Harrison Burton

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For RacingFanatic12... I hope you enjoy, love! Sorry for any mistakes!


Erin looked up, hand above her eyes shading them from the sun. She saw a car down the road by the horse's pasture, pulled off to the side. She frowned and wiped her grease covered hands on her jeans before abandoning her own broken down car and walking down the cracked pavement toward the stranger. "Hey, there." She laughed softly, smiling at the young boy. He looked up from under the hood of his car, raising a brow at her.

"Hey... um... sorry, is this like... a private road?"

"No, no, it's not." She giggled and walked over, looking at his steaming engine. "Need help?"

"Oh! I um..." He paused, swallowing thickly. "Um, I-- It-- the car... I....." he trailed off laughing as he shook his head. "I'm sorry. Yeah, if you can fix a car." He muttered sarcastically. She laughed and nodded slowly.

"I can, actually." He raised a brow and she grinned before slamming the hood shut. "Erin Jackson." She smiled as she offered her hand. He shook it with his with a small smile.

"Harrison Burton." He laughed softly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to like... belittle you or anything, i just didn't expect you to be able to fix a car." She laughed and walked around to the drivers side of the door.

"No problem. May I?" She asked, and in return Harrison shrugged. With a laugh she pulled open the car door and place one on the wheel, leaving one on the door. "Go to the back and push. Unless we want to lug like 60 pounds of equipment this far, we can move 'er closer. And don't worry about that, stereotypes are real. I getcha." She clicked her tongue. Harrison walked around and pushed the car, at least until it was in front of her driveway. When he did, she ordered him to sit in the drivers seat while she grabbed a couple things.

"So... what, you um... can fix this? Is it a lot of work?" He asked and she shrugged as she set down a toolbox. 

"Nah, I can fix it in a little under twenty. In the meantime, you look 12. What are you doing in the boondocks alone?"She asked and he laughed softly, scratching above his eyebrow.

"Um, I decided to drive to work today. Bad idea, clearly." He laughed nervously.

"It's all good, Harrison. I've fixed things worse off, I'm glad to help, really. "

"Oh, and I am most certainly not 12. At least your age." He noted and she grinned as she popped the hood and leaned down, a wrench in hand.

"Oh, lucky me, right?" She teased and Harrison's cheeks turned bright red as he ducked his head down so she couldn't see, though she truly wouldn't have been able too anyway because her face was near a steaming hot motor. She twisted a few nuts, poured oil, and adjusted a couple wires. "Damn, you got quiet quick. Did I scare you?"

"No, no." He cleared his throat. "Not at all."

"Good. Perk up in there, Burton. Turn the key, see if it turns on." When Harrison turned the key, the engine sputtered. "Wow, okay. More than one problem." She snickered, leaning back. "Okay, bud. Come out, I'm gonna need some help." She sighed. Harrison got out and walked around, biting his lip as he watched her turn some sort of tool and hold it. "Okay, hold this, don't move or most of this motor will fall on my face, got it?" She asked but before he could respond, she had gotten down in the dirt, jacked up the car and crawled under. "All right, bud, you're doing great. I'll even pretend I didn't just see that slip!"

"It's heavy, okay, Erin!" He groaned like a child and she laughed, reaching out and grasping another tool. She turned it a few times, cringing as oil fell down onto her. She wiped her face off and sighed as she held the tool up. 

"All right, Harry. Reach down and hold this, and that motor is still hot so don't drop it." She told him and he rolled his eyes and reached down, grasping the tool.

"Don't call me that. And eyah, I'm not that stupid---" He gasped, dropping the tool as his elbow rested on the hot motor for a second. She gasped as all the oil ran down through. She reached up, mutter curses.

"Okay, stupid Harrison." She groaned and readjusted the cap again. "Hold this. Oh, and by the way, you owe me clothing." She groaned, rolling her shoulders. "Or dinner, that'll be nice."

"Dinner? Seriously? I broke down on your road, drenched you in suit, and you want to... to go out with me?" She laughed, bumping the metal before sighing. She crawled out, smiling at the boy standing over the motor. 

"What can I say? Seeing a city boy slaving over a motor is pretty hot." He turned red again and she grinned. "Hey, I'm just messing. But dinner would be nice." She reached over, taking both the tools from him. A few turns later, she freed both and stepped back.

"I can do that. Thursday?" He asked nervously, wringing his hands. She laughed, her smile bright. 

"I can do that. Start it up." She smiled. He laughed nervously and walked around, starting the car. The engine roared to life and she clapped. "I may as well be a genius."

"You are... thank you Erin." He laughed and got out as she shut his hood. "I would probably hug you if we didn't meet under an hour ago and you weren't covered in oil... but thank you." He laughed as she grinned widely, setting her hands on her hips.

"It was fun. Get out your phone." He furrowed his brow before taking out his phone. She told him her number and smirked. "You better not stand me up, Harrison. I mean it." She pointed at him, back stepping toward her car that was still broken down.

"I promise I will not, Erin. Swear on it!" He snickered as he got inside his car. He pulled back out of her driveway and drove out, laughing softly as he honked. She snickered as she turned away, laughing softly. She shook her head, wiping her hands on her jeans before biting  her lip. Harrison Burton. She laughed and went back to her work, the boy she just et on her mind for the remainder of the day. 

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