Chase Elliott

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I gently adjusted my headband in the reflection of my car and let out a small, shaky breath. I turned around once I was satisfied and walked up the cement stairs. The soft sound of my heels clicking against it was audible over the music inside, which was exceptionally loud.

Whenever NASCAR has an event, they go all out. This particular theme was my all time favorite; the 1920's. I had the most fun shopping for this, even though my wallet is practically empty, I totally nailed it.

 I had the most fun shopping for this, even though my wallet is practically empty, I totally nailed it

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I entered the building and looked around with a smile. The lights were slightly dim and the music was booming through the speakers. I saw people I recognized dancing wildly, snacking by the table that had a bunch of food on it, or laughing over by the sitting area. I bit my lip as I looked around, walking further into the party.

I greeted a few people I saw, sent smiles to those who made eye contact just to be friendly. As I noticed none of my close friends were here, I walked over to the food table and poured myself a drink of the punch that was on the table.

I stepped aside once I had my cup and stood to the side, overlooking the party with a soft smile. I sipped my drink just as the song changed. The brief moment between songs disappeared as soon as it came, and one of my favorite slow songs came on. I couldn't help but grin wider as Elvis Presley's "Can't Help Falling In Love" came on. 

When someone walked over to me, I barely noticed because the first few words of the song had me in a slight trance. "Want to dance?" A deep, southern-laced voice asked me. I looked over to him and smiled.  He stood with one hand out, smiling widely. His bright white teeth were surrounded by a perfectly-kept beard. His hair was slightly long and curly but combed back to perfection. His eyes were stunningly brown, holding that adorable hopefulness for me to accept the dance.

I'd be a fool to say no.

"Absolutely," I replied softly, setting my drink down on a table and taking his offered hand. He grinned wider and walked me out to the middle of the dance floor before smoothly dropping my hand and slipping his hands around my waist. I wrapped my hands around his neck as we began to sway. 

"We should probably get past the formal introductions... I'm Chase." He shrugged and I chuckled softly. I guess I had known who he was, or of him. He was the driver that took over from Jeff Gordon. I just couldn't match the face with the name-- and damn, was I missing out.

"I'm Lane." I chuckled softly, feeling my cheeks flush.

"That's a gorgeous name.." He said softly, almost like he hadn't meant to say it out load. I felt my cheeks heat up even more and I bit my lip and ducked my head.

"Thank you..."

"So, Lane. Are you here by yourself?" He asked and I inhaled deeply, mentally encouraging myself to look back up to meet his eyes. Somewhere along the way, we had migrated closer, so close his face was inches away from mine and our chests brushed as we swayed. It sent a shocking amount of nervous-excited ness coursing through my veins.

"No. Well, yeah, I guess, for now, I am." I laughed softly. "My friends are meeting me here. Or should be." I laughed nervously, realizing they all should actually have gotten here before me.

"Well, I'd love to keep you company until then." He grinned and I blushed and smiled.

"I'd like that." I breathed just as Elvis' voice died down. Again, the brief moment between songs was filled by yet another one of my favorite songs. I glanced at the speakers as "Death of a Batchelor" played loudly, my heart thudding to the rhythm. I almost regretfully pulled away but Chase's deep voice stopped me.

"How's one more?" He asked and I bit my lip and nodded, trying not to look desperate.

"One more sounds perfect." I breathed. He grinned and slipped one hand from my waist and gently took my hand in his. My breath hitched as his fingers grazed my arm sending a shiver down my spine and goose bumps down my arms. His fingers easily laced through mine, his eyes never leaving mine.

That was until he stepped a half step back and raised our conjoined hands above my head, spinning me gently. When I faced him again, our eyes met and we returned to our previous positions while we grinned like idiots. We moved a little faster, more playfully and burst out laughing a couple times at things that really weren't all that funny.

He was just hilariously.... perfect??

That 'one more' dance swapped into countless-- us spinning, laughing, and swaying together until the close of the event. It ended with "I Can Still Make Cheyenne" by George Strait.

As Chase and I pulled away, grinning widely, I noticed a couple of my friends watching me from the sidelines as people exited the building. "Um... this was really fun, Chase." I bit my lip, upset the night flew by so quickly.

"Yeah. It was... maybe we could hang out again soon?" He asked nervously, rocking on his heels a little. I blushed and nodded, trying to contain my excitement.

"We should." I replied excitedly and he grinned widely.

"I'll walk you out?" He asked, holding out a hand. I glanced from his hand to his gorgeous brown eyes and grabbed his hand gently.

"Sounds great." Our fingers intertwined as we walked out, my friends grinning and teasing me quietly off to the side. I glanced up at Chase as we reached the door, grinning as he pushed it open and held it for me. He swiftly slipped his arm around my waist and held my hand with the other as we descended down the stairs.

"How's dinner sound to you?" He asked softly, his charming smile still plastered across his face.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked with a raised brow, my stomach doing flips as we locked eyes.

A/N ravenkicks I hope you enjoyed!! I probably could've gone on to explain what the 'date' would be, but I figured y'alls imaginations could curse me and create your own story with that....  So sorry for the wait, but thanks for the patience! I hope I didn't disappoint!

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