Chase Elliott

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WARNING: Tiny bit of language, though it's mostly in my itty-bitty rant at the end. Enjoy <3

After stepping inside, I sighed loudly. The lights were all still on, so Chase was obviously still up waiting for me to return home. After an unexpected call,  I had to go to work after working all day initially. This resulted in a rain check for Chase and I's late night date night, much to our dismay. 

Especially lately. He'll leave for the weekend for the race, and I'll be on call. After all, with there being a surprising shortage of paramedics in Dawsonville, I can't exactly up and leave. I work long hours, experiencing both exhilarating miracles and heart-shattering tragedies. It's a tough job. A job in particular that causes many fights.

Usually, they're because I'm tired and cranky, and I snap. But Chase is usually understanding because, after a hard race, he's the same exact way. However, lately, he's been particularly worried about the long hours and sleepless nights on top of everything else.

"Chase? You still up?" I asked loudly as I pulled the clip out of my hair. I ran both hands through it, pulling it all to the side as I kicked off my shoes. I heard Chase walking out from the bedroom and when he came into view, his arms were crossed, brown hair messy, and eyes tired. I gave him a small, hopeful smile but his cold demeanor remained the same.

I sighed and shrugged off my coat, mentally preparing myself for yet another lecture. "Cheyenne, it's almost midnight. You have to get up at four in the morning and you've been running on, at most, two hours of sleep. I thought you were changing your hours." I could tell he was trying not to yell, but it was obvious it was going to happen.

"Yeah, well, you know with Neil and Emily being off, there's a shortage. When they come back, I'll think about lowering my work time." I hung up my coat and turned to face him. Now, his lips were parted and eyes wider in anger.

"Okay, first of all, they'll be off for about another three months! And you'll think about it?" He scoffed and threw his arms out. "I never see you anymore! And when I do, you're either sleeping or saying goodbye. Again!"

"Well, you're never here either!" I yelled back and stormed by him into the kitchen. I noticed immediately, there was a full plate in the microwave. He had made me dinner. It took all I had in myself not to shrug my shoulders and sulk back to him, apologizing. Of course, that thought flooded into the depths of my newly found anger as he stormed in after me. 

"I have to work!"

"So do I!"

"Chey..." He scoffed and shook his head. "Seriously, that is the absolute most ridiculous thing I have heard yet. You're overworking yourself, overexerting. I'm worried about you."

"Don't be." I shook my head and clenched my jaw as I opened the fridge, deliberately avoiding the microwave. He noticed but didn't comment on it.

"Well, I am. And you should be about me too, because, in case you've forgotten, I'm your boyfriend. Almost every weekend I get into a racecar and risk my life-- even more when we're like this!" He exclaimed and I scoffed.

"Chase, don't be that way. You know I worry about you racing, so don't try to flip it around on me. Just because you don't like that I'm working and not using you for your paycheck, doesn't mean you get to blame me for never being here. It works both ways."

"Baby, please..." He sighed, lowering his voice as he ran both hands through his hair. "That's what I love about you, okay? I love that you're all independent and you can take care of yourself, but please, let me take care of you." He walked behind me, reaching beside me to push the fridge shut. I clenched my jaw as he gently lowered his hand to my waist and turned me to face him. "I'm worried about you." He repeated in a low whisper, his eyes shut as he let out a long stressed breath. "I'm worried, I miss you... I love you, just... Please." He gently lowered his forehead to mine, his other hand gently gripping my hip.

I sighed and reached up, wrapping my arms around him and burrowing my face into his neck. His hands slid around my waist, pulling me closer. "I'm sorry." I groaned and shook my head. "I've been a bitch. I know."

"No, you haven't." He pulled away, reaching up and gently cupping my cheeks. "You're just a workaholic."

"Says the workaholic." I rolled my eyes. He smiled softly and shrugged, gently leaning into peck my lips.

"Well, it's why I love you."

"Whatever." I shrugged and ducked out of his warm embrace to open the microwave. He chuckled softly and bit his lip. 

"Seriously, Cheyenne, we need to talk about this. This isn't okay." He said softly as I reached up and turned the microwave on.

"Okay... and what do you want me to do about it?" I sighed and turned to face him, crossing my arms over my chest and raising my brows. He sighed and ran a tired hand over his face.

"The same thing I've asked you to do over the past month." I pursed my lips and looked down. 

"Okay, I'll lower my hours. Chase, I'm really sorry, but I can't just stop working." He took a quick step forward, holding his hand out.

"And I'm not asking you to. I'm just asking you to go easier on yourself. Not for me, or us, but you. Please..." I sighed and walked toward him, wrapping my arms around his neck again.

"I will," I whispered softly and pulled away, pecking his lips. "Thank you. I love you." He chuckled and nodded.

"I love you too." I grinned and raised a brow.

"Even if I'm a pain in the ass?"

"Especially if you're a pain in the ass."

A/N SOO Long time no see, fellow NASCAR fans. This lil piece was for EMTstrong so I hope it was okay, and so, so very sorry for the wait! As with everyone else on Wattpad, school. Plus some medical stuff, so that's fantastic. Nothing terrible or anything, I'm fine, but it's time-consuming. Also, Chase got penalized. It's a thing, it happens to all the drivers. They all cheat, it just matters how well you hide it from NASCAR. Ask anyone in the garage.

Before I flip about everyone blowing brain cells over that, let's do it over the ridiculous penalty they gave Logano. I understand not everyone cares or likes him, but that shit is ridiculous and uncalled for. NASCAR obvious forgot to take their medication lately because this favoritism over the Toyota's and beyond stupid penalizations for the driver is insane. Making Logano sit in a hot-ass car for practice and not allowing him to leave is straight up ridiculous. I love Joey, he's my in my top 3 drivers, but I can 100% promise you that I am not some fan butt-hurt  that my drivers are getting penalized. I simply do not understand the absolute shit rules, penalties, and dirty moves NASCAR is making.

SO, sorry for the rant. But not really. Hope you enjoyed <3

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