Ryan Blaney

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Hiiiiiiii simplysophiee, guess who finally got to your request! Haha, hope it's okay and thank you so much for the request! Sorry for mistakes <3


Ryan watched Sophia from across the track, his bright eyes taking in her figure. Her caramel skin complimented her dark brown curly hair, her bright eyes full of emotion. She was smiling at a group of fans that caught up with her, asking her for pictures. At first, she thought it was odd, but she had become apart of Ryan's life and a sort of influencer. She loved to take pictures with fans of Ryan's. Only, Ryan loved it more.

He knows how big her heart is. How caring and kind and compassionate she is. He loves it about her. He loves her. The love they shared was one of a kind, once in a lifetime. He loved her with everything he had in him-- thats why he was going to propose to her.

Sonoma, the place where it all happened. She stumbled across him, complimented him. He returned the favor, only a request for her number followed the compliment. Her kind eyes were enticing. Ryan had convinced himself it was love at first sight. He had been planning the proposal for weeks--months.

Actually.... he's been planning it ever since their second date. Victory lane was calling his name so he could proclaim his everlasting love for Sophia. Determination coursed through his veins as he drove his car out onto the track. She was on his mind.

Meanwhile, she clambered up into his pit box and grinned as the race began. She was excited-- hell, she was ecstatic.

Little did she know, fate had other plans for the couple.

Two-thirds of the way into the race, Sophia's scream startled fans as Ryan's car jolted into the fence, flipping rapidly as debris flew off the stock car. She pleads for him, cries escaping her trembling lips immediately. "No! Please--Ryan!"

Her pleas went unheard. The racetrack fell silent. Her heart skipped beats. 

Ryan was hauled out on a stretcher.

She saw blood.


Chase ran his hand over his face as he looked at his best friend, laid up beneath thin hospital sheets on a fluffy bed. Ryan was awake, only he was deeply saddened. His last memory was flipping upside down and the seat unlatching. He remembered wanting to see Sophia. He remembered wanting to win for her. Wanting to begin their journey to a marriage together. "So, you recklessly drove to win to propose?" He asked, thick brows drawn together. Ryan's pout didn't lighten up as his light eyes fell on Bubba.

The mocha skinned man raised a velvet covered deep purple box, flipped the lid and beamed at Ryan. In between two silky cushioned sat a shimmering diamond ring, elegant loops and a thick diamond resting on a sliver. It was truly gorgeous. "Sophia, marry me." Bubba gushed in a girly voice, pretending to flip his hair.

"I'm not a girl." Ryan spat and Chase gushed.

"What? Your hair is misleading!" He turned to Bubba.

"Someone has to tell Sophia Ryan's a man!" Ryan shook his head, closed his eyes, and sighed heavily. "Aye, okay, man. We'll help. I already have a plan. When she--" He was cut off when Sophia walked in with a carrying tray of drinks, Ryan's pregnant sister, Emma coming in tow carrying two bags of fast food. Bubba slammed the ring case shut, but in that movement, it slipped from his grasp. He darted after it, flopping on the hospital room floor over it and covering it with his body. 

"You good, Bubs?" Sophia teased as she set the drinks down. She walked over beside Ryan and sat on the edge of his bed, handing him the drink. "You have odd friends."

"Tell me about it." Emma muttered, shaking her head. Bubba muttered incoherent words, pointing to the floor beneath him. Emma furrowed her brow and Chase groaned before rolling his eyes. 

"Off the floor, let's go." Bubba scrambled to his feet before bolting out overdramatically. Chase followed, glanced at Ryan and gave him a fake smile. "We'll do the dirty work."

"You're the best." Ryan beamed. Sophia raised a brow, but before she could question it, Emma began questioning Ryan about how he felt.


Emma dragged Sophia out as Ryan, Bubba, and Chase set up his little hotel room all nice. Chase threw flower bouquets at Ryan, who laughed and cursed him out before strategically placing them. They had set up the room all nice, little gifts for Sophia in bags around the bed. Ryan had changed into a button up shirt and jeans (he was being released in an hour, so he was getting ready.) There were little golden lights strung up and a key on a necklace placed in one palm while the other grasped the ring box. 

Bubba and Chase wished Ryan luck, but he knew he didn't need it. They left, and not a minute later, Sophia walked in mid-conversation with Emma. Only Emma didn't follow her inside. Sophia frowned as she walked it, eyes taking in the new decorations and Ryan's fancy attire. "Um.. Ryan?"

"I love you." He got right to the point, any speech he had planned and rewritten a million times leaving his mind. "I love you so much, and I think you're great. You're beautiful, and smart, and compassionate... I have been worrying about everything, how to do this, but now I realize it doesn't matter. I don't want to waste another minute. I want to be your husband. I wanna be the love of your life, the father to our children, your provider.. I want to make you happy." Because of his injuries, he didn't bother going down on one knee. He stepped forward as tears sprung to her eyes, the same love in them. "Screw the cliches. Marry me, Sophia... Lets stop wasting time." He flipped open the ring box and Sophia burst into a flood of tears as she attacked him in a hug. He hugged her back, her grip loosening when she remembered his accident. 

"Yes, I love you!" She choked out before pulling back and pressing numerous kisses to his lips. He chuckled into the kisses and grabbed her hand. He slid the ring onto her finger before pulling out the necklace with a key.

"I also did this."

"Ryan--" She laughed, shaking her head. "You better not be insinuating you bought us a house." He shook his head with a brilliant smile, his eyes crinkling in the corners.

"I didn't. I bought a plot of land though. We're gonna build our dream house on it. Just like you said you wanted to on our first date, remember?" His thumb brushed away tears but she could only grin.

"Oh my god. I can't believe you remember that." She kissed him again, hands tangled in his hair. "I love you. I can't wait to have kids." He paused for a second before laughing, scrunching up his nose. 

"Lets start now."

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