Ryan Blaney

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For @kiichirose I hope ya enjoy b! ❤️

Becca was minding her own business, cleaning the dishes as she hopped along to some music. Her hair slid on and off her shoulders, a smile ghosting her lips as she sang along. It was a sight, a good one at that... and Ryan would have noticed had he not been staring at the tv intently.

Fortnite called.

However, when she finished she laughed as she passed him... which caused him to finally look up and acknowledge his girlfriend of six months. Coincidentally, the game had just ended. Which served for his cheeky grin and quick pace to chase after her.

She hasn't heard him, not yet as her ear buds were still blaring music. However, when his hands landed on her sides and he began to tickle— yeah, she noticed.

She burst out laughing as she thrashed in his arms, collapsing on the bed. She was practically hysterical as she tried shoving his hands away from her sides, her grin so wide every dimple showed.

Back in the living room, Ryan heard his game begin but he didn't falter. "Oh, what was that?" He teased jokingly, laughing himself as she squirmed away, clawing at her bedsheets to free herself.

"Ryan!" She squealed and he dragged her back to him, the blankets going with her.

"I'm sorry, what? It's almost like you're trying to speak." He continued tickling her, the couple laughing and grinning— squirming and pushing...

That is, until he saw it.

He stopped tickling her, mouth fell ajar. Her smile remained as she was still obvious to his most recent find. She caught her breath, slowly frowning as she noticed his eyes were locked on something. "No way!"

She turned to see what he was staring at and she sprung up, face red.

"Oh my—"

"No way!" He gasped as she tried covering her Star Wars bedsheets. He tore the blankets off and began to laugh. "These are..."

"Childish? Hideous? I'm gonna go die now—"

"Awesome! Where did you get them? I was just looking for some but Walmart was out." He rolled his eyes before continuing, bright eyes finding hers. "Why didn't you tell me? I'm never leaving."

"Because..." her eyes trailed down to what she had at one point been so ashamed of. "Bed sheets?"

"Well, duh. And you I guess, you're pretty cool." He shrugged teasingly before tugging her into him. He pressed a kiss to her lips before grabbing her from under the arms and moving back. "We're taking a nap right now."

"I'm so confused."

"Hold on, I have to text Bubba— he's never gonna believe this." He jumped up and ran out to the living room; presumably turning the Xbox and tv off as he grabbed his phone. When he came back he clambered beneath the sheets beside her like a kid.

The blankets were tucked beneath his chin, eyes bright as he texted Bubba. Becca still blankly stares at him with pure amusement in her eyes...

How could one thing she was embarrassed about be the one thing that made him this excited.

She only laughed, shook her head, and gently pecked Ryan's cheek before curling up beside him.

Eventually they fell asleep, tucked away in Star Wars blankets.

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