Chase Elliott (2)

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A/N As requested by chaselliott and of course, _khloemarie. Enjoy guys ^.^

After a small argument with both the girls on the way to Chase's motor home about my clothing not looking 'hot enough for my crush', we all arrived. I parked beside his old Chevy truck just as Cindy ran out to greet us, a stained apron on her hips. "Khloe! I'm so glad you could make it!" She grinned as I pushed open the driver's side door. I hopped out and smiled.

"Hey, Cindy. I am too." I chuckled as the girls came around the truck and stopped beside me, smiling shyly. "So, these are my two friends Alissa and Sophie. Guys, this is Chase's mom, Cindy." I introduced and Cindy grinned.

"It's fantastic to meet you, girls! Come right on in, I was just finishing up dinner. Bill couldn't make it because a friend of his down here needed some help. He feels horrible about it but said we should all go out before the race for a meal. Oh, and Chase and Kaylie should be here any minute. Come on in, girls." She grinned and led us inside. I walked inside and glanced around. 

Chase's motor home was relatively clean, though a couple NAPA sweat-shirts were around the back of the chairs at the table. The cushioned seats held two people on either side comfortably but Cindy had placed two chairs at the end of the table for the remaining people.

"Can I help with anything?" Sophie asked as she smiled sweetly, shrugging off her coat.

"The salad maybe?" Cindy asked with a hopeful smile.

"That's my specialty, Mrs. E." She winked and set her coat on the hook.

"What about us?" Alissa grinned widely, eager to help. She loved to cook, oddly enough. 

"Honestly, if you guys could just set the table, that'd be nice. I was hoping Chase would be home so I could get on him about that. Don't worry, I'll talk to him." She chuckled softly, though I could tell she was upset by his being late. 

"No need. We don't mind." I smiled softly as she directed me to a cabinet. I pulled it open and reached up, grabbing the glass plates. I was honestly surprised he even had glass plates, considering he's constantly eating out, eating cereal, or ordering in. Or that's how I always remembered. 

A paper fell down from the cabinet and landed by my feet. I hissed and set down the plates on the counter beside Cindy as she pulled out a casserole dish. "What was that?" She furrowed her brows as I bent down and grabbed it. It was a folded up receipt from some jewelers shop a couple towns over. I frowned and hesitated before unfolding it. He had bought a couple things there... I didn't bother to read it all, scanning down to the total price. 


"Jesus." I muttered under my breath and refolded it. Probably that ugly necklace around Kaylie's neck. Or those, like, 30 bracelets on her wrist. The sunglasses would also be a wise guess, considering last time I was in jewelers, they had sunglasses. Way over priced with actual diamonds as studs on the sides.  I stood back up, cleared my throat, and replaced the receipt. "Just a grocery receipt." I lied, unsure myself of why. I placed it in the back before walking by Sophie, who was cutting tomatoes for the salad.

Cindy decided to tell the girls a bit about Chase and her family-- as well as embarrassing stories about me. Like a true mother-figure. 

By then, we were all seated, Cindy and Sophie on one side of the table and Alissa and I in the chairs at the end. We all hadn't touched our plates yet, still waiting on Chase and Kaylie, but we were pretty content. Cindy hadn't changed a bit. She was still welcoming, easy-going, and as friendly as ever.

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