Chase Elliott

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This was a loooong request but I hope it's written out to your liking! Thanks for the request, ravenkicks! All these pregnancy requests-- do yall have baby fever? lmao Ily guys  Xxx


Sneaking out of the house while CHase is still asleep is harder than it sounds-- but I accomplished it. After scribbling down a messy note for him, I left.

Hey babe, I got an appt. I'll be home later, we have some stuff in the fridge for breakfast if you get hungry. xxx Lane

After going to the doctors, nearly folding the test results into my purse, I proceeded to go to the store. After mingling around the baby aisle, I picked out two onesie's I liked and then a gift bag before paying. After waiting in line for a good twenty minutes, I drove home. I was anxious the whole way there, my heart skipping along with the slow beat booming through my speakers. Softly I sang along, trying to calm nerves.

After returning home, I place the onesie's into the gift bag, along with the doctor's test results and the at home pregnancy stick before I walked back inside. I tried being quiet, as to gain an extra couple of minutes to relax. I could hear him in the living room playing video games.... surprise, surprise. I smiled softly and shook my head before walking in. "Chase, I'm home, babe," I called, kicking my shoes off at the doorway. I walked the rest of the way into our shared home before setting the stuff into our bedroom. I walked in front of him just as a gun blasted softly through the TV speakers. 

"Baby, come on. You just got me killed." He pouted and I rolled my eyes before gently pecking his lips. 

"Sorry." I teased and he chuckled before kissing me again. I left him alone, him resuming his video game as I walked into our room. I sat on our bed, took the gift into my hands and shakily looked into the full-length mirror across from me. "Chase," I whispered to myself, my head tilted slightly. "So, here's the thing. I'm pregnant--" I stopped and scrunched up my nose. I reiterated this process, different words being used each time until I convinced myself to wing the little speech. 

I take the gift with me back to the living room only to see him shut off the Xbox. "You done?"

"Yeah. Call me a rage quitter." He shrugged nonchalantly as I crossed the living room and stood before him. I handed him the bag with a smile and he raised a brow. "What's that?"

"For you winning all those stages... and that win." I winked and he laughed at me and opened the gift. First, he pulls out a little white onesie that said Best Dad Ever!. I smiled at him as he looked up at me, glanced at my stomach, then back to my eyes.

"What... what's this supposed to mean?"

"Just keep going." I laughed and he did as I told. He pulled out the little onesie that said Daddy's Favorite. I smiled broadly as he pulled out the other two pregnancy tests, his chocolate eyes scanning the words on the paper one. He looked up to me, lips parted but tilted into a smile. 

"Is this for real?" He asked and I nodded enthusiastically. He jumped to his feet laughing and hugs me close after setting everything aside. I chuckle as he bends down and kisses my belly before jumping back up to kiss me.

He kisses me hard, full of love and passion as he holds me as close as he can get me. I kiss back just as fervently and squeeze him close to me. "I love you, I love you and this baby so much." He muttered against my lips and I laughed as he swayed us back and forth.

"I love you, and so does... he or she." I chuckled softly and he grinned before kissing me again.





"Eliza Lorraine! Come here!" I gush, laughing as the young girl waddles around in a flowing pink dress that was way too big for her stumbling self. Chase walks in and sweeps her up in his arms, which in turn, caused the young baby to squeal out in laughter. He bent down and pressed a kiss to my lips before sitting down beside me, holding Eliza on his lap and reaching around me to hold me close. 

"How do you feel?" He asked after kissing my cheek. He held Eliza close and bounced her on his leg causing her to laugh and clap. I adjusted her little pink headband and shrugged before setting my hand on my growing stomach.

"Pregnant. You?"

"Not... pregnant?" He answered smartly, pretending to question his answer. I laughed and playfully pushed at him before reaching out for Eliza. 

"Gimme my baby!" I squealed. Eliza reached out and took my hands, wobbling to sit with me. I laughed as I hugged her close. Chase pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead then mine before sighing contently.

"I have the most beautiful family ever." He smiled before I laughed and nodded as I kissed Eliza's head.

"We do, yes."

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