Chase Elliott

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betourneautumn Thank you for your patience <3 Hope this was okay. Sorry for mistakes !! xoxo


After tucking in her 6-month-old daughter, Bailey kissed her head and smiled down at the sleeping baby. She turned to the babysitter and followed her out as she walked down the hall, a dress making it hard to walk. "So, she'll back down with a bottle if she wakes up, just sit in the rocker with her and gently--"

"You already told me, Bailey. She's in great hands, I promise." The sitter, Riley grinned with a bright smile. Bailey sighed heavily and nodded.

"I know. It's just... my first time leaving her for more than like... two hours at the most. And with a sitter, it's usually my mother." Bailey brushed her curled hair back behind her ear and bit her lip.

"I know, I know. But tonight's your night. Go be with Chase," She winked and Bailey giggled. After they shared a quick hug and bid each other goodbye, Bailey walked out of her apartment and down to the elevator. She exited her building just as Chase pulled up in his big, black Chevrolet truck and hopped out. Dressed in a white button up and black dress pants, secured with a belt that matched his black shoes, he jogged over to her as she grinned at him. 

"Hello, beautiful." He hummed and pulled her in for a kiss. I chuckled softly and kissed him back, being sure not to tangle her fingers in his slicked-back hair, much to her dismay.

"Back at you, handsome. What, did you have to ask Ryan which outfit to pick?" She teased and he slid his arms around her waist and dipped his head to kiss her cheek, then the corner of her mouth.

"You already know it." He chuckled softly before gently kissing her again. He pulled back and she giggled before wiping the light colored lipstick off his lips.  

"Color suits you." She winked before lacing her fingers with his. He shook his head with a laugh as he opened the door for her. After she climbed in, Chase ran around the truck and got in himself before again, holding her hand. They messed around the whole ride to the restaurant, acting like kids until they got out. Then they composed themselves. 

After getting their table, they walked down the isles until they got their booth, them sitting across from each other. "This place is super fancy," Chase muttered as he fumbled with the salt and pepper containers, accidentally knocking one over. Bailey snickered at him, picked up the fallen container, and swept them off to the side before grabbing his hands.

"You're just like bringing a kid." She muttered, her mind wandering to her sweet baby at home. Her smile turned soft as she wondered how she was doing.

After a short while, they got drinks and was waiting for their food when Bailey decided she wanted to go look at thee over-the-counter sweets they were selling to see if maybe Riley would want one. She only took her purse and left her phone on the table, which only made Chase spam her on Snapchat. So he did, and with each picture her sent, her phone screen lit up. Only, one time when it lit up, he snuck a look at her phone. His eyes caught the word baby and suddenly he was spinning the cell phone toward him in worry he'd caught her cheating.


Hey g, Ava woke up for a little but she's back down. She's such a sweet little baby, I swear, I love her!!! So easygoing for a 6-month-old 

Confusion set in, but as he saw his date coming back carrying a small bag, he spun the phone back around and sighed softly. She smiled softly and sat down just as their food came. "Looks good, huh?"

"Yeah," He smiled. He remembered how when he first met her, her phone background was a picture of a baby. Then a little while later into the relationship, they were facetiming and he heard a baby fussing. All the times he asked her out, it was "I only have an hour." He looked back up at Bailey and nodded slowly, piecing everything together.


After dinner, they were on their way home, hand in hand. Chase walked her inside and to her apartment door before gently leaning down and kissing her. She kissed back, smiling softly with her hand on the doorknob. "I have an important question..."

"Which is?" Bailey asked with a smile. He sighed softly, her hand still in his.

"Can I meet her?" He asked very softly. Bailey's brows shot up in confusion. "Ava?" Her eyes widened.

"H-how do... do you?" 

"I saw a text, I've heard a baby crying... I don't know, I just figured it out."

"Chase, I'm so sorry I hadn't told you, I planned on it, I swear. I..." He chuckled softly and brushed my hair back.

"It's okay. It really is..." Bailey heard Ava's soft crying and she sighed.

"If you want to meet her, sounds like she's awake..." He smiled softly and nodded. Bailey took a deep breath as she walked into her apartment. Riley turned to her with Ava in her arms with a smile.

"Welcome back. Fun date?"

"It was great." Chase nodded, smiling politely. Bailey walked over and gently took Ava in her arms as Riley looked between them.

"I'm glad. I'll just go grab my things real quick." She smiled and disappeared into the guest room. Bailey turned to Chase as she bounced the baby a little, biting her lip. 

"Chase, Ava. Ava-baby, this is chase." She lowered her voice into a cooing mother-tone as Chase wallked over, set one hand on her waist and looked over her shoulder at the bright-eyed baby who looked up to him. Ava stopped babbling and squealed as she reached for Chase, him in return reaching out his free hand. Ava grabbed his hand and continued babbling. Bailey smiled as she kissed Ava's head. "I think she likes you."

"Good." He pressed his lips to the side of her head. "Because I'm going to stay around with you both." Bailey smiled softly as Chase looked back down to Ava and softly spoke, which made her giggle.

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