Ryan Blaney

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WARNING: Contains a fangirl trying to hide her inner fangirl. As you were.

I scowled at the bill and pursed my lips as I set it down. I glanced around my apartment and leaned back. My eyes drifted to the extra bedroom and then back to the bill. I shrugged before reaching over and grabbing my laptop, quickly typing up a flyer. I printed it out just as my phone buzzed.

I swiped up the flyers out of the printer and answered the phone. "Hi, Brooke! How's school treating you?" My mom asked as I looked around for tape.

"Wonderful, Mom," I muttered and grabbed duck tape. I stepped out of my apartment and walked into the elevator.

"What about the new apartment? I know you said it was expensive, so maybe--"

"I am looking for a roommate, Mom. Right now actually." I sighed as the doors opened. I taped a flyer to the bulletin board outside the elevator and walked down the hallway.

"Really? That's fantastic sweetheart! I know you're not stoked about sharing your space but--"

"Hey, Mom, I see a nice person ahead of me that probably wants to share oxygen and peanut butter with me, so I have to go."

"Do you mean a roommate?" she asked after a short pause. I smiled and pushed the door open with my back.

"No, I meant chimpanzee, but that works too. Gotta go, Mom, love ya."

"Love you Brookie!" I cringed at the name as I hung up. She calls me every day, asks me the same questions, tells me the same things... Every. Day. It's absolutely adorable she cares and misses me so much, but I still like my space. Despite needing to share it with a stranger.

Damn bills.

I walked around the block and taped the posters up, mentally preparing myself for any strange prank calls from innocent teenagers for as long as my number was on those posters. Hopefully, I'll get at least get someone interested. Hopefully someone slightly normal.

I won't push my luck.


The next day, I was sitting on my couch in sweats eating my breakfast (Fruit Loops) and watching TV. I missed the race yesterday so I taped it to watch it today.  It all seemed casual, a blanket around me in a heap of fluff while the TV drowned out the dryer in the opposite room. But all the sudden, a strange jingling of metal caused me to look toward my door. I frowned as I noticed the lock click. My eyes grew wide as I set down my bowl tentatively. 

The door swung open and my heart leaped in my chest.  A very familiar long, curly, brown haired guy walked in, a smile on his lips. He held up one of the flyers I put out yesterday and met my eyes. I coughed and started choking on my cereal. "Sorry! Didn't mean to scare ya." His deep, slightly raspy voice echoed in my head as I looked back to meet his eyes, my heart thudding.

"Um." I choked out weakly, one hand placed over my chest as I scanned his body. "W-w-what are you... Who.." I paused. I knew the who, but not the why.

"I really hate to barge in, I really do. I found one of your flyers outside the little coffee shop down the street. I called but there was no answer, so I was just going to come knock. Then I stopped downstairs at the lady at the desk. Said your name and she just handed me a key." He held up the thin, silver key. "But by all means, I can give it back if you already found someone. There's no date on this." He held up the paper. My shocked eyes trailed his arm, taking in every muscle. 

"No." I choked out a little too quickly. I laughed at myself and ran a hand through my wavy hair. "Um, Brooke." I quickly swiped up the TV remote and turned it off before he could notice what I was watching. 

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