William Byron

914 13 4

A/N For the lovely, the sweet, the BEAUTIFUL _marisatamayo. Hope you enjoy, love! Side note, these proposals are getting repetitive. Sorry kids, there is only so many ways to execute this... Also, congrats on being my 100th post and 99th request!


It's been a long, happy four years. Stella DeLuca hadn't ever been happier. She, a few years previous, had been an elite gymnast but had given it up to see William live his full dream to its fullest extent. It was never what he asked, of course, but it was what she wanted. She always willingly made sacrifices for those she loved. This made their relationship all the more stronger. 

Today she stood by him, hand over heart as the National Anthem was sung. William had a coy smile on his face as they listened to the melodic singer, anticipation growing as they awaited the Charlotte race's start.

Once this was finished and it was time for her to go sit in his pit box, Stella turned to her longtime boyfriend and they did their ritual. She gently grabbed his face in her hands and pressed a gentle good luck kiss to his lips before they hugged. "Stay safe," She whispered as he embraced her and began to grin. He knew what was happening-- win or no win.

"Always. I love you," He bit his lip before tugging away and kissing her cheek.

"Love you too. Get this win, huh?" She winked and he couldn't help but laugh. The two parted ways shortly after. Pretty soon, laps wound down and Stella found herself bracing herself on her chair.

When the white flag began to wave, she rose to her feet cheering. He had this...

He won.

She excitedly ran down to victory lane and pushed through people before tackling William in a bone-crushing hug. He burst out laughing as he lifted her up, everyone cheering around him.

A new streak, unbeknownst to the couple, had begun that day... but that didn't matter. William had other-- bigger -- plans. 

Once they broke apart from a hug and longing kiss, William did all of the social media obligations he had. They soon found themselves walking hand in hand on a seemingly vacant path back to his motorhome in a very excited (and tired) motion. "I'm so proud of you!" Stella beamed in excitement as she swung their intertwined hands back and forth.

"Yeah, actually, about that, baby." He chuckled, a twinkle in his eyes as he let a low breath escape his lips. "I wanted to let you know I'm really proud of you too. Not only for being an astounding gymnast-- which you are." He smiled before gently kissing her head.  She only giggled bashfully as her cheeks turned a soft shade of red. "But of all of you. You're so selfless and caring, not to mention beautiful. I don't... and will never deserve you." He paused for a short beat. "So, this may be a long shot." Their walk came to a sudden halt as he moved to stand before her. 

"William, what--"

He dropped to one knee.

Her eyes blazed brightly as her heart skipped.

"Will you marry me, Stella DeLuca?" He pulled a ring out, the box sharking profusely as he blinked rapidly in pure anxiety. "I know what I want, and it's you. It's always been you... I wanna raise my family with you and grow old... win and lose with you by my side. Because I know you'll always be here, forever. I know I can trust you with my life, and that..." His voice cracked as a small smile flashed his features. "That's all I need. So, will you marry me?"

"Yes! Oh my-- yes." Her voice shook as she tugged him to his feet and kissed him with all she had.

And they did, get married that is... as well as have children-- win and lose. And grow old together. But that story is far too long to tell at this moment. All that is necessary to be known is Stella and William lived their lives to the fullest together. 


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