Kyle Larson

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WARNING- mature readers only. Or be scandalous, either way, I warned you <3

"Go, go, go... Come on!" I bit my lip as I watched Kyle and Martin Truex Jr. battle for first. There was one solid lap left and the two had been fighting for first for a good ten laps. At this point, it was whoever doesn't screw up and has the better car. Martin bumped Kyle's bumper and skidded to the inside cutting the corner low and carrying speed through the corner. "Prick," I muttered as Kyle ran high, nearly to the wall. He caught back up with Martin through turn two, running him down on the straightaway and going to his rear into the corner.

My heart slammed in my chest as I rose to my feet, hands clenched nervously. Kyle turned the corner high while Martin switched low, expecting to get momentum off the corner. Kyle drove down into the corner, getting a run off of it and speeding side by side Martin. They drove into the final turn side by side, one inching ahead of each other. They rubbed, causing them both to get loose.

"Dammit!" I hissed as it looked like Martin had it in the bag. A lap car was ahead of Martin causing him to let off the gas the tiniest bit and Kyle to surge ahead. "Wait-- Hell yes!" I laughed and threw my arms up. Martin was only stalled for a second, quickly coming back up as they approached the line. Their cars were side by side as the checkered flag flew. "Who was it?"

"Kyle said he's not sure, but he thinks maybe Martin inched ahead before him." Kyle's crew chief sighed. I parted my lips and looked over to the NASCAR officials around the track. I bit my lip and looked back to the track.

"Just got word from NASCAR." One said as he approached the pit box. We all turned over to him, waiting to hear if we won or lost. "Kyle got it, congratulations." I gasped and threw my hands in the air excitedly.

"Hell yes!" His crew chief excitedly told him the amazing news. Kyle cheered excitedly before the loud rumble of his car increased and he spun. Smoke few in the air, his red car barely visible as he did his burnout. I hopped down and hugged the team, excitedly. 

"You did it! Hell yes guys, well done!" I congratulated them. Kyle turned down to victory lane and I made a beeline for him. My heart raced and my hands were shaking. I shoved through the crowd as I heard the cheering and got there just in time as he hopped down off of the side of his car. I grinned widely, my eyes locked on him. 

He turned around, eyes dark as they scanned the crowd. His eyes locked with mine before his smile somehow widened. I bolted for him, my hair flowing over my shoulder as I ran to him. I jumped into his arms, my arms sliding around his neck and legs wrapping around his waist. He laughed and hugged me back, his breath heavy against my neck.

"Great job, baby. Hell of a job." I breathed against his neck and tightened my grip as I closed my eyes tightly. 

"Good enough to celebrate?" He asked, his voice low and husky. I grinned, my eyes popping open as I leaned back in his arms with a grin.

"Are you kidding? Absolutely." I smirked, my voice low, as well as I leaned in, pressing my lips to his. He kissed back, fingers digging into my back as he deepened the kiss. I pulled back, planting a kiss just below his ear. "Later." He groaned against my neck and set me down, pulling me in for another kiss. His hands slid over my jaw and tangled in my hair before his lips met mine once again. Softer, gentler, but more hungry.

I pulled away as the interviewer kindly stepped in. I side stepped, grinning widely as I looked at Kyle over her shoulder. He met my eyes, smiling widely as he answered her question. I smirked and bit my lip before turned around and walking back toward the crowds. When I turned back around, Kyle's eyes were still on me.


I stood by Kyle's car in the garage, my hands gently sliding over the still smooth hood. He was finishing up an interview before we could properly celebrate, his words not mine. Not that I minded.

At all.

I was still beyond excited and proud of him. I sighed softly as I looked down. I raised a brow as I heard the door shut and turned around. Before I could even comprehend someone was there, I was enveloped in a tight grasp and his lips were on mine. 

I had a hard time not smiling into the kiss as Kyle's hands searched every inch of my body. He looped his fingers in the belt loops of my jeans and shoved me against the car. Our lips broke apart as he leaned down to nip, lick, and bite my neck. I moaned, not caring if anyone around us heard. I needed this. I need him.

Kyle slid around my hips to grip my ass. He lifted me on the hood of the car and met my lips again, his hands grasping in my hair roughly. My back arched as he pulled me impossibly close.

His hands grasped my shirt, gently tugging before breaking the kiss only long enough to rip it off of my frame. I chuckled breathlessly and unzipped his fire suit, sliding it down off his shoulders. 

My fingers teasingly slid down his chest, his stomach, and to the top of his hip before I pulled the compression shirt over his head as well. Our lips crashed back together, his hands sliding around my bare back and pulling me against him, his skin smooth and hot against mine. I bit his bottom lip gaining an encouraging hoarse moan to escape his lips.

I traced the curves and dips of his muscles as he kissed me, shoving the rest of his firesuit down his hips. He pulled back, pulling my hair lightly as he tipped my head back to better expose my neck to him. His lips skimmed my neck, his breath hot as it fanned across my neck.

My eyes shut. My lips parted in attempt to control my breathing as he stopped and pulled back to lock eyes with me. My eyes searched his, mouth twisted in a half smile as I reached up, cupping his cheeks and bringing his face close to mine. His heavy breaths fanned across my face as he rested his forehead against mine and splayed his hands on my back. 

"I love you," I whispered against his lips. He smiled softly and leaned up, kissing my forehead gently.

"I love you, too, Tris. So much." I smiled and pulled back, reaching up and kissing him deeply as he unbuttoned my jeans.

Annnnndd you're so welcome for leaving you hanging. I personally don't think my smut is any good-- so you get the juicy feelings and a little touchy feely. This was for DodgerGirlx.. I actually wrote two but I don't know if I'll bother posting the other one. That one is in third person, which I think is more effective in this sort of scenario but mehhh.

Hope you guys enjoyed! Thanks so much and sorry if I made any mistakes xx

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