Christopher Bell

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For the beautiful _marisatamayo! I hope ya enjoy! <3 Short & sweet, my specialty xD


Karina Schmidt had made history. Her name would be remembered for decades to come, and maybe her name even plastered in the NASCAR hall of fame one day. One could only hope. But she was proud, she was proud of her progress and accomplishments, that was clear as she climbed atop the side window of the vehicle she wheeled into victory lane at the Indianapolis 500. But her biggest supporter was her boyfriend of three years, the handsome Christopher Bell. When her excited eyes and legs shaking in excitement and adrenaline, she jumped down from the side of the car and rushed to him, brushing by the interviewers, teammates, fans, and drivers congratulating her.

Her arms flew around him as he lifted her up off the ground, tears in his eyes as he held her close and tightly, softly whispering just how proud he was and how much he truly, truly was proud. And how he always would be---

As he always had been. Even when she was assumed to be just another Danica Patrick...

But, of course, she put that to rest soon after it was stated. She'd worked hard to keep her career stats up and even harder to come off as a semi-decent person to the media. It was always important to her... And Christopher knew that. And he'd been right at her side all the way from the start.

"H-Hold on, hold on, baby--" he pulled back, setting her down gently. He quickly swept the tears off his cheeks and caught his breath for a moment. Her smile faltered just as his grew, gently ushering her backward toward her car once more. "I've got a surprise."

"Chris, I don't need one!" She laughed, waving her arms around enthusiastically. "Look at all this!"

"Karina, I love you. You're the most beautiful, smart, hilarious, kind, loving, and talented person I have met in my entire life." Which was saying a lot, she knew. He rarely brought out the 'talent' word, as he didn't believe there was such thing. If you worked hard enough at something, it became evident it wasn't talent but hard work paying off. One usually wasn't born with 'talent.' But she was talented, she was spectacular, she worked so incredibly hard and achieved so much in so little town. He was beyond proud. "You deserve this and more, the whole world should be yours. But.... it could be hours. Let's make it ours, Karina." He paused, reaching into his pocket and hesitating a split moment as his smile grew even wider as the realization dawned on her. "Marry me. Start a family with me, grow old with me... capture the world and make it ours, baby... Marry me..."

"Yes!" She screeched and engulfed him in a tight embrace without so much as a glance at the ring in his hands. He laughed, hugging her back as the media, fans, teammates, friends, and family surrounding began to enthusiastically cheer. She had tears falling down her cheeks, knees weak with even more anticipation as she pulled back, cupping his cheeks in her hands and pulling him in for a passionate kiss.

They broke apart before it could escalate, his hands sliding the band on her left hand gingerly, it fitting  perfectly.

His hand swept her hair back, lips meeting hers once more.

Not only had she made NASCAR history, but she'd hit a huge mile-marker in her life on that date...

And boy, was it a hell of a day. 

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