Kevin Harvick

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Not sure if I've ever done a Harvick imagine yet, so this was fun. For MariaEaton8, thanks for the request <3 Hope you enjoy, love <3 <3 Short and sweet. Also, we made it to #1 in nascar tags, on September 2, 2018 (again, for like the fourth time, I don't usually keep track) But I'm truly SO happy xoxo


My anxiety that day was so high already. Then... then more things happened, more happiness, excitement, anxiety... The world was beaming down on us with such happiness, and part of it terrified me. Because if I'm so unbearably happy right now, at this moment, then truly, the only way to go is down. I don't want to go down, I want to be happy until I die. This is perfect. This anxiety from happiness is so different from anxiety from sadness or anger. It's beautiful. 

This is what life is about. This is the beauty few get to experience. This is my life, and how thankful I am for it to be unwinding like this.

When Kevin crossed that line, my hollers were so loud I couldn't hear myself think. I had rushed to victory lane, my heart speeding at an obnoxious rate as my hand rested over my tiny stomach. This would be such a perfect, beautiful time to break the news. I knew I'd had to talk softly, and the news would have to be quiet so the cameras couldn't catch it yet. I was so excited-- for both Kevin's Michigan win and the newest addition of the family growing in my stomach.

My running had to slow as the crowd grew thicker, Kevin and his team's cheers growing loud as confetti flew into the air and beer sprayed the crowd. My smile never faltered as I excused myself through the crowd and to the front.  Kevin had just hopped off the side of the car and was searching the crowd. He put his finger up to the interviewer already pestering him with questions and waved me over.

I accepted the invitation by running to him and allowing him to engulf me into a tight hug and lift me up. He both laughed as he set me down, sweeping my hair aside. He turned to the interviewer and then nodded toward me. "Might wanna get this," 

"What--" I was cut off as Kevin held both my hands in his and bit his lip for a brief second.

"I love you, Maria. So much, and I want us to finally... tie the knot." He was out of breath, laughing as he dropped to one knee. My eyes widened and I opened my mouth to say something, but he continued as he squeezed my hands. "I'm in love with you, my beautiful Maria." He laughed and shook his head. "I tell you every day, and I will until we die. I want to start a family with you, raise beautiful children... be with you..." He paused, reaching in his fire suit pocket. My teary gaze followed his movements as he pulled out a huge engagement ring and shakily held it up. "Will you marry me, Maria?" He breathed shakily, the microphone in our faces as the interviewer beamed at the situation, the crowd basically silent awaiting my answer. I choked out a strangled sob and burst into hysterical tears as I attacked Kevin in a tight hug.

"Yes!" I said loudly and he laughed, catching me and lifting us to our full height. He slid the ring onto my finger and pulled me close, kissing my cheek and hugging me close as we swayed in the tight hug. He rubbed my back as I tried to realize everything that was happening. "Oh," I whispered, my hands loosening slightly as Kevin's team and the crowd cheered in congratulations. The commotion was so loud, I don't think anyone would hear. Nonetheless, I dragged him closer, his head closer to my lips. "Kevin... I'm pregnant." I sniffled and he pulled back in shock, eyes darting very quickly to my stomach before around to the crowds.

He burst out laughing, pulled me in, and kissed me deeply. I smiled into the kiss, kissing him back before we pulled back. Kevin wiped away my tears and pulled me close again, his lips finding my ear. "Perfect timing, huh?" He chuckled and I nodded enthusiastically. We pulled back, Kevin keeping me in place by wrapping his arm around my waist and holding me there.

"What a day, huh Kevin! Congratulations you two, and again, congrats on that win! Looks like you've won more than once today, huh?" She chuckled and Kevin laughed, wiping away at the tears threatening to fall.

"Oh, you've got no idea." 

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