learned she had a soft spot for his horses. "Hey, girl." She said softly, running her hand up and down the nose of the large animal. She brushed the horse's bangs aside as her eyes fluttered shut and back leg raised as she relaxed into the girl's hands. Dale smiled widely, leaning against the fence as he watched her.

"You ride?" He asked, motioning to the mare before her. Myah's head turned to face him and she shook her head, her teeth shining prominently even in the cloudy weather.

"No. I always wanted to learn, but I grey up in the city. Not many beauties there." She planted a gently kiss to the nose of the horse and Dale grinned.

"Well, luckily for you, Rosie is the sweetest thing." He bet the mare's neck and scratched her gently. "The saddles are in the barn, I'll teach you."

"You're kidding?" She laughed, her eyes wide. Dale moved even closer to her, shaking his head as innocently as he could as he brushed by her.

"No, come on." She followed him, Rosie trotting along the fence with them looking for some more affection. Dale taught her to saddle up, which was easier than the average person makes it out to be, and gave her a leg up onto the large animal.

Myah settled into the saddle unsteadily, grabbing the horn of the saddle with slight caution. Rosie stood beneath her, munching on some grass like nothing was even happening. "Damn, you're a natural." Dale smirked and Myah laughed, brushing her hair aside as Dale grabbed the reins.

"I'm a natural at a lot of things." She paused, eyes darting down to him as he raised a brow with a smile. 

"Oh? Really?" He asked, like a classic teenage boy as a man. She laughed, her smile genuine.

"Take it easy there, cowboy." She motioned for the reins which he handed her. "Saddle up, Dale." She winked and  tested out turning this way and that with the horse. Having watched old Western movies-- she arrogantly called herself a potential pro. Dale and Myah messed around, raced each other and laughed, talked, and joked some more. He was the easiest person to talk to, and the most welcoming at that.

When a crack of thunder in the distance cracked, they decided to wrap up their little trail ride and trot along home. Just as they reached the barn, it seemed like someone knocked a pail of water over and the sky unleashed the water in a split second. The rain raced down from the clouds, sputtering all over the place causing a blurry haze. The rain was so loud it was difficult to hear and they had to yell over it. Myah slid down the side of Rosie timidly as she unfolded the straps on her stomach and chest. She removed the saddle and turned only for Dale to take the heavy saddle from her with a smile.

Her makeup was starting to smear under her eyes, the rain causing her clothes to be skin tight around her thin frame and hair to stick to her face, the curls straightening ever so slightly. Myah laughed as she noticed his soft eyes searching her face before she turned back to and began to remove the bridle and reins from the beautiful white horse before her. Dale's eyes were locked on her, his gaze lingering on her ass.

But when she turned back around and Rosie turned to enter her run0\-in pasture, he blushed deeply. She smirked, crossing her arms with an all-knowing smile. Clearly he was checking her out. He turned around and entered the barn, placing the saddle on the stand before eagerly returning to the girl standing in the midst of a rainstorm.

He slowed his pace, debating on doing what was running through his mind on a teasing repeat. He decided you only live once, and continued the pace until he reached her. He took the bridle out of her hands, and suddenly pushed her back into the fence. At first she was caught off guard, but her arms jumped around his neck just as his lips found hers.

It was a sudden but hungry gesture, his hands latched onto her hips as he pinned her to the fence. The thunder growling and lightning flashing was barely acknowledged by either as her arm tightened around his neck, their kiss escalating into the swirling storm between them on top of the storm happening all around.

His hands tightened on her hips and pulled up. She jumped up, wrapped her long legs around his hips as his lips dragged from her lips down her jaw where kisses were littered, her hair falling behind her as she tilted her head back with a moan. 

It was unlike anything Myah ever experienced, Dale was gentle but passionate as well. They were so close she could feel the blood pulsating in rhythm with his racing heart. They were so close, physically and seemingly mentally. Kissing someone who just gets you is an unimaginable experience, and she was drowning in it.

That's when Rosie whinnied, rearing on her back legs and kicking her legs as she flung her head back. Her white mane reached up into the air as Myah pulled back from Dale, her eyes landing on the horse as she flung her head around. Dale glanced over his shoulder, his lips turning up into a soft smile. "Rosie loves storms."

"Or she's jealous I'm getting all your lovings." Myah winked and Dale smirked, his eyes landing on her swollen lips before he kissed her again, the rain falling around them to form a perfect kissing in the rain scene. It was a goal off many little girls, and hell. It was everything it is made out to be.

A/N OOF the cheesiness is wonderful. Hope you enjoyed! It was a little fast paced and stuff but meh, I tried ahhah. Sorry for mistakes! This is unedited!

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