Chase Elliott

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This one was interesting...Playful and while the girl may seem rude, I had an idea in mind for it. Not gonna lie... low key wasn't gonna post it because I loved it so much and was gonna make it into a whole book. I love it. BUTTT i won't... right now at least ;)))))

 cvrazon, hope you enjoy! Happy 4th of July, everyone! If you don't celebrate it, then have a wonderful day regardless babes. Decided to make this one fit the holiday for whoever celebrates. 

Stay safe xx

Speaking off--this gets mature-ish toward the end. Sorry for mistakes 


Chase gazed out around the party and sighed softly. Ryan had run up somewhere, claiming to see a hot girl. Clearly, the boy was determined to get a dance in at the annual party that happened every July 4th. It was put on by Chase and Ryan's good friend Carson, and most every other time, the two racers were too busy to attend.

This year, however, they made the time and happily came out to his lake house. The party was bigger than expected, with around four dozen people coming out. Alcohol was passed around, music blared, and as dusk approached people shot cannons and Roman Candles off around the huge lake. Chase had been abandoned by Ryan at least ten times since they showed up, but now with a slight buzz he realized it didn't matter much. Even if he didn't really know anyone there.

After twenty minutes of sitting by the fire, he decided to stroll off as a few boys got too close to him as they carried a big box of fireworks. He walked inside the huge lake house--everything wooden themed and very eye-pleasing. The entire roof was a sun roof, but the brightly lit house didn't need any extra light during the day. 

He looked around for Ryan, and after a short minute he noticed him off to the right dancing with a girl. He rolled his eyes before advancing closer to the two, but his confident strides fell short as he got a good look at the girl Ryan had twirled around just before he dipped her low. Her soft giggles somehow were audible over the booming speakers.

His brown eyes fell down her body, soaking up her appearance for the second time in his life. It had been about a month since he had seen her last... and by then he was convinced that would be the last he ever saw of her. He never, ever had one night stands. Ever. He considered it, for the most part, disrespectful. But one night--ironically at a party-- he was drunk. He was fighting with most everyone there and ditched his friend group, finding her also drunk at the mini bar. She talked him up, her words like silk in his full mind. He liked it. He liked being unknown to someone, a brand new enigma. So he let himself do what he never would have considered any other time. 

And he absolutely didn't regret it. Lucia was beautiful and smart and witty. She was a dork in many ways, but very enticing. Her laugh was contagious and the aurora and vibes she gave off her relaxing, happy, and carefree. He bit his lip slowly before clearing his throat and walking over to his best friend and his one night stand.

Ryan caught his eye before he had walked all the way over and grinned at him, saying something to Lucia before Chase finally got their. Lucia's bright eyes landed on him, them widening slight but she collected herself and gave him a polite smile. "I'm gonna go get more beer. Chase, Lucia. Lucia... Chase." He made an over dramatic wave toward Lucia before patting Chase's shoulder and sauntering toward the bar. Chase licked his bottom lip before his eyes fell on the shorter girl before him.

"You look great." He laughed softly and she smiled, her lips tugging into a crooked smile. 

"You look good too. Still." She clicked her tongue, sweeping a stray hair behind her ear. "You and Carson buds? That's um... coincidental." She laughed. "And Ryan. Night keeps getting better, huh?"

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