Kaz Grala (2)

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So, hyetal requested a 3 year anniversary then of course, the proposal he suggested within the imagine. So, here ya are Goddess..... it's cheesy as helllllll and unedited because we lazy

Kaz was fidgeting... again. "Babe, cut that out." I laughed as I set down a dish. He looked up at me and pushed himself off of the counter. 

"Fidgeting? I'm not fidgeting, you're fidgeting." He muttered and grabbed the remaining plates off the table. He had cooked me dinner, oh so sweetly, before he told me he wanted to take me out. I told him we could just stay in because he seemed oddly anxious but he insisted.

"Okay, I'm fidgeting." I laughed softly and set a plate on the drying rack. "Where are we going tonight?" I asked him and his head shot up quickly.

"What do you know?" He asked quickly. I couldn't help but laugh as I shut off the sink and walked over toward him. 

"I don't know anything, Kaz!" I giggled and slipped my hands around his shoulders. "All I know for sure is you're being weird. What's going on? Do you want to talk about it?" He sighed, his cheeks flushing pink as he relaxed a bit, his hands sitting on my hips. 

"I'm sorry, it's nothing. I'm just excited to take you out." He chuckled and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. I smiled and nodded.

"And where is that?"

"It's a surprise. Get dressed." He urged and I raised a brow.

"Formally, normal, hobo... gimme something." He laughed softly and brushed a strand of my hair out of the way.

"Anything... casual is fine." He grinned widely.


I stood before a large building, the smell of livestock overpowering. I grinned as I glanced at Kaz. "A stable? I love horses."

"I know. Let's go." One of the stablemates brought out two horses. The largest stallion was a pale brown with white spiraling around his body. His mane had white, light brown, and dark brown mixed in. The stallion wore a Western saddle and exquisite tack. The other horse had a similar pattern, only with grey and white. The horse had a beautiful mane, drifting down it's powerful neck gorgeously. The mare was also in a perfect set of tack, decorated intricately. Kaz stood beside the greya nd white patterned beauty and held out his hand. "After you, gorgeous."

"You spoil me." I laughed, walking over. Kaz gave me a leg up and I settled in the saddle, the stance familar and appreciated. I grinned, sliding my feet in the stirrups and grabbing ahold of the reins.

"Rightfully so." He smiled and climbed atop his horse.

"What's her name?" I asked as he grabbed the reins of his horse and pet down his neck.

"Bonnie." He smirked and I chuckled with a light roll of my eyes.

"Let me guess... his name is Clyde?" I asked and he nodded with a shrug of the shoulders.

"The little girl who owned them named them and personally, I find it quite intriguing." He smiled and I nodded.

"It's adorable. So, we're riding horses, but where?" I asked, glancing around as Bonnie nibbled on some grass by her hooves.

"Follow me, Liliana." He winked and gently nudged Clyde's sides. We rode down a dirt path into the actual farm and down into a path. Down this path we crossed beautiful places-- the woods seemed to glow in the moonlit path... of course, the dark woods was also illuminated by lights. When we came to a bridge, I grew cautious. It was gorgeous and the soft splashes and sounds were soothing-- made me nostalgic even. 

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