Brandon Jones

888 7 5

June 14, 2018

I've always hated the idea of a diary until now. Now, as I stare down at a beautiful little baby, I decided somethings should change. So, this isn't a diary. It's a documentation of my life from when the chaos began. A journal, if you will. ("If you will...." it's dorky and I kinda like it. I'd never say that out loud but hey.... For the journal's sake.) Anyways, a little about myself. My name is Andrea Larson, I'm hopelessly in love, I'm slightly dysfunctional, I'm quirky, I love to dance awkwardly to loud music, and my favorite food is probably ketchup chips. That has nothing to do with my story, but now at least you get the gist of my life or my personality... or both. I dunno.

Let's take it way back to high school. I met Brandon then. Or, that's when I caught his eye. I'd always had a bit of a crush on him. Anyway, its a long story, even for the journal. Long story short, we were in art class. The teacher told us to paint the person across from us.... just so happen, brandon was across from me. It was supposed to be a portrait of him in the moment, but I couldn't help it. I painted him standing on the window of his car, checkered flag in hand as he cheered. 

At the time I hadn't known we'd have to present it. I was so embarrassed, but when I went up there and showed the class, he smiled so widely and asked if he could have it. I gave it to him and he gave me his number. Then things progressed, until just before I almost admitted I liked him. Then we lost touch I proceeded to go to college to become a doctor and he continued his racing career.

Months into the whole college thing, I decided to show up at a track. I pretended it was to be an intern and learn from it. It wasn't a complete lie, I mean, we had to intern somewhere. What I didn't expect was for Brandon to get into a crash. I almost had a panic attack when they wheeled him in. Scratch that. I DID.

Shortly after that, while I was checking his IV, he awoke startled to see me. In his waking and slightly under the influence of pain suppressors, he told me how he had felt about me. He rambled on and on about how he loved my clothes, my smile, my laugh, my quirky attitude. He told me he liked me.

Quite possibly one of THE BEST days of my life.

Apart from today.

A year after, while things progressed with Brandon, a slightly on and ff again relationship and I.... well, I got pregnant. I got excited... I'd always wanted children. A lot of children, even if this child was unpredicted. I was still excited and to say I was disappointed when brandon didn't mirror my excitement would be an understatement. I understood-- he was 22 and he obviously wasn't ready to be a dad. Despite the fact that he IS a dad. 

Nonetheless I didn't let it drag me down. I proceeded with life-- I went to checkups alone or with my mom. I dealt with nausea and back pain and cravings. I called him and let him know what was going on and he did visit me. But we didn't tell his fans until they found out, and after that we didn't bother making a statement on it.

Well, when word got out Kaz, another friend that I had a fling with, started acting oddly. Today, when I had her-- that's right a gorgeous little baby girl-- he stormed in here in the middle of a cute moment with Brandon,  Arianna , and me, he screamed out "That's my baby!"

It's been a nightmare. Brandon freaked out and I grew anxious. I counted days, weeks months. I retraced every move i made from the last 9 months and more. It added up. It was Kaz' baby girl. Yet the entire time he neglected to help me. He neglected to speak up.

Now, I stare down at my beautiful baby. The baby girl I dreamt of. I felt a lot of things but nothing would destroy the radiating love I have for this child.


July 27, 2017 

It's been an entire month-- over it actually. Brandon has been fighting Kaz for custody. Either way i'm testifying I'm staying with my daughter. I want to be with Brandon, however, my children will always come first. Today the judge makes a decision. I am scared... but I know either way they will both treat my daughter well... even if it doesn't end up being the man I want to marry.

So as I sit here cradling my chubby, beautiful baby I can only hope I do right by her. I can only hope I do not let my love affairs get in the middle of it. When that phone rings, and I get the news I will

Sorry. The phone rang and I have no idea where I was going with that. Anyway, I got news. Brandon has partial custody with me! I agreed that Kaz  that he may see our daughter because yes, he is the biological father, but Brandon wants to be with me and raise her. I will not deprive Kaz from the privilege of this moment, and I will no deprive my daughter of a biological father.

Even though it's dysfunctional, even though one momma and two dads is weird, even if the baby grows up to dislike me because of my decisions, I know this child will be loved do deeply by many people. I know we'll all try hard to raise her. And I know that Brandon, Arianna and I will live happily... even though brandon get's uncomfortable around Kaz's visits.

Oh, gotta go. Brandon  just showed up.... it's family night. Until next time I get spare time to write xx Andrea

A/N This was an action packed imagine so I decided to do it like this. I know it isn't the same, but I hope it was at least okay.... Thanks for requesting, crazyforlogano22. I also decided the bay name because I had it all written and wanted to post it HHAHAH sorry also imagine any issues with it were typos from the journal... kay? Kay.

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