Denny Hamlin

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I sat on the bench beside Denny's pit box and sighed. Something was wrong. All the people around me, talking, laughing, cheering. It wasn't that I didn't love it. I did. I loved Denny's fans... and even more than that I loved when they talked to me. But right now... I couldn't do it. People's voices, the roaring of the car engine, the smells of greasy foods. It was making my stomach turn and my head race faster than the cars.

I looked up, the hot sun beating down at me making the people seem closer. My heart rate was quickening and I knew what was happening. Usually when I felt like this, I'd refuse to go out in fear I'd lose it in front of the entire world.

Nowadays everything get's broadcasted.

I sniffled, shifting in my position as I dropped my head in my hands. My lungs constricted with every breath as they grew more and more uneven. My heart battled my lungs, challenging them to a ruthless race. I could hear the blood pumping in my head, causing me to wobble. 

I need to get out.

I swallowed thickly as I fought for air, pushing myself to my feet and excusing myself. I walked through the crowds, squinting in the sun. I finally allowed my lips to part, gasping for air. I couldn't think straight as tears flooded to my eyes.

I can't believe this is happening. Right in front of everybody. I look like a fool, running around gasping and crying. 

I ran inside Denny's motorhome and slammed the door shut. Then I broke down. I gasped, panted, and cried. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I suddenly felt like I was going to be sick. I walked toward the bathroom on shaking legs, biting my lip as I collapsed beside the toilet-- just in case. I dropped my head into my hands and sobbed, gasping for air as my makeup (that took an hour and a half to perfect) rolled down my face.

I was too busy sobbing, crying, and searching for oxygen that I didn't hear the door open and shut or the footsteps that followed. "Oh, baby..." I looked up, my eyes locking with Denny.

"I-I'm o-okay, rea--really." I choked out, hoping I don't ruin his day. He dropped down beside me and pulled me into a hug. I hesitated before hugging him back. I buried my face in the crook of his neck and wrapped my arms tight around his neck. He gently rubbed my back and whispered into my ear.

"You're okay, Adriana... you're okay." He whispered, kissing my head gently. "What happened, baby girl?"

"N-nothing." I sniffled, pulling back an wiping my eyes roughly. "Literally, nothing!" I laughed incredulously as I continuned to cry. I covered my face and sighed heavily, shaking my head.

"Adriana, you've got to breath. Okay? You're okay." He settled down beside me, setting his arm around my shoulders as he pulled me into his side. I kept my face covered as I slowly tried catching my breath, leaning on Denny. "Hey, did you see Kyle spin?" He asked with a cheesy smile. I looked up to him, furrowed brows. 

"What?" I asked, laughing softly as I continued catching my breath.

"Dude spun. A lot. Backup car for Sunday." He smiled. I realized he was trying to distract me-- and it did. I smiled softly and reached up, sniffling as I wrapped him in a hug.

"Thank you." I sniffled, burying my face in his neck. He hugged me back and shrugged.

"Oh, that's what I'm here for." He teased, his fingers combing through my hair. I smiled softly, closing my eyes as I listen to his heart, his breath. I matched my breathing to his, allowing him to hold me.

A/N For the lovely AdrianaCenzano. Thank you so much for your request! I know this was short and sorta sucky but I hope it was halfway decent!

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