Ryan Blaney

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For josefsperfection.. Thanks for the request <3 Sorry it sucks

Aria laughed, bringing the bottle of beer to her lips as she watched Chase and Bubba try to battle each other on the racing game before them. Ryan was sitting beside them while Aria sat beside her boyfriend, Parker. She didn't really want him to come and hang out with her and her friends, but he insisted since it was with a bunch of guys. Not that tat made much of a difference or even that it meant she'd have say. She never did. 

Shortly after, Bubba and Chase responsibly left but Ryan urged Aria, and to his dismay Parker to stay a bit longer. Aria spoke up quickly, a grin on her face as she thanked him. "So, are you guys going to come to the race next week too?" Ryan asked as he rummaged through his fridge in his motor home. Aria sat on the couch turned to face him while Parker sat beside her with an annoyed look.

"Yeah, I hope so." She grinned and Ryan smirked, his eyes taking in her every feature. His eyes flickered to Parker, his smirk wavering before he cleared his throat and took a step back.

"I have passes here, I'll go grab them for you." He smiled and backed away into the bedroom. Aria grinned at his sincerity and sweetness before she suddenly felt Parker's hand clamp down on her wrist. 

"What the hell was that?" He growled and she felt her heart skip.

"W-what? Wait, don't do this here. Please."

"No!" He whispered harshly, pulling her to her feet. "That wasn't okay, Aria. You need to go, we need to go. Stop--" He snapped as she tried pulling her arm free from his tight grip. "I mean it, Aria." Fear coursed through her veins as her eyes flickered down to his hand then back to his eyes that were dancing with anger. She inhaled deeply, words spilling from her mouth.

"No, I'm staying." She stated strongly, though behind her facade she was terrified. Rightfully so. Parker's lip twitched with anger before suddenly her hand was free, him dropping it. When his hand came in contact with her cheek, she cried out. The force of the hit was much more than she would have expected and she fell down into the wall just as Ryan walked out of his bedroom with race tickets in hand. His eyes zeroed in on the man that dared lay his hands on a women and pretty soon, he found himself attacking him. 

Despite tasting copper in her mouth, Aria scrambled away with tears sliding down her cheeks as she watched through blurry eyes. Ryan was on top of Parker, his fist flying down and colliding with Parker's face. "Ryan!" She screeched, pushing herself to her shaking feet. She hated how hoarse and delicate her voice sounded as she grabbed the back of his shirt and urged him off. He turned to her, pushing her backwards away from Parker. His hands framed her face, his eyes searching hers as his thumb ran over her lip that had a small dribble of blood on it. "Are you okay?" His voice was soft and hands gentle despite the blood on them-- Parker's blood.

"Ryan--" She choked out before she realized Parker had a phone in hand.

"Have fun in prison." He spat from the floor, the phone falling from his hands. Fear coursed through her veins as she grabbed his shirt, more and more tears falling. Ryan had protected her. 

2 weeks later

Aria stood beside Ryan, her lips pressed into a thin line. NASCAR, obviously learned about the whole ordeal between Ryan and the famous Aria. She was well known for her antics with the racing boys, and many fans that cheered for Ryan were rooting for him and Aria-- and they knew this but to avoid awkwardness, they ignored it. Yet, they couldn't really do that as Ryan was charged with assault.

Feeling like she couldn't do anything, Aria pressed on and on about how Ryan did it for a reason, and because of her continuously insisted he was innocent, the sport began to realize it was unlikely Ryan beat the hell out of her boyfriend-- ex boyfriend for no reason.

One thing Ryan had realized since that night, she hadn't been the same. He thought maybe it was because she was scared, but she wasn't-- at least not of him. She stood close to him and would grasp his hand in hers while staring off into the distance with a frown on her lips. Her mind was always occupying something haunting and ehr eyes weren't the same bright ones as he had remembered from the first night he met her. The crazy, fun, outgoing girl was replaced by a hurting, sad, silent girl. He was losing her, but he didn't know why. At least, until that night. That's when he went off the rails.

She was sitting on his apartment couch, folding her hands in her lap as she stared at the coffee table in front of her. Ryan was trying to fix the television so she wasn't just sitting there staring at nothing blankly, maybe lure her attention away from her ex for a couple minutes at the very least. But she didn't move... at least not intentionally. Tears suddenly flowed down her cheeks, her eyes welling with so many tears they were on their trek down her rosy cheeks. 

Ryan spun around and rushed toward her. "Aria," he spoke, delicately holding her hands in his as he knelt before her on the ground. Her eyes found his, her hands shaking beneath his. "what's going on? What's wrong?" His voice was so soft and his eyes were so welcoming. She choked out a strangled sob as she grasped his hands tighter.

"He..." She trailed off, swallowing thickly. "He was never like that before. I mean, he had been for the past month but before... he changed. I didn't--" She sobbed and shook her head as she allowed her hair to form a barrier from Ryan's bright eyes. "He made me do things, Ryan." Her voice was so soft, so raw and full of pain. "He made me do things and now you're being punished for saving me? I-I-I c-can't Ryan, I j-just can't!" She cried and his gaze fell and he felt a wave of anger flood over him.

"He..." He pulled the frail girl into his arms and held her close, his jaw clenched as he tried to hold himself together long enough to comfort her. "You're okay. I'll kill that son of a bitch for what he's done to you, Ari..." he breathed against her hair, pressing a gentle kiss to her head as she sobbed into the crook of his neck. "I won't let him get away with it."


Ryan's fingers flew across his phone screen as the women beside him typed along with him, the article being published everywhere exposing the man that hurt the girl he grew to like. His posts and accusations eventually made Parker lose his job at the school district and his family actually stopped speaking to him. Instead of kicking his ass again, Ryan put it out in writing about what he did and he was being punished. 

Parker was charged with a lot more than Ryan and in turn, dropped his charges against Ryan because he knew he was undoubtedly guilty as hell. Ryan spent every waking moment he could with Aria and sooner rather than later, and she slowly began to go back to her old self. She wasn't the same, but she was getting there. Slowly, day by day, and day by day, Ryan became more and more captivated by her.

"Ryan, come on." She sighed and he looked up and set down his phone. He smiled softly and stood up, walking over toward her. He said a quick good night to the girl helping him pull everything off and continued to follow Aria into the room she had been sharing with Ryan. She had already out the movie on, and when they crawled into bed he finally felt content. 

A/N Quick little thing here. (This doesn't pertain to everyone, but if you realize this, then please stop.) If you request and I take the time to write it and everything, at least pretend to appreciate it. Vote, comment, hell, just pretend to read and at the very least thank me. It's rude to request and not even thank me or reply. Like, come on people. Be respectful, thanks. More updates tomorrow <3

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