Brad Keselowski

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For CountryGirl_365 I love you and thank you for requesting <3


Katherine, or Kate, Elliott is the widely known sister of the Chase Elliott because of her success as a female racer for Team Penske. However, due to past feuds, the twin brother and sister tend to avoid each other. Due to their lack of communication, her teammate, Joey Logano-- the former champion of the sport, became to be her brother. Which would certainly lead to her secret romance with their other teammate, Brad Keselowski.

Neither had meant for anything but a friendship to escalate, only when it did their feelings rapidly spiraled out of control and soon enough, they were left in the troubling situation of "What now?" It'd been a little over a year, and they were tired of hiding all their stolen glances. They talked and talked about how they were going to tell people, and eventually settled on whenever either one of them made it into victory lane.

Which was easier said than done, as NASCAR fans have noticed.

Darlington Speedway felt different, though-- Kate knew what she wanted and she knew what to do to make it to victory lane. She was starting second, with a fast car and efficient team. Not to mention how hungry she was to win and tell the world about her boyfriend. 

She'd driven maybe ninety laps, back and hands sweaty as she peered out of her helmet and out the windshield. Her hands gripped the steering wheel as her spotter spoke in her ear, teeth biting down on her bottom lip. (A habit she'd originally broken due to the high chances of getting caught in a crash. ) 

When it happened, it happened all too quickly for anyone to decipher what actually happened.

Ryan Newman's car jerked into her door, her wheel cutting to the side against her strength, a small gasp escaping her lips.

Dozens of cars behind them began to stack up, and when hers raced into the air, hearts stopped.

Brad's included.

Spinning and turning and twirling, thrashing and crashing-- although what was worse wasn't the sight. The smell of burning rubber and fuel as well as the flames shooting out from her car hood. When her window net didn't drop and the stands fell silent, the world stopped turning.

When she was removed from the car, unconscious, and put into the ambulance, Brad was told. He nearly ran out of his car to hold her hand, but then he remembered what she'd told him-- no matter what, the truth would be coming out the same day they got a trophy. Despite his watery eyes, his hands gripped the wheel tightly, let out a sharp breath, then silently told himself he would win it... for her. 

For Kate.

Meanwhile, in the ambulance, Kate stirred awake and once she realized where she was and what was happening, she darted up onto her elbows and shook her head furiously. "No, no take me back-- I'm fine, take me back."

"We have to check you out--" A paramedic began to explain as he tried soothing her nerves. However, her frantic head jerks and dry lips somehow told him that it was inevitable. About a twenty minute argument, just minutes before they arrived at the hospital, he convinced the driver to swing back around (but not without her promise of being checked out by the infield care center.)

The ride was long and tedious as the paramedic assured she wasn't critical, only when the ambulance came to a halt, she jumped out only to see on the big screen the photo finish of a lifetime.

Brad crossed the start/finish line with Joey hot on his tail, the rest of the field lined up behind him. Her heart skipped as she looked up to the board with a suddenly beaming smile. With one devious glance over her shoulder, she took off for victory lane. She moved as quickly as she was comfortable, a nagging feeling still nagging in her mind about the crash... 

But it was so worth it.

She saw Brad hop down from his car after the confetti flew, face holding a smile but eyes still holding evident concern. When he jumped to the ground, his smile faltered-- but not for long. The shorter girl in a firesuit was prominent amongst the crowd, colors bright and vibrant. 

Brad's eyes flew open as she smiled widely. Only a little different, a bandage across her head and hair messy. Her smile, however, was wide as she ran to him and hugged him. "K-Kate..." He mumbled as he held her close, eyes wide as he hugged her close. "Are you okay? I-I thought--"

"I'm okay, I asked them to bring me back... congrats, Brad--" She beamed, pulling back. Of course, her presence was heavily broadcasted, which resulted in Chase and Joey to rush into victory lane as well as crew members and fans of all sorts. Without thinking about the media or family that didn't know, Brad grasped her face in his hands and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.

Chase stopped in his tracks, halfway from the crowd to hsi sister, his jaw dropped.

Joey-- his eyes flew open wide, jaw agape as he stared at his teammates and best friends in shock. 

"Oh my..." Joey's wife gasped from beside him, hand covering her open mouth as the media snapped photos. When the couple broke apart, the paramedic was behind her with pursed lips and hands on his hips... yeah, he was probably going to lose his job.

"Um..." Brad bit down on his lip as his eyes swept over the shocked race track. "Kate is... uh, my girlfriend."

"And I'm okay," she smiled hesitantly and a few drivers began to clap... then pretty soon smiles broke out and shortly after, the celebration continued. Brad slowly smiled as he swept Kate up in his arms for a brief hug, pressing a small kiss to the side of her head as Chase slowly continued his trek up.

With a dark look to Brad, he gently grabbed his sister's wrist and turned her to face him. Her smile faltered as she smiled hesitantly. "Hey, little brother." 

"I'm really glad you're okay..." He paused, sighing as he hugged her. It was the first hug they'd shared in months.... years. "And I'm glad you're happy."

This made her smile widen.

"Thank y--" She was cut off as Joey tackled Brad in a huge hug, his bombastic voice radiating through out the crowd loudly.

"Congrats man-- Why didn't you tell me?!"

Her smile somehow widened.

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