Erik Jones

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A/N WARNING ---- Kinda mature toward the middle/end.... if you're not into that... skip it?

Brianna shifted in her seat as she stared out at the racetrack. It was nearing the end and Erik was running well in the fourth place. He by no means had a top 5 car, so this was spectacular. It was rather cold, especially for Bristol. She stupidly only wore a tank top and long, thin sweater with her jeans. She was among a rowdy group of teenagers and an older couple, the only remaining in the stands.

The rumble of the cars passing her and soft wind reaching up to where she sat caused her to shiver. As the seemingly never-ending race came to a close, she descended down the cold metal stairs with the wind nipping her cheeks. She walked down to the pit road with only a little argument from an official who was blown off by Dale Jr. who assured him she was allowed.

She had a short conversation with him and his wife, Amy,  before weaving through the crowds, ducking under arms, and shifting away from taller people. With her size, it was easier to maneuver around and harder to look around. Eventually, with some help, she found Erik. She stood off to the side, rubbing her arms as she watched him do a couple interviews. She waited while his parents stepped ahead and congratulated him on a top five and when his team pushed his car toward the garage. By then pit road had, for the most part, cleared out and the interviewers were done pestering.

When Erik scanned the crowd and found the familiar pair of stunning dark brown eyes holding a special charm, he grinned and set down his half empty water bottle before walking over to her. "Hey! So? How was it?" He grinned and she chuckled at his eagerness despite a disappointing race.

"I loved it. I love how dedicated the fans are, I love the thrill of seeing it in person, I love everything about it." She told him truthfully with a toothy grin as he stepped closer as a guy wheeling a large toolbox tried getting by. She rubbed her cold arms as he glanced around.

"I'm glad. Are you cold? I've got a sweatshirt up here." He offered and she opened her mouth to say it was fine but he had already started to climb the ladder. He reached in when he was halfway up before hopping down. He spun back around to face her and handed her his gray sweat-shirt. She chuckled and took it.

"Thanks. Great job today. I got a little nervous there, halfway through." Bri smiled as she slid her arms into the sleeves thankfully. As she slid it over her head, the smell of his cologne enveloped her almost like a blanket and she smiled softly.

"Yeah, I did too. I'm really glad you could come out, though." He grinned and motioned for her to follow. "If you don't want to pay for a hotel, you can stay in my motorhome. I've got a couch, if of course, you're uncomfortable.' He winked as he side glanced at her. 

"I'm 100% fine, but thank you." Together they walked back to his motor, sending playful jokes and stories back and forth with grins. With each step, they got closer until their shoulders brushed along with their hands. With each gentle caress, shock waves of electricity seemed to flow through Brianna making her grow more and more anxious but she was determined to hide it. She plastered on a sarcastic smile and avoided eye contact as casually as she could.

She succeeded, thankfully for her.

Erik unlocked his motor home and exaggeratedly swept his arm by the entrance with a smile. Brianna giggled and stepped inside, him following her. He flipped on the lights as Bri looked around. It was relatively clean, a TV resting on a counter toward the living room area. A gray plush couch was against the wall with a flat screen on the front wall. Going out of the living room was the kitchenette area. A small stove, microwave, fridge, and sink were around, cabinets surrounding. The small hall disappeared with a door to the bathroom then a bedroom, Erik's bedroom.

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