Alex Bowman -- Halloween Party

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Better late than never bbs

The annual Halloween party was rolling around and coincidentally enough, having the tradition only being three years, it was rather popular. Which is probably why Alex Bowman was feeling so strange about it, right? The tradition having only been in its fledgling years yet everyone was so jittery.

And when Penelope, his loving girlfriend of more than a few years insisted on going before him, he surely should have known something was up. But he didn't. He was oblivious. And trust me, he got plenty of crap about it from William, his oh so endearing teammates. 

When he walked in and saw a bunch of blue and pink balloons he even didn't get it. And when he saw "congrats", suit in a cowboy costume, he still didn't understand. He figured it was some sort of strange party theme the dedicated party planners of HMS. So he entered with a small smile, looking around at everyone staring at him. "Surprise!" Penelope shouted with a grin, throwing her hands up. Her costume was different from a cowgirl-- like they'd previously planned.

"Babe, why are you wearing a pregnancy costume? I thought we were having a couple costume?" He pouted and everyone burst out laughing. His cheeks flushed red despite not catching on. 

"Oh, babe...." Penelope laughed softly, walking over to him and hooking her hands with his. "Just watch." The team turned and all faced a giant screen he hadn't noticed before, the lights dimming as if on cue and a video appearing not three seconds later. Alex stumbled over his words, pausing when she shushed him and motioned to watch. Of course, he did, but he was still greatly confused. 

The video began with clips of their first time hanging out, then drifted away into various dates and times spent together. There were a few family members voiceovers, along with friends, until the video panned to Penelope. "And I know that Alex with be a great dad. That's why I'm not the least bit afraid... Alex." She paused, biting down on her lip as she gazed into the camera with a certain amount of love and affection laced with excitement. "I"m pregnant."

His jaw dropped and he spun on his heel, eyes wide and shocked as he locked eyes with his girlfriend, eyes dropping to her stomach. He blinked blankly, William going to stand by him, clapping him on his shoulder. "Need a change of pants? Are you gonna cry again? I told you it's not manly, man."

"Shut up!" Alex yelled, William throwing his hands up in mock surrender. Penelope offered the boy a hesitant smile as he blankly blinked. "Shut up." He reiterated monotonously. She gulped nervously. This wasn't the reaction she expected. "Shut up!" He yelled, eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree. Her smile turned relieved as he attacked her in a huge hug, laughing in complete excitement. "Shut up! Shut up, shut up! I'm gonna-- we're gonna... no way. No way, baby!" He jumped back and planted a sloppy kiss on her lips as HMS erupted in cheers.

Nobody was the least bit surprised when William tied a bib around his neck and followed the new parents around crying-- he called it practice.

Neither enjoyed it.

William got a kick out of it though.

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