Christian Eckes

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For the lovely vagabondfangirl.... Hope you enjoy bb, sorry for any mistakes <3


Lena gazed up at the structure, the long pillars holding a track in the air. The said track raised high up and dipped low, clearly to gain obnoxious speeds and to please the people who dared step foot in the coaster car. Heights and high speeds were a combination Lena loved avoiding--even if her boyfriend Christian Eckes raced at high speeds for a living. And a roller coaster that went horrifically fast, raised patronizingly high up and dropped at a defiant whip-lashing rate paired with all the smells of fair foods and body odor were absolutely not her sorts of fun.

But the brilliant smile stretching across Christian's face, the tea cup rides, the tilt-o-whirl, and the horse-drawn carriage ride she dragged him on amounted up a lot. She owed him a ride, and he picked this one. "Christian, please... something slower maybe?" She asked as he dragged her into the shortening line.

The fair was almost over, the carnival ride's lines simmering down to people ready to hop onto brightly-lit entertainment structures one last time. Christian slipped his hand in hers, giving her hand a gentle squeeze as he gazed down to her with soft eyes.

"Babe, we rode the tea cups with the ten year olds three times." He laughed as her cheeks blazed red and a guilty smile lined up on her thin lips. "You told me you rode roller coasters back home a lot, it surely can't be that scary."

"No, my friends forced me. I was terrified, but I still did it for the sake of being 'cool'. Not so sure it matters anymore." She clicked her tongue, gazing up at the screaming people whipping down an incline. "Oh God."

"I'll be with you the whole time. But hey, if you really don't want to..." he shrugged, his smiling toning down a bit. She felt terribly bad and shook her head, following the line up.

"I'll live." He beamed brilliantly, leaning down and kissing her forehead before slipping his hand around her waist. Their turn came quicker than expected and before she knew it Christian was helping her into the cart. The front cart. She sat down, her heart racing as sweat began to bead on her back. "Oh God." She reiterated and he laughed as they both buckled up. She quickly yanked the bar over their laps and clasped onto it as the people that were working secured their belts and bars.

"Here, hold my hand." He offered and she clasped her hand around his quickly, him leaning over and brushing his lips against her cheek. "You're fine, baby girl." He assured and she nodded quickly, but when the click, click, click of metal scratching metal sounded and the carts jolted forward, she wasn't so sure. 

Slowly at first, then the cart began to climb the serpentine shaped track. Lena squeezed Christian's hand tightly as they climbed the rest of the way up, and the brief moment at the top of the highest point in the ride was almost enjoyable. Overlooking the fair, all the people of all ages enjoying themselves and having a downright fun night. The cool night air nipped Lena's sun-kissed skin, her hair brushing over her shoulders as she gazed up into the sky. The cloudy sky hid the stars, but at that minute, the moon was visible. She smiled softly, but the when suddenly the cart jerked to the side in a tight turn. Then she thought she was going to be sick as she suddenly felt like she was dropping down. 

Her and Christian's intertwined hands raised int he air as he cheered, glancing at her every now and then to assure she was okay.  She was, and when the track leveled out after the heart-stopping drop for a single minute, her dorky laugh echoed over the screams behind her. He laughed, shaking his head as the ride progressed.

The twists and turns and raises and drops, the screams of horror and cheers of glory. It was something familiar to both Christian and Lena. He had just won at Salem, and his only request was to go to the fair with her and just have a night to themselves. And they did, and he even got her onto the roller coaster.

When the ride came to a sudden halt and the bars went up, she unbuckled quickly and hobbled out. Christian's hand was immediately placed in hers, his eyes set on her as he smiled broadly. "You took that better than I expected."

"Told ya." She clicked her tongue, ignoring how tired her legs felt and how her breathe was slightly unsteady from adrenaline. She licked her bottom lip, shaking her head. "I don't know how you do it. How you race, because that?" She pointed backwards with her free hand. "That is terrible."

"It's not the same, but similar..." He paused. "Yeah, you live a life of fear."

"No, I live a life of love and fear just so happens to follow." She paused before shrugging. "So screw you for that."

"That was the actual cheesiest thing you've ever said." She came to a halt, freeing her hand from his and sliding her arms around his shoulders. 

"You love me anyway."

"I do." He laughed, his hands falling on her hips as he pulled her in for a swift kiss under the moonlight at the fair after a win.

That night was yet another in in his mind.

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