Ryan Blaney

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.mature ish warning.

Beth looked down at her glass of whiskey, her lips pursed. Her friends were to her right, drinking to her birthday. She wasn't in the particular mood, so she sat there, staring into her whiskey. He was on her mind. Though, when wasn't he? She missed him so much she ached for him. She longed for him. They argued, fought, talked about things that had her tears flowing. The thoughts attacked her mind in such a way she wanted to runaway.

But then she remembered him. His touch. His kiss. His voice. Oh, his voice. the way he could compliment her with one simple glance in her direction. The way he could make her world spin with a flash of a smile. The way he watched her like she was the most incredible thing known to mankind. 

The happiness his existence brought her was insurmountable, but then again, so was the hurt.

Falling in love with your best friend was the most scary, painful, and exciting thing she'd ever experienced. Why the hell was it so painful?

She closed her eyes, bringing the glass to her lips and knocking back the strong liquid. The clock began to creep up on midnight and the practically empty bar (aside from her friends) was preparing for closing. She'd spent yet another night thinking about him. 

He was everything. Yet somehow, it wasn't working. The glass slammed down on the bar, the sound sending a shiver down her spine as her dull brown eyes stared at her hand. The burn of the alcohol lingered in her throat, on her tongue, and lips. Taunting her to drink more. Taunting her to drink away his memory.

So she ordered another.

But he was too much. Just thinking about him, though made her feel impossibly alone, made it a little better. She could still see him, Hear him. Smell him. Taste him. His gentle, soft lips on hers, lingering for the sweetest kiss known to man.

She didn't mean to give in and kiss him. She didn't mean to make him jump up from their intimate moment, stumbling over his words and shuffling around her bedroom for his jacket. The kiss was so quick, yet she could remember exactly what it felt like.

He hadn't called in over a weak.

She kissed her best friend, whilst sober, and suddenly he was gone.

"Hey." She thought she imagined it and froze. Maybe she had drank too much. "Beth..." No. She looked over her shoulder, her eyes locking with those gorgeous green ones. Her heart dropped low into the pit of her stomach as her back straightened in excitement. Her clouded mind raced faster than a stock car as her eyes searched his. He took the glass, still full, away from her and greedily gulped the liquids. Beth's friends had glanced over at her as Ryan looked up to them. "I'm gonna take her home," He told them. 

Without question, she pulled out her wallet and threw down a fifty before following him, never breaking eye contact. "Why are you here?" She asked weakly, him holding the bar door for her. She stepped through and he guided her down the sidewalk toward the parking lot of the bar.

"We need to talk," He told her. Her feet refused to go any further as her heart threatened to crack her ribcage.

"Talk." She told him, lips parted as she nervously wiped her hands on her dress. "What is it, Ryan?"

"I need..." He paused, lips pursing as he looked down to their feet and laughed softly. In the darkness, she couldn't tell, but his cheeks had flushed a faint pink. He ran a hand through his messy curls and sighed without making eye contact. "...you." His words shot throughout Beth's core, her brow furrowing. 

"Me?" She reiterated as Ryan finally looked back up into her eyes. He laughed, shaking his head before biting down on his lip.

"What I should have done a week ago." He clarified. She was still unsure, even as she quivered under his touch, gasping as his lips met hers. This kiss, unlike their first, was much more greedy. It was sweet, it wasn't quick. It was full of lust and hunger for what should have happened so long ago. His hands tangled in her hair as she grabbed him by the nape of his neck, letting him know her extent of need.

He pushed her back, her drunken stupor causing her to fall against the side of a car she hoped was his. Otherwise--

Well, that wasn't exactly a concern of hers at this point in time.

His lips pulled back from hers, hands grasping her roughly by the waist to plant a kiss beneath her ear, his breath hot and sending shivers down her spine as he kissed lower, hands tugging at the belt fastened around her waist. She moaned, ignoring anyone who may be watching. She wanted this. She needed this. She needed him.

He met her lips again, although breathless, and tugged her flush against his body.

He turned her to hit the door of another vehicle, hand leaving her waist just to tug open the back of his truck. He hoisted her up on the seat before following her inside, laying her down and climbing on top of her.

He pulled back only to turn and shut the door-- meanwhile, Beth laid breathless with her hands resting on her stomach as she looked at the roof of the car. She laughed breathlessly as Ryan shifted his weight over her, knees on either side of her hips while he placed his hands on either side of her head.

"What's so funny, Hartley?" He asked, using her last name. His own lips spread into a breathless smile as he moved a piece of hair away from her glossy, swollen lips. 

"Totally planned on brushing my teeth before any of this," She joked as Ryan grinned, his hand pulling the belt away from her waist. His lips were back hovering over hers in a heartbeat, his nose brushing hers as he spoke.

"Little whiskey never hurt anybody," He chuckled before closing the space once again. She kissed back hungrily, her back arching into him enough for her dress to slip up her thighs as Ryan's hand moved to her leg. Goosebumps covered her arms as his hand slowly slid up her bare thigh as his lips worked wonders against hers.

The consequences of their actions were a meek thought.

He kissed down her neck, biting as she knocked her head back, moaning at his every touch. Her eyes shut, her lips parting to control her breathing as he stopped at the curve of her breasts, glancing up at her as if to ensure she hadn't changed her mind.

He always was a gentleman.

When he locked eyes with her and saw her lust, he almost jumped back into her lips, squeezing her close. She fumbled with his belt expertly, untucking his black shirt as she reached up, grasping the hem up over his head.

His belt was free of the loops, being discarded to the side as he pressed his lips back into hers. Her dress rode up further as she indulged on the swirling sensation in her stomach as the windows became less and less transparent.

Just she and her best friend, doing what best friends do.

I wrote this in 2017, edited it now, with no rhyme or reason other than ryan blaney is a pretty attractive muse. Wouldn't you agree?

I haven't updated this for almost a year, so if you haven't yet gathered, I'm no longer taking requests. However, I hope you enjoyed this bonus chapter! There may be more in the future ^^

If you're looking for something to fill the void, I'm writing a Blaney fic called "The Concept" and my best friend (bxwman) is ALSO writing a NASCAR fic called "Demons," which you'll enjoy if you like jealous YRB and sweetheart bowman. I highly suggest you check them both out. Pretty please!

I hope you're doing well and having a wonderful day/night! I miss you all much, and I'm suddenly update-happy, so keep an eye out for more.

I. Love. You.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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